The Latticer Disaster, State of the Game, and Tactics of 2 Capture Systems

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Major, May 29, 2013.

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  1. Menelek

    Eat some lettuce, it's good for you, it got Iron in it.
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  2. DamageKing

    Don't know about half the pop, but if you didn't notice - merges happened way before lattice introduction, and people left the game way before lattice. Lattice actually brought me back in the game, and many others as I have seen.

    As far as I'm concerned - hex system is one of the primary reasons people left game in the first place. Add to that no real metagame - no inter-continental gameplay, locks e.t.c. All of this is being addressed lately - and eventually will bring people back.
  3. ForeverKnight

    Ditto for me, I stopped playing for a bit because it was hard to find a decent fight outside of a biofarm. Lattice makes large scale fights possible, and large scale fights and coordinated outfits are the only reason to play this game.
  4. TheWhiteDragon

    Hate to break it to everyone, but communities as a whole don't "come back". It never happens, and it isn't happening now. We have just as many players players playing today as we did at the start of May. Retaining the current playerbase is the best we can do, and pissing off significant portions of them with controversial changes does not help.
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  5. Luighseach

    The current Lattice is bad but a disaster, I don't think so. Adapt. My outfit has and has had severl good fights against overwhelming odds that went in our favor solely because we used tactics that most forgot they could do. We hack terminals behind lines and pull tanks.

    Anyway my post about how it could be better and is not a disaster just a stepping stone.
  6. DanMan3395

    People like you are why this game has 3 U.S. Servers now.
  7. DanMan3395

    Fiction much?
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  8. Kite Carling

    I don't believe this configuration has ever existed. I call shenanigans.
  9. ItchySox

    The phrase, "the path of least resistance" sums up imo the 'lettuce' solution in respect of both the devs and the outfits. It's an easy out for both. There are outfit 'feeding mergers' going on at the moment. A modified hex system with more key/strategic objectives could have been the best solution. It would not be hard to make it impossible to 'ghost' a base as a lone player (hideous debasement of the term with respect to Tom Clancy), however 'lettuce' is much easier to consider and implement. Shame there aren't enough 'tomatoes'. I'm not happy with it, but hey who am I?
  10. meetjack

    Christ its been two weeks and we've got epic poems of doom and gloom. Give the change a chance guys. The meta game of warpgate locking hasn't even been implemented yet and you're all getting your knickers in a knot that the game is ruined.

    Look I probably don't have as great a time as a mostly air guy with the big battles and AA everywhere these days but I'm willing to give it a chance. Has anyone here actually uninstalled the game? Are we just living up to our reputation as the typical whinging gamer? SOE wanted a game where huge battles happen. I'm glad the zerg doesn't completely steamroll small bases until it finally meets an enemy zerg (in which case, one usually buggers off quickly because its easier to cap in a weaker direction).

    Give it a chance fellas, you'll be complaining about things that haven't even come out yet soon enough!
  11. Kaesarr

    Lattice is giving bigger fights but less tactical things such as destroying SCU generators, then SCU or cap the spawn points around bases....

    But larger fights happen and this is a good thing.

    People would have left anyways the game as they do with most of new MMOs...... after 6 months only the people that truly want to play this game will remain and the rest mostly are a bunch of casuals or MMORPG addicted that just left for another "new" MMO....
  12. Maxor

    @OP I'm surprised someone like you who has played so long hasn't realized the all the lattice system really did was make every other flaw in the game more visible.

    PS2 has been no where near complete since its release and yet the devs keep pushing out new content as if it was.
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  13. Profileiche

    Simple tactic changes: On Stalemates get a squad or even platoon behind the enemy by moving an infiltrator behind enemy lines, hack a terminal, spawn ADS sundi, relocate squad behind enemy lines. Move Squad to base behind enemy lines. Infi hacks vehicle terminals. Spawn second sundi and vehicles of your choice. Establish a forward base and start attacking the enemy stalemate base from behind. This will bind at least 40% of the enemies forces that would otherwise add to the stalemate.

    If you do this right it can break the Stalemate even on the Funnel at Quartz Ridge.
  14. zoobadoo

    I'm not very fond of the lattice either so far. In my outfit there's about a 50/50 pro/con ratio concerning the lattice as far as I can tell. It's about a preference of playstyle, there is no right or wrong here. The thing is though that it seems to be a "play the game" or "quit the game" kind of divider. So it's a pretty big thing to the player base and thus to SOE.

    This means, that if enough people still dislike the latiice system after it being live for some time, I'm pretty sure SOE are going to listen and adjust the system. It's a profit thing.
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  15. Corewin

    These forums are great. People who complain about the Lattice system, always say there is just so much "outrage" from so many people in the PS2 community. Reality check, while the OP and those who agree with him are sitting here whining about the game, the vast majority of people who actually like the Lattice system are actually playing the game and could care less about needing to QQ on the forums.
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  16. Pella

    Exactly. These forums blow my mind some time. To many Keyboard warriors.
  17. ItchySox

    Too many 'bedroom brigadiers'?
  18. zukhov

    You would have thought, if its so unpopular that the lattice due for Esamir and Amerish would be massively down voted. Especially with so many anti lattice threads being created. However the opposite is true....

    Approx 70% - 80% want the lattice.

    Seems to be in direct contradiction to all the desperate thread crating going on here.
  19. maxkeiser

    This. Modifying the hex system was clearly the way forward and would have been easy to do. I still hope that the devs are looking at this.
  20. Vashyo

    Well said, it's gonna stay in as long as it's not slowly leaking players like the last 6 months. It is a preference issue so arguing about it is just a waste of time, so SOEs gonna stick by the majority.
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