The largest killstreak ever in Planetside 2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sinist, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. Sinist

    This was taken March 1st the day that Waterson merged with Jaegar.

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  2. Phazaar

    Clearly this wasn't put up at the time so as to avoid speeding up the nerf :p

    I'd say 'props', but having that much patience just makes me think you're a little too much like this guy....

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  3. matt0027

    Probably some hacker with a few hundred killstreak before getting banned.

    My latest killstreak is 22, sadly the killboard doesn't go back very far, but I remember a killstreak of 34.
  4. Sinist

    Yes I did not post this sooner because the nerf was still being worked on. And anchor mode was being tuned for some time afterwords.

    To put this in perspective, this is 4+ kills a minute for three hours in a single life. My first death came from a suicide.

    I have not seen a larger killstreak, even from hackers.
  5. ThundaHawkPS

    Stupid OP Prowlers
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    That would have been boring
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  7. Sinist

    Not sure if serious.

    There was good 30 minute time frames where the kill feed did not stop displaying name's.

    I once did it in a Lightning once, sure I didn't get to 758 kills but it got pretty boring fast, there was no risk of losing my Lightning and all I was doing was clicking the mouse button whenever an enemy appeared. (Someone's going to tell me "clicking when an enemy appears is the game")
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  9. MNO

    I can't imagine ever getting a killstreak like that so props.
  10. CletusMcGuilly

    Props on single-handedly getting the Prowler nerfed.
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  11. NinjaTurtle

    My longest is about 50 whilst sniping. I found a great location behind a rock and no one somehow realized where I was.

    In normal infantry play my best is probably about 12

    In a Lightning (my main vehicle) about 15

    Kudos to the OP, impressive streak
  12. Bill Hicks

    the longest kill streak was by bombymcbomerson who heroically used his mom's credit card and got rocket pods for his sweet mosquito then at the nc warpgate on day 2 of release got 926 kill streak. He mysteriously stopped playing when the warpgate positions changed and rocket pods were nerfed.

    He's rumored to have went back to his first love League of Legends. He can be seen posting at the LOL tween exploit forums.
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  13. Hellhammer

    remember when the spawn-in was broken for a few days, and people could camp the place where people came in? Yeah, I could have gotten a kill streak that big too if I stayed there for 3 hours. Not saying he did that, just that it was possible at that time
  14. Nocturnal7x

    I find it hard to believe you could get that many kills in that short of a time without the server auto kicking you. Unless the auto kick was implemented more recently.
  15. Badname6587

    Who's Kill Streak? Gotta be Kolie and his mad aimbotting skillz.
  16. MarlboroMan-E

    My best steak came in a HEAT lightning that was on the flank of a zerg from the Crown bridge rushing Alloys. I got bored after about 40 and rushed their sundy. To each their own.
  17. Ghoest

    My best ever that I remember as infantry was 23
  18. Eyeklops

    Auto-kick?'re too funny.
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  19. Eyeklops

    You can look him up, his name is on the screenshot, he is not banned.
  20. Fenrys

    22 kill streak begins at 10:09 PM 4/21/2013
    17 kills in one minute at 10:14 PM

    I had flanked some NC in an HE Lightning, and had a clear shot onto the back of a hill they were using as cover while assaulting a tower. The first AV rocket fired back hit when I had 1 shell remaining, which I fired hastily and missed with before driving off to rearm.

    Got 1 more kill at a different fight before a Reaver podded me during a duel with another Lightning. I had that Lightning finished too - they were pinned in a position where I could shoot their back and they could only see my reinforced sides.