The Joy of Starting Anew

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nooblet91698, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. nooblet91698

    I recently deleted my NC alt, and replaced it with a VS alt. The joy of getting huge kill streaks by just starting the game was unbelievable. I got 20 kills with my Solstice before I ran out of ammo and died. Then the hate tells come in. Since I'm low battle rank with high accuracy, everyone starts to send me tells of being a "hacker" or an aimbotter. More tells come in when I get ESF kills with my rocket launcher, which I had practiced on my main account.
    I'm BR5, and just to let people know, not all skilled low Battle ranks with supreme accuracy are aimbotters and think again when you send a tell :p
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  2. Zorro

    If only rank meant something.... If it did, then officers would have a valid reason to start a new character in order to forgo the obligation of command.