The illogical mega rant of much criticism

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Oct 12, 2014.

  1. ComradeHavoc

    This will more or less be a massive wall of text featuring what grinds and breaks my rusty gears.

    Let's start with the weird annoying inertia physics they have going on when you jump or try to go up a tiny slope. I hate it, I can't put it to words the amount of pure horrid, abominable disgust I have for this. We have all been there, the damned knee high slope at a 60-ish angle that we attempt to run or jump up with futility.

    I mean seriously is there anyway that I may be able to cert into cleats, or put nanite-infused glue to the soles of my shoes? Terrain in general seems like it's a slip-and-slide were the only traction you get is from being perfectly still. Even worse so that the VS have lubed the entire surface of the planet, turret stabilization is a lot better than it was before but even so everytime I pull a MBT on certain inclines the barrel gets possesed and vibrates. Even worse when my 70 ton Vanguard's treads lose all tractions and slides down the slope until it reaches a flat surface, another picture for your amusement...
    Laggers... not much I can do but complain, but complain I sure will. Now I play on Connery, and I have played (sadly to admit) just about on all hours, and I also understand that with the amount of objects that has to render, along with all the connections, but.... anyone that does play on Connery lately well....
    And spawning, we have all been there when you pick a area to spawn and for whatever reason, whether it be the spawn point destroyed, and you still spawn either near the selected spawn usually in the middle of nowhere. I wish there was an option that would cancel your deployment if the selected spawn was destroyed.

    Finally the ejection seat bug. needless to say it would make a cool cert-into feature but otherwise is aggravating.

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  2. KenDelta

    Slopes the bane of the Vanguard.
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  3. Nailhimself

    Totally agree to the "mountain physics".

    It´s funny that you can wall climb along a mountain with 90% slope but you can´t step over a ******* molehill without ******* up ADS....
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  4. Halo572

    The Valkyrie patch did something massive to the reduction of traction.

    Only playing LA it has become somewhat of a nightmare to be landing on top of rocks and sliding straight off.

    On some occasions sliding off and into the enemy and dying.

    And landing and trying to aim/fire has become a challenge as well, it is not uncommon to land and slip n slide meaning you are unable to fire and your opponent kills you.

    Which makes me even more happy that the last time I logged in to play was over 3 weeks ago

    It didn't affect the 12 cert daily claim being as that took less than 30 seconds, but that has gone now.
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  5. maxwell smart

    i like ur post u have funny pics and good info in it 1000 times better than
    borring statistic of rate of fire everybody else always talks about...

    well hope u post more^^ (and dont forget the pics)
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  6. Schizomatic

    The slopes are slicked with the tears of the TR.
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  7. AdmiralArcher

    traction in this game has always annoyed me, same with their anti-bunnyhop feature of making you slow as **** after you have jumped several times in the past few seconds. also reload animation desync and pump action animation desyncs annoy me alot.
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  8. Siilk

    Thumb up for the doodles alone, made my day. :D

    Yes, my day was rather boring. -_-
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  9. Iridar51

    If I had one cert each time I died because I tripped on a 20cm rock while trying to run away from something... that would be my main source of cert income.
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  10. Huishe

    You think sliding around is bad in vanguard, well, try doing that while trying to deploy in prowler! Even 0,1 kph slide means you're higby'd.

    Nice pics.
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  11. _itg

    Hehe, my favorite is when I'm crouched and stationary on a slope, and then I slide to my death because I had the temerity to ADS. I don't know why sliding has to be in this game at all. I mean, perfect traction would have been much easier to code and we'd all be happier with it.
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  12. Huishe

    Because that way we can pretend it's tribes!
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  13. ComradeHavoc

    Yesterday at a Techplant I was running a Stalker loadout, and hiding in a Techplant corner I aimed down my crossbow and I was absorbed by the wall. Nanites are a dangerous thing.
  14. ComradeHavoc

    Going to rant about more things later today, more pics incoming, PM me your rants and I will attempt to re-create it in picture form.
  15. Siilk

    Prowler-shmawler... Have you ever tried to park on a slope in a Sundie? It's like a hippo on a waterslide. If it decides to slide a tiny little bit(and it almost always does), no freaking way you can stop it. Trying to accelerate to counter the sliding? Well, too bad, it will only make it slide faster. Oh, and to add an insult to an injury, as soon as you're sliding, your steering is reversed as if you are actually driving backwards. Honestly, if my Sundie is sliding down the slope, I'm all like "frack it, do as you like you monster. I'll just drive all the way up once more. It's not like I have anything better to do.:mad: "
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  16. Huishe

    Oh yes. It also rolls over a lot, like a boss. It usually gets back up in the end, the question is - do you manage to keep it alive before it finally gets on its wheels?

    The answer is not always yes.
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  17. Rentago

    Vanguards are 100 trillion tons of greasy american freedom, of course it affects its treads.
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  18. ComradeHavoc

  19. The Rogue Wolf

    Remember that Auraxis is composed of high-grade rubber, coated with an extremely low-viscosity lubricant.

    The TR originally planned to exploit the planet's resources to buttress Earth's flagging sexual-aid market.

    Heh-heh, I said "buttress".
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  20. ComradeHavoc