The (HEX) System Has Failed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rubius, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Rubius

    Lately, playing Planetside 2, I've observed the following:

    - 3 continents
    - 3 factions
    - each faction dominating one continent, capturing points for easy XP, even though the points are empty with little to no resistance
    - once continents are captured, the 3 factions swap continents, rinse and repeat
    - zergs rarely, if ever, clash into each other
    - no front lines

    So my question is, where are the epic battles that Planetside 2 advertises? Ever since launch, I've rarely seen one. You might be thinking "oh, well when they add more continents, the problem will fix itself". I doubt that. With no continent locking (like in PS1), any faction is free to warp into an empty continent and start capturing points for easy XP. With continent locking, other problems still persist...

    My proposal is to bring back the Lattice network system (from a great little game called Planetside 1). The Lattice network will benefit everyone. If you don't know what it is, this video gives a great explanation. THIS VIDEO IS A MUST SEE FOR EVERYONE THAT DID NOT PLAY THE FIRST GAME!!!

    The Lattice network cultivates massive battles by directing forces/zergs to one place or another, something the HEX network does not, because the HEX network leaves open too many possibilities, thus making it difficult to forge any sort of front lines... something the Lattice network always had.

    This was also great for defenders, as you knew which base would be attacked next. So you could go there a few minutes in advance, and **** out the base's defenses, set up turrets, lay down mines, get in position, etc. This made for really, really, REALLY great fights. I mean you really had to put a base under siege before moving in on it. In Planetside 2, you walk up to a major base, and start capping... pretty exciting, huh?

    A friend of mine who started playing a few days ago, hasn't even seen a huge battle yet. It's absolutely insane... this problem needs to be addressed immediately. Especially since SoE is advertising "big, huge, epic battles", yet they're nowhere to be found.
  2. eatdachicken

    Are we playing the same game? I think you're full of ****, I see massif zerg/battle ALL the damn time! Don't get me wrong, the Lattice Network sounds very nice, but c'mon...zerg happen all the ******* time in planetside 2.
  3. exLupo

    Weird, I see big fights regularly.
    • Up x 2
  4. UberBonisseur

    It has not failed in that you do not see big battles (you see plenty of them), but the only effect a Hex bring is influence.

    Individual hexes do no matter; it's mostly a "lattice with weight" right now, while lattice usually did a better job at creating strategic decisions, both because of the flow and the linked benefits

    By the way, Epic, while it can be good sometimes, is usually synonym of a polished turd
  5. Vibe

    Never played Planetside 1, but the base designs of PS1 seem so much better than the doorless, boring PS2 bases :(
  6. exLupo

    Looking at the game before and after hex adjacency and comparing PS1 to before and after the lattice and the parallels are evident. The hex system functions, more or less, just like the lattice but on a more granular (and, in that organic) level. The lattice had a flow as does the hex, it was just chunkier.

    If you draw lines between the bases on PS2 maps, you can watch the hex creep progress along them. This is most evident on Esamir where the hex count is the lowest.
  7. Exmortius

    game would be insane with lattice system. you would get bigger and longer lasting fights with ps1 base design. this game is still good though and fighting is more spread out. i think it would be more interesting if they were to try the lattice system on a couple future continents just for comparison on the current engine. then people would have the options for both. i know they are working on searhus atm but if they brought in maybe 2-3 continents with lattice system for old school players i think it would be cool. would offer a little variation in battle types. i do hope that as they add continents they change things up considerably to keep the game fresh so each batch has it's own slight different feel.
  8. MrK

    The engine cannot cope with 2K players fighting over 2 locations only (which was what happened in PS1 because of lattice system)

    Result would be horrible
  9. Khethatipet

    As others have pointed out, the hex grid is a system like the old lattice except it allows for more player options in attacking.

    Do you remember the days of being stuck on one battlefield for several hours and the front lines hardly changing? Or playing ping pong between a handful of lattice points? It was frustrating. The hex grid is a bit more realistic, as well; you can actually outflank your enemy instead of having the map control the front lines, without relying on artificial mechanics like caves or modules.
  10. Bape

    Come to matterson we get double teamed by the VA/TR constantly but we don't give up without a fight. But the difference is we dont own 3 continents nope we own 0.
  11. Naceo

    If you want to see the massive fights, keep your attention on the Bio-labs, Tech plants, and Amp stations. The other hexes are ment to influence the larger bases so treat them as such (like towers in PS1, grab them to kick off the assualt then move on to the main event).