The hackusations!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MisterBond, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. tf2hero

    huh i once got a hackusation for lagging
  2. HamOnRye

    I would not get too worked up about hackusations. Here on Connery we have a few people who routinely accuse people of hacking to the extent I think it harassment. If you are looking for some ***** and giggles, roll a character on TR or NC on Connery and kill the VS player named TruBee. I guarantee you he will send you a tell within 60 seconds claiming he has recordings of you hacking and he is going to submit them to his "Best Pal Highy".

    Some people are just flat neurotic like that.
  3. Morti

    Were you hacking?
    Yes > panic
    No > don't panic
  4. Neo3602

    thanks for sharing
  5. miraculousmouse

    It's 1750 hp a t most, and to get that you need to earn around 2400 certs first.