The HA Question

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rovertoo, Dec 6, 2014.

  1. Rovertoo

    It's not about guaranteeing that one class wins 1v1s every time. That's part of the reason we don't like the HA. Making each fight instead reliant on the skills of both players is what would be fair. LA and HA meet face to face, the one with better aim/loadout choice wins. LA surprises HA, LA wins because surprise is something that the LA worked for (and is also designed for). HA uses his new powerful ramp up shield to raid a room full of badguys and wins against unfortunate odds because he planned ahead for it. The game should reward planning and skill, not how fast you can press the F-key and train your bead on the latest incumbent target.
  2. CMDante

    I try never to use LMGs, so I can't really comment there. but NMG and the AS are the panic buttons in question, I've never heard anyone complain about resist, though I've never actually seen anyone use it either.
  3. LT_Latency

    No way, You are going to drop someone way faster with the Jag, Cougar or T5-amc then with the NS- long range light machine gun
  4. LT_Latency

    That how it works now, I don't understand how you getting owned by HA when you get the jump on them

    Do you play on emerald, We can go and you turn around I will drop you.

    You plan would make HA even BETTER for good players. Cause they don't get surprised. They know when they are going into combat and us voice chat and know when to shield
  5. Rovertoo

    Except it's really not. Yeah, I can kill HA's with surprise. Nobody is arguing that. But the HA will still pop his shield, and still reduces the effectiveness of my planning and my skill at the press of a button. The rewards for planning and surprise and high aim are directly reduced by the current HA shield. This mechanic is not fair to players.
  6. CMDante

    Well the Jag is a dedicated CQC weapon so I don't see the relevance for long range comparisons beyond "No you won't" The AMC kills just barely faster than the NS-15 and is a ******** shakier while shooting. The cougar, while a solid ranged option, also only out DPS's the NS-15 by a small margin (1,530dps compared to 1,489 or so) All the carbines enjoy lower bullet velocities and mag sizes as well.
  7. cykael

    Personally I'd like to see movement modifiers on the classes. It makes no sense that HA moves as fast as Infil and LA. It would also nerf their direct combat capabilities quite heavily. For example I'd do 0.85 HA, 1.0 medic, 1.0 engi, 1.1 LA, 1,15 Infil. You could obviously tweak the numbers but at the moment HA feels too much of an all around superwarrior compared to other classes. In a single loadout you can have a bazooka, medkits and LMG which essentially makes you AV, AI and a medic (for solo play). And you have a shield that makes you the most effective combat class, with pretty much no downsides. Every other class has downsides.

    I also don't know what you mean by HA being direct combat class. So what are Infiltrator or LA then? Because they sure as **** ain't support. I don't think the class balance is that bad though, personally I can do as well with Infil or LA as I can with HA but I think that comes with experience and playstyle.
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  8. LT_Latency

    So they are better, If I could use a carbine on HA. I would take it over their LMGs any day
  9. Titan6

    Except HA are literally a straight upgrade to every other class. The only one you could argue is the infiltrator who can snipe the other units.

    I'm not of the belief that who wins should be dictated purely by mechanics. It's not fun to fight players utilizing a crutch. It's the same argument against the MAX, just to a lesser extent.
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  10. LT_Latency

    Because it's EASIER for LA and INF to ambush. It's part of playing the class.

    With inf, You through down your darts......which no one does cause they are trying to hide for some reason. You figure out what the HA is doing the come in for a good angle and kill him.

    With LA you attack from a place the HA simply can go to finish you off.

    If you ONLY value pure health, Then HA is the best. But it not alway the most useful thing to have
  11. CMDante

    "better" meaning they kill barely faster while being worse in literally every other way. But that's just the NS-15, most LMGs clock in with significantly lower TTKs.

    But we're getting off track, HA has too much going for it and nothing to keep it in check. LMGs, rockets, C-4, win-shield. Can and will just murder people and laugh.
  12. LT_Latency

  13. Rovertoo

    Except you have to remember that the LA and Infiltrator already have plenty of downsides for their flanking capabilities. They're already paying for their benefits, so all other engagements using that expensive flanking ability should be equal.
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  14. LT_Latency

    What down sides??

    LA can and drop C4
    They can fight where no other class can engage them or finish them off.
    They have a solid weapons in the carbine and level hoping with shotguns

    INF can track anyone, move around stealth and have good close combat weapons. The only guy who gets ripped off is the bolt action sniper rifle cause it's not built to be competitive at closer ranges. But if it was their would be tears everywhere.
  15. cykael

    You can on NC, it's called Cyclone and that thing is ******* ******edly broken I am still unable to comprehend how the devs haven't nerfed it.
  16. cykael

    100 less shields on Infil and worst weapon selection in the entire game for manfighting. LA has no tool.
  17. LT_Latency

    LA has C4 have you seen the tears is causes in the forums. Just as much as the shield.

    Infil have the best tracking tools in the game. More important then the shiled. The do suffer from sniper rifles not being competitive at close range because the way the weapons work in this game you can't count on a head shot ever time.....but if they did the river of tears would be too much so it will never happen
  18. Rovertoo

    -100 Health
    No access to weapons while cloak is in use
    Cloak is easily spotted while on the move or with a flashlight
    Limited access to weapons, Close range SMGs or Long range rifles, few medium options

    Light Assault:
    No tool to speak of
    Virtually unusable weapons while in flight
    Slow speed while in flight, buggy
    Limited access to weapons, Close-med range Carbines/SMGs/Shotguns, few long range options

    And to compare:

    Heavy Assault:
    Movespeed reduction while ability in use
  19. cykael

    C4 is available to other classes but that's beside the point anyway. The point is those are the downsides.
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  20. Xind

    What's the medics downside?