The great G2A nerf!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by L1ttlebear, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Klaatu

    Yes Gavyne, basically this game will follow what every other MMO has done. Have majority rule over the fate of the game in fear of losing players. It's a downward spiral for any game because ultimately it in the long run, it becomes a muddy mess because the beautiful bits that true fans love get washed away. People that think PS2 is immune to this are only getting fooled.

    It's always the same - while you see a spike in player positiveness for a week, in the long run you will see less pilots, less armor, less of this weapon or that, then the real problems will start. Balancing becomes such a resource hog in the company because its higher in demand, yet the supply is lowering do to a shrinking player base and the rest of that story is pretty clear.

    It's like watching a beautiful painting getting massacred by the same artist in slow-motion because the common folk in the museum want brighter colors or "don't get it".

    • Up x 1
  2. VoidMagic

    How many games will fail before developers realize this.
    So sad... so very very sad.
  3. Exaar

    The problem isn't really that air is too strong or that AA is too weak, it's that people aren't willing to work as part of a unit. They want to be able to do everything with their one character, and if air is killing them, if THEY personally can't do anything about it they demand the game change so they can.

    Also, they want to do the thing which rewards them the best, because they mistakenly think the point of the game is to get points instead of you know, to have fun. This means more people will take the air-spamming option because they can get more points that way, and less people will take the AA.

    I will relate an experience I had the other night - 8 friends of mine and myself got together as a unit. We are not the type to obsess over earning XP and certs, but rather just to get into the game and have fun with it. We organized, assigned roles, switched those roles as needed. We hopped in our own personal Sundy and proceeded to rampage around Indar. We focused on small facilites, and every one we hit, we captured within 30 minutes. An hour later, we had a huge train of armor following us around, other sundies - our force had swollen to like 5x the original number, and because they saw this swath of the map turning red and joined in. We had to stop about two hours later because we all work and had to get to bed, but we had turned about half the map from purple to red by the time we finished without ever hitting a major roadblock.

    We had two people of our eight dedicated to AA. They stayed as MAXes with dual bursters whenever possible, HA when not. We never took significant damage from aircraft, and in fact shot down quite few between them and the rest of us taking potshots from the sundie and other sources.

    Now, it's true that we may just not have run into 200 ESFs spamming rocketpods.. maybe they were all taking the night off, I dunno. My point is just that in an organized team, with people consistently dedicated to being your AA guard, you can handle whatever they throw at you quite well. Had we suddenly been hit with 10 ESFs, we ALL would have switched to AA.

    Organize, don't worry about earning points, pick a role and stick to it, trust your buddies to watch your back. Playing the game this way, it feels extremely balanced and it WORKS, and its 10x more fun, too.
  4. emperorcleon

    Don't know when this thread turned into flyboys sobbing fest support group.

    Right now a G2A HA has to stand in open for > 3 seconds to get a lock on. This is plenty of time to get shot from Snipers, ESFs and Tanks. The fact is ESF kills are low risk high reward right now whereas G2A kills are high risk and low reward (at max I might just damage the ESF and not get any XP)

    Taking out 1 ESF requires massive amount of co-ordination whereas one ESF flyboy can lay way to large groups of Infantry.

    We are not asking to make taking out ESFs easy. We are just asking to make is fair
  5. Lokarin

    We'll have to see how the new AA rockets work.

    Because if they don't work then all they've accomplished is add 4 more counters to the AA units.
  6. Landtank

    This is a good response. If devs see that people aren't buying a weapon then they will adjust it and listen to feedback. I personally don't care either way, I fly a Reaver about 35% of the time and in my experience two rockets is indeed enough to kill a fighter because they get set on fire. So unless they have fire suppression they have to extremely quickly land, which is difficult, and then repair immediately. It seems fair to me, although I can definitely understand the frustration of not being able to get kills.

    Experience per hit, much like engineer and medic experience per tick, would be a good system for AA, everyone would be happy I think. Every hit gives some XP, so AA is a good deterrent, people get experience, and pilots can actually be mildly effective in hostile air space.
  7. Reizod

  8. TartarusMkII

    You have to anticipate the future inclusions of new weapons such as the Decimator.
  9. Degenatron

  10. Bannock

    Fulfilling the wishes of a minority would be better then? :)

    Besides, as in most MMO's, all posters in their forums are the minority, fighting over different topics and calling other side idiots (Gotta love the Internet where all peeps are so strong! :cool: )
    The real majority plays and pays, adapting to the changes. Except a game is really bad, which PS2 for sure is not.
    And always there is someone telling that if the devs don't do what they think is right the game will die...

    Oh well...
  11. Soujyo

    Flyboys sobbing fest? First of all my original thread was redirected to this one... <shrug> nothing I can do since they aren't exactly the same talking points, but forum mods do what forum mods do. =) Too busy I'm sure after today's patch.

    The point is and always was that G2A is fine, as a person who plays both infantry and air the tools are already there for crying out loud. Oh 3 whole seconds you have to wait? Yup because you can see the one to maybe a handful of air streaming in from miles out and take action long before they can even see you. I realize balance often escapes people who think that because standing in the open field with a shoot me sign instead of using bountiful cover resulted in them dying, must be a broken game mechanic right? =)

    Fact is, burster maxes have 0 lock on needed, and absolutely wreck air assuming you're smart enough to shoot ahead of the target and wait for them to get a little closer so they can't escape. Taking out 1 ESF takes almost no coordination, no ESF is going to stay in burster fire unless they like being dead. No ESF in their right mind is going to stay past the first rocket they block with flares knowing full well enemy air or additional G2A is likely inbound.

    Large groups of infantry dying to 1 ESF honestly deserve to die. First of all the rockets have a 3m blast radius now nerfed to 1.5m that's roughly 10ft down to 5ft. Infantry that is sitting together inside a 3m radius is a sitting duck to a grenade, a tank, a lighting, a lib, a HA with a rocket.... All of them are OP by that logic haha. Secondly, even with max composite armor (no small cert investment) the damage reduction from flak was minimal, made pointless by todays patch. Air will not and can not stay and just eat AA, even at max distance you will die fairly quick. Lib's and gals are a bit of exception to that, but you've done something very wrong if a lib is able to sit around and bomb you.

    Again it is the failure of the entire force in the area if ESF are able to gain a foothold, your factions air has failed, your factions AA infantry / Maxes have failed (because they are not there obviously), your factions ground vehicles have failed as they are plenty dangerous to lingering air.

    This is no different than a tank column or a large infantry zerg fest breaching into a base, there are counters and they all take effort from more than one player as they should. In fact I'll go so far as to say air takes the least number of people to create a deterrent. 2 Burster maxes, and 1 HA can keep several ESF at bay with out even taking damage, try holding a tank column up with 3 people.
  12. emperorcleon

    yes because an ESF can only fire 1 rocket during a bombing run , right?
  13. Imnuktam

    They should have fixed these things before nerfing them.

    How often do you lock onto a turret at a base and have every single missle fire low and not even hit the turret after firing? Happens to me all the time unless i fire on it from an elevated position OR dumb fire it. I already have to hurry and get the shot off dumb fire to beat the lock on time as to not waste the shot. Shouldnt this be fixed before nerfing the weapon so it becomes LESS useful to me than the non lock on variant I started with since I can pop out and quick fire at a tank instead of popping out for 3 seconds waiting to almost lock on before the tank kills me.

    Same goes with G2A missles. These already did half damage to tanks, took me around all 5 missles each time I killed one and that means I am landing 5 shots on a tank that only needs to hit me once to kill me. Doesnt sound op to me, ill take the tank and get a better ktd ratio any day. Same for shooting planes with the av in dumb fire, how badly do you need to be operating your aircraft for people to land hits on you with this? Also the projectile speed is sooooo freaking slow that most pilots need to only mash afterburner to escape or the ever popular leet move of flying in a circle.

    Would be nice if these things actually functioned properly before starting to get nerfed. Would also be nice to be offered a refund when changing the weapon entirely like this will. I dont see why I would want to use my lock on varieties now that I bought with all three of my toons that are on dif empires, what a fkin waste x3!