The gatekeeper

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cyiko, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. Flag

    Praise the Warp!
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  2. asmodraxus

    So do we have a diseased pig and a knife, and I'll be taking the knife...
  3. Scr1nRusher

    But what if the knife can revive the pig?
  4. Movoza

    Fun facts about the Prowler. If you hit 1 in 2 shots with the AP, the Vanguard needs to hit 3 in 4 to get the same DPS and the Magrider needs to hit 4 in 5 shots. Looking at stuff like all time and monthly stats, the Prowler does have more DPS, kills significantly more everything (except air) and makes the "oh but look the Prowler misses more" argument laughable. Able to miss 50% vs 25% and 20%? The gap here is incredible.
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  5. asmodraxus

    Simple fix

    Nerf the GK velocity to 400
    Buff the Saron and Enforcer to 400 and the Halberd to 375

    Increase the drop and bloom very slightly on GK
    The increase in velocity should reduce the drop on the Enforcer and Halberd
    Reduce the bloom on the Mag slightly and increase the bloom recovery, not so it can spam with no bloom, it still needs bloom to counter long range spammage, or just increase the damage and leave the bloom alone
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  6. Moridin6

    too much sense, clearly
  7. Scr1nRusher


    Let long range be long range.
  8. Scorpion97

    he is a poet