The Game Kills the MAX Suit's Value

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Stellus, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. Stellus

    • Got killed in a MAX suit, my corpse bugged and no medic could revive me. Four different medics tried.
    • Game crashed on me while in a MAX suit. Logged back in and did not have my suit anymore. 350 resources wasted.
    • MAX suit becomes bugged to where an Engineer cannot repair them. They have to shoot you with a bullet first so that the damage registers and "unsticks" you from that bug.
    • With Flak armor rank 5, C4 that is 10 meters away will one shot me. This may be a bug or just server latency on where it think I am in the game world.
    All of these things just completely ruin the MAX experience for me. Why? Because it costs 350 resources to basically get nut-shot by bugs. These experiences make me think MAX's are basically giant coffin suits. Right or wrong, I have a hard time justifying the resources to equip one.
  2. Alarox

    Make this a feature.
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  3. cruczi

    This is not specific to MAX suits, your game can crash when driving any vehicle, and it can crash after placing hundreds or infantry resources worth of C4 or mines.

    Sounds far fetched.
  4. kadney

    Sometimes I have the feeling it already is. :rolleyes:
    You get shot, your teammates clear the area and 3 medics are running around next to you and don't even bother reviving you.. o_O
  5. Blastuh

    I 100% agree with this
  6. deggy

    Careful, OP, there are a lot of people playing PS2 that think MAX suits should be gone.

    Something about not knowing how to deal with an enemy unit they can't face-tank...
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  7. Ash87

    Well it's a well acknowledge fact that max's can't be killed by something everyone can carry... I mean, given the specialization of classes, it's so easy to set up a loadout that will make you entirely incapable of killing max suites by the distribution of your low number of certs.

    ...And further more if you shoot a max in the head with an LMG, rather than killing the max suite, it causes them to magically regenerate their health.
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  8. deggy

    I heard that sniper rifle fire just makes them stronger.
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  9. Rift23

    Came expecting a rant on spamside 2, left disappointed.
  10. The Shermanator

    I don't think most people want MAX suits gone. They want MAX suits reworked to be something other than just superior infantry.
  11. Vinakis

    I've also heard that killing them with a rocket launcher makes them regenerate on the spot with twice the firepower.
  12. Ash87

    Nah, rocket launchers are their fuel.

    That is why there is that popular saying that I've heard on all introductory videos to Planetside 2... I think it was something one of the dev's said:

    "Friends don't let friends shoot max suites with rocket launchers, you are only letting the enemy win that way"
  13. Boomotang

    I've heard that when they step on the skulls of fallen foes, they steal their virtual souls, crashing the infidels' computers.
  14. Vinakis

    Thanks for clearing that up! Either way, I've learned now I should never use a rocket on a MAX again. I'll just have to stick with G2A lockons for all my Heavy Assault loadouts.
  15. Tentakewls

    I think what you meant to say is "The MAX suit kills this game's value"
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  16. Fortress

    Maxes should be immune to small arms and explosives because dying ruins my space marine roleplaying experience.
  17. Flapatax

    Oh man.

    I don't even...

    So wonderful.
  18. Sock

    If you die in a MAX you should die IRL. High risk high reward gameplay.
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  19. Boomotang

  20. deggy

    If you die in a Harasser your car gets blown up.