Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by x7xBillyDaKidx7x, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    So I got the new duster , pretty upset at its in ability to get a kill. I fired a whole volley of rockets into a entire squad only to fly away with 1 kill and a lot of hit markers. Please do not produce any more content for sales until you have a perfectly working game with what you have. And the hyenas are no where near being a good working form of AA.
    The duster and hyenas look really cool, and sound awesome , but i dont like spending 10 dollars on looks and sounds. I feel like a dog chasing his tail in this game. A patch will come out and things start getting really nice, but then some new content comes out and , bam right back to crap . At this point in the game, you would think alot of the bugs you have would be resolved by now .;)
  2. Thagyr

    You bought stuff before you tried them out first?
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  3. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    Yeah I buy alot of stuff for this game . Considering the VR training was broke when it came out ,really didnt have the oppurtunity to check it out first. Go figure !!I I dont mind contributing to making a better game, doesnt bother me about the money part ,just figured it would be more than what it is !
  4. PlatoonLeaderG

    You could still trial.
  5. GaBeRock

    better UP than OP at release, this willl likely be getting buffed in april, whereas otherwise it would be supernerfed.
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  6. Kunavi

    Trial was locked for those weapons, or mine was(Glitch?) earlier when I attempted to try the weapons. I went to VR to try it out and I think there's the PTS? In any case...

    I don't care about the $ either, I've stuffed PS2 like a turkey, like you, but lately I use Certs instead of SC and I'm VERY reserved with purchases. Things constantly change, we have a balance pass coming including MAX and Prowler Anchor changes and people complaining left and right about a myriad different things doesn't make me feel safe, who knows who SOE will listen to and when. I used to say PS2 was still in Beta practically with all those and other issues and people mocked me no end. Go figure.

    It's too early to actually form opinions or suggest tactics, especially from VR or Test but those are just my initial observations, getting that out of the way right now. That said;

    The Duster seems to be effective at breaking clusters if that helps, try low passes on full auto. Don't really aim, just go in and out or strafe quickly and enjoy the occasional Multi-Kill potential. If you were looking for Dalton or Zepher 2.0 it's not it. If you do manage to get direct hits it's still threatening enough to most ground units so in some occasions you may want to fire slowly. Also it's definitely not a "Tank Sniper" so don't just hover at height limit, if you do that is. I feel it synergise with Stealth well enough.

    The Hyena is meant to deter, think of it as ADS; It ensures the target will break off eventually or get shot down. I haven't yet noticed whether Flares affect it or not, if they do that's got to change. Same for the Coyote, again in my personal opinion.

    Also consider using the Walker and the Drake more, after the recent changes(Or I'm deep in Placebo) they seem to have distinct roles and they feel like they actually work. Before it was just BullDog all over and trying to snap shot ESFs if you had to, as Tail.

    Even if you can't agree to any of my points you should be noticing that Libs benefited a lot by this recent touch up and their turrets work a lot better now with the angle adjustments and shared XP. Even the Vektor has become a viable alternative to the TB, though I see no point in the Spur... Unless they give Libs a glass bottom **** pit.
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  7. Halcyon

    Trial for Duster is broken atm.
    Splash damage disabled in VR. You can't test the Duster before buying it right now.
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  8. Goden

    Is it actually legitimately garbage or is actually balanced and just seems garbage compared to the Libs other, much more overpowered, weapons?
  9. ExquisitExamplE

    Sounds reasonable.

    I wouldn't be bothered using my parents credit card either.

    To be completely frank on this one, you, as a consumer, are an idiot. If you go out and start purchasing products that are unknown and haven't been reviewed, that's on you bud. It's up to you as a consumer to ensure that the product you are going to purchase is up to snuff.
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  10. Badmagic362

    I used the Duster yesterday and had fun with it. The Duster is the answer to the communities request for carpet bombing. A lone Duster lib isn't very effective but a pair of them or more and instantly a large area is completely suppressed. I still think it needs a small buff but I really think it's meant to be used with others Dusters.
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  11. Latrodectus

    I'm with this guy. I'm glad they're no longer releasing things in the same state the ZoE and Harasser were in. It makes it seem like they're not actually trying to shoehorn in weapons that are overpowered at release to get people to buy them so they can compete.
  12. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    LOL wish it was my parents ! So where can i read a review wise guy ? I rather make my own review than listen to a moron like you !!
  13. EViLMinD

    The Duster fits my spam n' scam loadout: comp armor/auto-repair, racer, afterburner

    Fly in fast and low, unload a mag and burn out. It's all about the rapid strikes. The duster is the best spray and pray lib gun; especially, when you need to move past targets fast.
  14. Pikachu

    Duster does not drop tons of bombs along a line. It shoots weak shots in all directions.
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  15. ExquisitExamplE

    In that case, either wait till there is a review (or several) before purchasing it. If you'd rather make your own review, then you have to go into the purchase realizing that whatever you're getting may not be useful or even worth it. If that's the case, and if you're actually doing a review, then do it properly it make a video that addresses the pros and cons of said weapon. All you've done in this thread is post a bunch of petulant whining that doesn't actually address any of the flaws or even really give any insight into these new lib weapons.
  16. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    Guess you didnt read the first thread . Where i said, i fired a hole clip into a squad 100 meters high, and got one kill . Seems like a big flaw to me !! I dont play games to make videos and give reviews . Maybe you could use your parents card and get one ,and make a few reviews about it . i would like to read your review about the duster .;)
  17. IamDH

    People please speak at the topic at hand and not what you think of OPs actions. OPs main concern seems to be that the duster is UP, not whether or not he wants to read reviews. OP could of have won the jackpot and wanted to waste some money, what concern of yours is it?

    (at least thats what i got out of it)

    @OP: If its UP i think they will buff it accordingly. I am actually glad they did this instead of releasing an insanely OP weapon only to nerf it to the ground later. I have 0 experience with this weapon and therefore can not comment on its performance
  18. Nyscha

    The Duster is like the wannabe Zephyr from PS2 release except without its splash and damage.

    I remember how easy it was to get like 100 kill sprees at release nearly every shot got like 2 kills.
  19. x7xBillyDaKidx7x

    Yes for sure , I really like the idea and concept . But being the fact that this is a war game, and when you say things as far as carpet bombing ,then im thinking that this duster, would be way more devastating than its current configuration. Carpet bombing was for more than just killing a few infantry. It complete devastated an entire area ,including tanks, infantry, and factories . And if it was meant to be used with multiple libs your probably better off flyn with 2 or 3 zephers !! maybe would have been better to just add another utility or something to configure zepher for this concept rather than buying a whole other belly gun that comes no where near to what zepher can accomplish !!
  20. Cirevam

    On full-auto, the COF bloom gets so bad after a few shots that shells are coming out of the barrels at 30-degree angles or something close to that. It's not meant to be used from high altitudes; instead, you have to do really low strafing runs like Evilmind described.

    Does it have a place in the game? Maybe, but I think there are many lib pilots who don't prefer to fly low and the weapon could arguably use some tweaks. The composite armor changes might allow this fast-and-low playstyle to work.