The downsides of using the VS Serpent are dwindling...

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by TheUprising, May 4, 2013.

  1. TheUprising

    The VS Serpent is one of the 3 carbines in game that have 845 RoF, the others being the VX-6 and the NC GD-7F. The Serpent is most comparable to the GD7F so I'm going to be comparing them directly.

    Previously I believed the Serpent was fairly balanced with the GD-7F, I mean these carbines have to give up SOMETHING to have 845 RoF, and the Serpent sacrificed bullet speed and reload time. Meanwhile the GD-7F sacrificed recoil and bloom.

    After the last update, the VS Serpent had one of its 2 downsides removed, as its long reload time was reduced an entire second, while the NC GD-7F was nerfed with higher horizontal recoil. I don't even think I have to say anymore, I hope you guys see the problem...
  2. Fumblewatt

    Wonder if VS crabmen could dual-wield serpents instead of vortex'es
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  3. PaperPlanes

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  4. Hagestol

    Arent the 845s being nerfed next patch anyways? Wait and see mate, don't call for nerfs when both a nerf and a class pass is coming soon enough.
  5. Vanudrax

    The VX6-7 has a 800 RoF, not 845.
  6. FnkyTwn

    Previous to GU08 the Serpent was the best Carbine in the game.

    Now it's better.
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  7. Mythicrose12

    With all the shotguns around, I'm surprised anyone would bother to complain about a carbine.
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  8. Paperlamp

    GD-7F has better mid range performance due to higher velocity. (GD-7F is remarkably high for a "CQC carbine" @ 500, Serpent is the absolute lowest @ 420)
    I'd trade Serpent for it easily, I went back to the Solstice after buying it because it just requires too much leading and it's far too easy to waste the 30 round clip on misses against moving targets.

    The sweet spot for me would be the VX6-7 without the smaller hip fire but with +50 velocity to put it on par with the Solstice or even +35 to put in on par with the GD-7F. But they're determined to make high RoF = CQC stats, while NC naturally gets higher velocity from their trait and get the only high RoF carbine with good velocity.

    (If I wanted a primarily CQC weapon I'd use a shotgun.)
  9. Thrustin

    Stop with the nerfs and let's the other carbines instead...
  10. vilehydra

    I still don't understand where the TR specialty carbines and LMGs are.

    I want my 9000 RPM LMG with a 100000 bullet clip that does one damage per bullet and has a hipfired snipers accuracy when ADS damnit.

    True suppressive power
  11. WASD123

    I'm sure everyone will cower before the "true suppressive power" of a 150 dps gun with a ttk of 6.66s (assuming 100% accuracy) with god awful CoF yeah have fun killing all those AFKers at point blank range.
  12. ArcKnight

    listen if the devs saw your post they wouldn't hesitate to add it with a 10 damage per bullets along with something just as OP for the NC and something thats complete CR@P for the VS ( its not like its ever been any different )
  13. Leo Cyrule

    Actually... the way I see it, it's quite fair.

    Vanu weapons are generally supposed to have a lower recoil then all the other factions (Energy weapons do not fire weighted objects), but it also means they don't have much power behind them. If you had used the serpent, you'd know that it takes quite a chunk of your clip to kill someone, when other factions if they can aim can normally destroy someone in two or three well placed blows. On top of that, you can't kill someone as easily when they reach 50m or further. The reload still takes ages, and you have to do it quite often (It was the death of me multiple times)

    Though when you use soft point ammunition for it, it gains a little more damage. But, it comes with the draw back of recoil (barely existent) and slower bullets. So you can't shoot as far and expect to kill.
  14. vilehydra

    I forget, people on the internet don't get hyperbole.
  15. crazyoldfart

    just before GU08 someone was arguing with me about how much better the VX6 was. How everyone except basically stupid people perfered the VX6.

    PS Anyone using to many bullets to kill needs some trigger control.
  16. FnkyTwn

    The VX is a great gun, but you're gonna have to reload between kills
    anyway, so i'd rather put out more bullets faster, and then count on
    reloading while i'm jumping off a tower or ducking around a corner.

    I religiously ADS though, and the IRNV allows me to dump the whole
    clip right in my enemies face. Nothing kills shielded HAs faster.

    As LA i take 2 levels of Bandoleer, and as Engi I always have ammo.
  17. commandoFi

    He never said the word nerf, but you react as if he did.
  18. Bill Hicks

    After the nerfed the GD- 7F NC doesn't have any carbines that shine.
  19. Bill Hicks

    But imagine 10 people with that weapon firing at the same time?
  20. Hagestol

    Imagine any weapon in the game firing at the same time.