The Difference In Faction Heavy Assault LMG's

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Laraza, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Laraza

    ...has and will continue to have a tremendous impact on emergent gameplay and population balance.

    Any competitive first person shooter player choosing among the three factions will gravitate away from NC. The random, large recoil(overall accuracy) of the NC heavy assualt LMG's. At first, I thought I had lost the edge. I looked on youtube for videos for adjusting my dpi. I turned off the raw mouse input. I edited my windows 7 registry. I certed for all the necessary attachments.

    And there is still no sense in playing HA compared to other factions. Over time, other NC will see the videos, they'll draw the same conclusions, they'll get frustrated over the accuracy the other empires have over them and leave.

    I'm sure the devs are tracking the numbers, they're seeing the same trends I'm seeing - looking at the same threads. Perception is reality.

    P.S. The Jackhammer needs to be taken off the virtual marketplace until fixed and players who have already bought this (admittedly) problematic weapon, refunded.
  2. Degenatron

    That hasn't been my experience. I use the Gauss-Saw with no problem. My biggest issue was the recoil, but the Adv Foregrip and Compensator fixed that.
  3. Xiphos

    VS and TR start with an excellent CQC LMG. The NC start with an excellent long range LMG. Long range LMGs need attachments before they start working properly and aren't meant to fire extended bursts.

    I agree that overall NC is slightly disadvantaged. People should stop overdramatizing though. We're talking about a few percentage points differences at most.
  4. Kyutaru

    Actually, it's the opposite. Competitive first person shooter players gravitate TOWARDS the NC faction. High recoil management, strong First Bullet shots, and headshot burst requirements are already common characteristics of competitive shooters. The VS have easy mode guns with penalties to balance and the TR are basically running around with P90s and MAC10s. Lots of games have easy to use SMGs or spammy accurate assault rifles, the pros don't use them, they go for headshots with stronger weapons. The Gauss SAW functions exactly like a CounterStrike AK-47, the preferred weapon of pros being significantly more powerful than the easier to spam M4A1, the latter used solely for the silencer and as the CT-exclusive. Body spraying with a high ROF weapon is NOT competitive play.

    I mean heck, one of the surest signs of a skilled player is running around a map with nothing but a Deagle headshotting everyone you see. You don't need the easiest weapon to be competitive, you need the strongest headshot burst. NC requires headshots to play.

    Please don't confuse people who use a FAMAS or F2000 with competitive players... they're scrubs posing as competitive players.
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  5. Laraza

    Wrong Kyutaru. Check out LevelCap's and rivaL's decision to go VS and TR. Accuracy counts for everything.

    You need foregrip and compensator to equal what the VS and TR start with? See the problem? New players shouldn't have to make that decision.

    Over a large sample size, those little differences do matter. When the population is 150 vs 120, those 30 extra bodies count for a lot.
  6. Kyutaru

    Well, we know what type of gamer you are now. It's not the competitive type. Please don't start quoting decisions from gaming clans that specialize in the new age of lower skill cap shooters. The reason StarCraft and Quake still have strong followings in the competitive scene is because they are STILL that good with more available tactics employed and a higher skill requirement. Gaming companies have over time brought down the skill caps and introduced more randomness to the games, appealing to the less skilled crowds by reducing the barrier to competitive entry and allowing for more new faces and randoms to reach the top 16 than ever before. You can pick up the controller and go 20 and 1 in Black Ops having never touched the game before. What EA and Activision have done to the competitive scene is a travesty likened to the destruction wrought by League of Legends on the MOBA community. The people playing in League of Legends competitive games ACTUALLY THINK THEY'RE GOOD! Many of them were competitive teams in DOTA that couldn't cut it to reach the top, but once a game released with fewer demands on skill requirement and more emphasis on team composition and build, suddenly they shot through the rankings.

    You new school gamers have no respect for or knowledge of your gaming history. Go play the original Tribes and see if you get higher than a 0.3 KD ratio. I'm done posting in this topic, your ignorance makes me sick.
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  7. Quake

    I'm with you Kyutaru, games have been dumbed down. Planetside 2 is not a competitive fps game though in any sense of the word. Matter of fact it is the most noob friendly fps of all time. Still it's fun and the best fps/mmo casual game out there. I take a break from QL which is the hardest fps in the world to relax almost in PS2.

    Tribes1 was awesome, clan 5150 here.
  8. SixVoltSamurai

    Seeing how TR doesn't get access to a compensator on the stock Carv, sure. You can equal what they get to start and STILL hit harder? What's hard to understand about that?

    Not even getting into the whole FPS snob argument, it's just dumb since both sides are ignorant of anything other than how they see it or what they're used to.
  9. MechaDraco

    Generally speaking the Vanu's power coppled with their Accuracy out does all the other factions in over all infantry weapon power, The NC's LMG's mostly lack that first shot accuracy, you fire a single shot and it goes around the guy your aiming at, you aim in front of him, the shot goes way behind him, etc etc, the recoil itself to me is fine, its the accuracy that bothers me, with such a huge lack in overall accuracy from start of fire to end, you usually end up dead only hitting the guy your shooting at once maybe twice if your lucky. The TR weapons on the other hand I'd have to personally say are the most balanced, though they dont do quite as much damage as say the Vanu or the NC, the lack of almost any recoil and great amount of accuracy from their guns easily puts them in a very well balanced position, if only the devs could match that balance.

    That being said though you have to admit that the balance issues on other parts of the game some what make up for the lack of balance in the Infantry department. For example, The NC's Vangard Tank dominates other tanks, with the cheap shield utility perk it can withstand tons of damage and easily take down 2 if not 3 other main battle tanks of the opposition before needing to return for repairs. The Vanu's tanks have only the fact that they can move side to side, which is easily predictable, leaving their weaker armor, and terrible cannons to make them worthless tanks. The Proweller on the other hand is once again Very balanced, it does have a major damage potential, but it requires its special deployment to truly take advantage of it, and its armor and speed easily makes it something to worry about when its on the field, though its overall size can become a bit of a problem making it an easy target.

    There are other areas that I can imagine people already know about when it comes to balance issues, like Air, Pay to win, and the assortment of specialty abilites for each faction with their various classes and vehicals. To sum it up really, yes there is balancing issues, and yes I wish they'd do something about the NC weapons first shot accuracy, but in the end, there are other issues that should likely be brought to attention first, like maybe a reduction in some the Cert costs, or maybe some kind of global unlock for weapons and items.
  10. Alois Hammer

    No, see, the strafing movement on a Vanguard or a Prowler is easily predictable - that is to say, "0". On a Magrider you can actually dodge incoming long-range rockets without taking the pipper off your target, which is hardly a terrible thing. (That said, I read this and the first thing I thought was "the Vanguards have a WHAT?" See, where the heck do I find stuff like that out?)