The current fault of the game regarding vehicles (fairly long)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Googles, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Googles

    I'm talking on behalf of a lot of players who are frustrated with the current way vehicles are spawned. I will be talking from my perspective.

    I play this game 95% for the ESFs. The problem is though is that you barely spend any time in them outside of VRs.

    You need resources to spawn one which are a nightmare to collect especially if you're being overwhelmed by opposing forces. You can wait for up to an hour or more just to spawn one and then have it destroyed a couple of seconds later. Can you imagine how frustrating this gets?

    Sometimes I wanna log on and fly but because I have no resources I'm forced to fight as an infantry or something else I don't enjoy just to be able to fly for a bit, mistakenly crash in to something and then log off out of frustration. Of course it doesn't always end in crashes. Sometimes griefers, sometimes bad flying, but the point is I can't get right back on and strap in again I have to wait for what seems like an eternity at times to be able to spawn an ESF.

    And yes, I've tried changing continents to be able to claim more resources but that doesn't always work. Some continents, despite conquering a lot of territories, still give low aerospace resources. Your best bet would be of course Amerish.

    But what if you didn't want to play on Amerish? What if your friends/outfit are on another continent? What if there's an alert that doesn't take place in Amerish? What if you're overwhelmed in Amerish? The list goes on.

    I understand fighting in a territory with the "airplane" icon gives aerospace resources when gaining battle experience but this isn't convenient either.

    ESFs currently are very VERY weak. They can be dropped out of the sky with little effort. There are countless AAs out there and given the ESFs current fragile state, they drop them like flies.

    I understand there must be limits but please don't make that limit resources because it's VERY tedious especially at times where your Empire isn't doing so well. The futuristic style of flying in this game is very fun and I would like to be able to do it more often.

    I suggest a revamp of the resources system, its removal entirely, a bigger cap, the ability to get resources while logged off -> a lot of things come to mind.

    The current meta-game seems to give a very big edge to reigning Empires which is INDEED how it should be and very logical. But sometimes in games we gotta put logic to the side.

    This isn't just for ESFs this can apply to any other vehicle. The game is supposed to be fun. You're supposed to be able to do what you enjoy doing. I enjoy flying. I'm a pilot in real-life.

    Thank you and would love to hear your suggestions.
  2. Moisture

    Its where it is so organized groups cant do unfair tings things with numbers
    There really isn't more to say on it. Large groups willing to use cheesy tactics ruined it for everyone who just wants to enjoy their preferred roll.
  3. Konfuzfanten

    Go to a region with +air resources, kill 10-15 guys, shouldnt take long, now you got all the air resources you need.

    Problem solved.

    The real problem is that you want to play a flight simulator, instead of PS2.
  4. FigM

    This game is definitely messed up when it comes to vehicle resources

    The easiest and most effective thing SOE could do to drastically improve the situation is to change the way resources are collected when fighting in certain areas. Right now, each base is either 100% infantry or 100% armor or 100% air and 0% others.

    It should be changed so each base has a dominating resource but still contributes to minor resources. For example, Biolab is:
    100% infantry, 0% armor, 0% air
    change to:
    60% infantry, 20% armor, 20% air

    this is for resources awarded for killing enemies AND for periodic resource collection.
    This change would close the holes when people become resource starved, unable to pull vehicles for a long time.
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  5. Akeita

    Brace yourselfs, and ready for the MAXes, Tanks flooding in
  6. FigM

    My idea doesn't increase total resource collection. It merely changes distribution % among the 3 types

    The people effected most by resource shortage are the ones fighting on continent with low pop. You'd think that to encourage better fights the low pop people should not have extra resource punishments. Or do you really prefer to just zerg over bases with little resistance
  7. bPostal

    Are you aware that the resource system is due for a major overhaul? I cba to find the details atm but if a revamp is what you're looking for then all you have to do is wait.
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  8. TheScavenger101

    I get the frustration that OP feels, because a lot of the times I'm at the other end of the stick playing mainly infantry and I sometimes feel that there's just too MANY vehicles on the battlefield.

    I have friends that enjoy flying and they all agree that the airgame in PS2 is kinda whack right now. I wouldn't know because the only flying I do is from warpgate and to the hex I want, land and leave the ESF to explode :p, but maybe making vehicles more accessible and faster to respawn isn't such a good idea given the fact that they're already spammed (I think someone above mentioned this). Maybe just a slight change to survivability to the ESF's would be a better way to go ? Reducing the amount of turrets overall in game is another thing I wouldn't mind :p (talking about the big ones on battlements and towers not the engie turrets).

    Anyway, it's fun to see the other side of the coin and even if it sounds horrible, I'm glad the opposing side also gets frustrated, feels like a relief xD.
  9. Googles

  10. Axehilt

    I like this and it definitely improves things on paper, but it also starts to detract from the reasons to fight at places. Like right now I basically care about my empire owning two things: first, a tech plant, and second an Amp Station (for the air resources) and all the surrounding bases (which usually also have air resources.)

    But to be clear, the desire to fight for those places is pretty minor currently and I think your proposal here is worth doing anyway.

    The resource/cooldown systems could still use a total overhaul afterwards, but 60/20/20% resource gain at bases should be a relatively quick fix for improving things in the short-term.
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  11. FigM

    If we still had the HEX based fighting system I would agree with you. But since we are on a lattice with very predictable and limited paths, there are many cases where you simply have no choice to fight in the area where your resource is located

    SOE pretty much decided the routes for fighting, and you gonna fight there whether you like it or not
  12. Axehilt

    Let's not exaggerate the truth. If you go to this map site right now and pick a server and continent, each empire has at least 3 places to attack, and often more like...well let's check: Connery, TR, Indar, there are 6 different places to attack or defend. And the resource/tech needs of my empire would definitely factor into my decision of where to fight, then afterwards I'd choose based on which opponent held the most territory (since losing empires fighting each other is strategic stupidity.)

    So the truth is that you do have choices with lattice, and those choices do matter regarding tech/resources, but that the resource side of that is worth blurring a little in order to have more reliable resource income.
  13. HerpTheDerp

    Literally everything in your post is either:
    a) ********/wrong
    b) whining
  14. Zagareth

    The current system is OK, unless you are warpgated or close to... from my own experience on other toons, I know it can be hard to fight in ESFs but a skilled ESF pilot will always get a new one once he gets dropped out of the sky. Unfortunately this can take time to get in the "skilled range" of pilots, depending on your talent.

    SOE intentionally makes rescources low for non-paying people, because they want you to pay. But still, even as non-member or non-boost-user and with enough skill you can get a vehicle whenever you want - the point is: either pay or get enough skill...