The best scoot n shoot weapon?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Kriegson, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. Kriegson

    While I can work with ADS, I often tend to overthink my shots when I slow down, or end up tromping about a bit too slowly for the class and not really exploiting the LA's maneuverability.
    I often end up sprinting, jetting and generally hauling *** all around the area before cranking off some shots from the hip at targets.

    Ideas for excellent hipfire weapons for NC? I would think baron, SMG's of course. But anything in particular come to mind?
  2. Iridar51

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  3. SeanFree

    To build off Iridar, NC has access to great SMG's. The Blitz can mow down 3 people in one magazine easy in CQC, the Cyclone is like a majestic little baby carbine that's still awesome in CQC. I'd try out both and see which you like better.

    NS SMG's can be very good if you're a HS machine but if you're not, I can't really recommend them over other options.

    GD-7F can be a monster but it's usually only good for one kill per mag and has a loooonnnnnnggggg reload.
  4. cruczi

    There's nothing Carbine-like in the Cyclone. It's just a high damage per shot, lowish ROF SMG. Range, damage tiers, velocity, hipfire bloom, ADS accuracy - qualities where SMG's and carbines most differ - are all typical for an SMG.
  5. SeanFree

    Yes, it IS an SMG. It just feels like a carbine and an SMG had a baby, probably because of the lower ROF/higher damage model. It's kind of like a carbine in a way that the Lynx reminds some people of a big SMG or the small clip LMG's like they're big assault rifles.
  6. cruczi

    Right. But I think NS-7 PDW is the weapon whose parents were probably a 750 ROF carbine and a 125 damage SMG. It inherited hipfire accuracy, mobility and ADS cone of fires from its SMG parent, and from its carbine daddy (yes, carbines are male, SMG's female ;)), it acquired the fewer damage tiers. Meanwhile, the genes for velocity are expressed from both parents, resulting in a velocity midway between SMG's and carbines.
  7. WarmasterRaptor

    That's too much weaponry intercourse for me to handle. I'm flagging this for 18+ only.
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  8. SeanFree

    Mmmm juicy with the HS' feels like it has no recoil. Such a timid child :)