[Suggestion] The balance between a rank 40 and a new player is little extreme. Here's a suggestion.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zarth, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Zarth

    Make new players have more health. So the 10%+ extra health perk just adds on to that initial health. It would make new players not feel as gibbed trying to rank up and get lots of certs. The higher cert guns are very powerful and the standard ones are pretty mediocre. The extra health would help new players to feel like they are more of a threat.
  2. Mobius One

    I talked my friend into playing this game and he's earned well over 200 certs in just 2 nights of play. No premium. No boosts. He refuses to spend money on this game until he gets a better PC.

    Starting level cert purchases are incredibly affordable. This suggestion is not necessary. As it stands they get 10% more health for 1 cert.
  3. PlayerOneSVK

    tho worst idea what i ever hear
  4. ADFXOzymandias

    I have to say no. This game has a very steep learning curve, but it's something you just need to get past. Think about how accomplished you'll feel when you get to BR 40 and kill a BR 1. I certainly have that "I was there once." feel.