That's the kind of players we need.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AndreDoc, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. AndreDoc

    Just happened on Waterson - NC

    Basically I got tked because I was driving my flash among other allied sundies and vanguards (wtf). We had just capped an outpost and were heading to Impact Site, I was on my stealth flash as an infiltrator to try hacking enemy terminals.
    I don't usually care about tk, but this...


    Already reported ingame and at support site, not sure if I should post this here, I kinda like the NC and want the best for my faction.
  2. Lucidius134

    Inb4 lock for name and shame
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  3. AndreDoc

    Oh that, thanks.
  4. Hosp

    So someone shot you and you come to forums to complain? Take the high road...blow up the guys tank and carry on. No need for drama.
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  5. Regpuppy

    Frankly, from what little evidence I'm seeing. This easily could've just been a minor accident that you started TKing him for, more than once apparently, that caused this needless drama. As far as I can tell, YOU needlessly escalated it so YOU are just as much to blame as him.

    For a single TK you ignore it and move on, or if you need to, report it and move on.
  6. HooWoo

  7. Tommyp2006

    **** happens
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  8. Jellypig

    It happens sometimes. You'll get used to it. Just toss a couple bricks on their vehicle and blow it away with a rocket launcher and move on.
  9. Angry Scientist

    Anyone that drives a flash into the middle of a vehicle zerg, much less one that is currently stealthed, absolutely deserves what's coming to them. They go off road. Do it.
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