that akward moment

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TOXIC_MACHAMP, Apr 14, 2016.


    that awkacard moment when u remember the old days #reopenPS4forums #PS4livesmatter i feel like here in the pc forums were getting kinda along but i also feel like i cant joke around as much :( all the pc people are so serious btw i have a new anti air super lightning it has top armor skygaurd speed upgrade and air radar so feel safer when im around infantry also thanks so much my youtube is earning me 42 cents a month not kiding thats crazey right im gonna be like pewds in a few months ;) keep watching my videos :D also the funny thing is built that aa lighting just for aekir but he is leaving :( so i guess ill have to use it to wrek the xtre clan yes ny wall of texts are back i hope you enjoy #PS4livesmatter im out peace,
  2. IroncladBomber

    Did your train of thought derail as you typed this. Also we PS4 players can joke here, there is a difference between a joke and constant sh*t posting. Honestly can you not maintain a coherent point? You went from "reopen ps4 forums" to "lol skyguard" to "i make 50cents a month" back to "reopen ps4 forums."

    Xanives do u still work for me lol I'll give you 3 percent of my YouTube earnings

    No it's 42 cents thanks for exaggerating though a**hole I live on that money :( I'm also a canible so I don't pay to eat and I steal the naighbors wifi electricity and water supply :( to live
  5. XanIves

    Geez, didn't know I drew a salary :p

    so does noone care that we got free memborship???
  7. AxiomInsanity87

    You feel like you can't joke around?.

    Well you can if you think about it.

    i can still joke just i feel like not as much
  9. AxiomInsanity87

    I think you need a joint mate.
  10. Shiaari

    Yeah, PC players are a pretty serious lot. We're generally more competitive than the console players, and we think much too highly of our own abilities. But, that's what comes from playing to win, and I'm not saying console players don't, but that the professional gaming scene is dominated by extremely competitive PC players.

    As for not being able to joke around, not sure where that's coming from. I recently replied to a comment invoking the visage of Karl Rove. Hard to joke harder than that! :D
  11. Trudriban

    Jeezus H Christ, if this is how far the console gaming community has devolved I can see why the feminists are out for blood