[Suggestion] Thanks for Nerfing the Hell out of my EMF!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mr.Croupe, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Mr.Croupe

    Thanks for nerfing the ESF!! Serious now you can get out flown by a lib who can now dog fight better and in the long run destroy your ground troupes while they are gunning you out of the sky and there is noting you can do but shoot them over and over and over till one of the other libs out with just a pilot GUNS you right out of the air. BULL **** DEVS! Put the Fight back in our ESF's. All the cry babes that said they were to powerful need to shut the hell up and deal with it because what we have now wont touch a lib let alone a Galaxy. I want my air potency BACK the game is tedious and frustrating enough I don't see any reason to play if the only part I like is so completely impotent against the one thing they need to have superiority over and that is liberators! 200+ kills in my Scythe and I have never been so underwhelmed by what has been done to then, as I am now.
  2. Voidreaperx

    Is there a drop of suggestion in that ocean of QQ?
  3. Inkos

    And where is the problem? ESF A2A wasnt nerfed (I think it was buffed, at least the A2A missiles), only A2G. And I never got out flown by libs, they aer victims as everytime.
  4. vnps

    Your ESF has better agility, acceleration, and top speed - use it.
  5. Bejita231

    If its tedious its because you're playing easy mode Air, Libs need to be heavily nerfed, your ESF doesnt need buffs at all
  6. Bape

    I heard they did a stealth nerf but to AA maxes range which is even worse so wtf is the QQ about?
  7. Wahooo

    His precious Air to GROUND rockets are LESS effective against liberators and galaxies.
  8. Ghostick

    Wow, is that a moment of insight in your inane, false babble? Did you snap and your manly side came out, shouted at you to stop being a child, and then got drowned out by your tears?

    Looks like it.
  9. Otsu

    Keep in mind that they are still effective though...
    Just become a better pilot.
    • Up x 1
  10. wolfva

    I took on a Lib yesterday in my reaver. Damaged him good, but he shot me down. Let's see...I can rant and rage about how ESF's have been 'nerfed', demanding that SOE make changes that benefit me. Or....I can learn from the mistakes I made and strive to become a better pilot. Hmmmm. Throw a temper tantrum? Try to better myself? Better myself? Tantrum? Dagnabbit! What a hard decision!

    Actually, not hard at all. I pick 'better myself'.
  11. wwwyzzerrdd

    outflown by a lib? i dont think the nerfs are the problem