Terran Republic underpowered?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xArchAngelx, Apr 20, 2013.

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  1. NoblesseOblige

    Stats on spreadsheets have very little bearing on how things actually happen.
    There are too many variables to account for using them.
    Like, for instance, not being able to hit anything beyond 30m meaning you need to get close.
    But you can't get close when you're popping shots off within a spawn shield.
    So you need to get closer. Bam. More deaths.
    But this risky behavior also means you get more kills.
    See where I'm going with that?
    The removal of flinch caused NC's weapons to outpace everyone else's. VS's recent changes means they are TR without bullet drop and less cof.
    TR's 10 extra shots in their carbines...really don't amount to anything when you will hit 10 of them and both of the other factions will hit 15.
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  2. VexTheRaven

    TR has recoil?
  3. Dramonicous

    Stupid bloody terrans...
    OP says that magrider (pre update7) could take on 2-3 other mbts (or maybe meant 1 at a time but kill that many) which just means that it was a sad couple of prowler drivers. Pre 07 our lightning was atleast 20% more effective at killing mbts than magrider.

    Do u understand? Lightning was our "MBT"
    Why the hell shouldnt they have buffed magrider back to a useful level then?
    I still hate the magrider cuz it has too many drawbacks from the ability to strafe that makes it near impossible to land a shot on range (specially with its horrible arc). Granted I would prolly be able to overcome the hard learning curve of magrider if I could be bothered, but atm I rather stick with a flash tbh.. even for taking out tanks.
  4. EnviousCipher

    The higher magazine count also doesn't mean you stay in the fight for longer, you spend so much time dicking about looking for a safe place to reload that you're too far from the fight to get back in it. You kill the guy, but you don't have enough rounds left to keep in the fight, and you're kept out of it for longer.

    I'd trade the LC2 for the GD-7F for that simple fact any day of the week. The faster you reload, the faster you get back in the fight, the faster you kill the enemy. Magazine capacity means jack **** when its really there as a crutch to make up for all the missed shots due to ridiculous recoil.
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  5. Cyridius

    This is entirely false.

    TR has the same damage values as the Vanu. Infact, both our highest damage weapons do 167 damage and share the same rate of fire.
    Furthermore, vertical recoil is controllable. This is the recoil NC have. Horizontal recoil is not controllable because for all intents and purposes it is entirely unpredictable and causes random deviation in the bullet spread.
    And finally, magazine size is almost a non-factor. Take into account we have higher reload times, add that if you do not go into a fight on a fresh reload, you will most likely lose. In addition, we do not have the highest rate of fire carbines - which is where the larger magazine sizes are most noticable. It doesn't matter if you have 10 extra bullets if your enemy puts you down faster than you can use them -- along with having faster reloads.
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  6. NoblesseOblige

    It's sad. They should have nerfed the armor and kept the maneuverability where it was, back then. They were invincible at long ranges because t hey could move, but get into a relative medium range and they'd have been dealt with easier.
    I'm for balance, not just TR. The Vanguard needs its shield fixed. There. It's fine. The magrider needs to be an eggshell with a sledgehammer, abusing mobility to get the job done.
    I never used HE ammo in the prowler. Always AP, because I can just smack infantry with a round...and deal a little extra to tanks, making them stay out of combat to repair if needed for another two ticks.
  7. DashRendar

    From the current game constantly updating performance stats (that means the "where's my tinfoil hat NC is super OP devs hate TR" game build) here are some of the weapons we are currently discussing. These are sorted by kills per hour and every weapon in the game is represented.

    TMG 50 - #83 - 19.21 K/hr
    NC6 Gauss SAW - #135 - 16.03 K/hr

    Here are some "WHOA OMG OP NERF NOW" and/or high jealousy factor NC guns:
    Reaper DMR - #163 - 14.13 K/hr
    GD-7F - #166 - 14.05 K/hr
    AC-X11 - #218 - 11.75 K/hr
    Mercenary - #251 - 9.84 K/hr

    Here are some "vanilla boring with uncontrollable recoil and completely outperformed at all ranges" TR guns
    T9 CARV S - #57 - 20.42 K/hr
    TAR - #69 - 19.92 K/hr
    LC-2 Lynx - #143 - 15.71 K/hr
    Trac 5 - #246 - 10.18 K/hr

    The Trac 5/Mercenary are the closest match, but the Trac 5 is still winning, while TR will say the Mercenary grossly outperforms their own starter Carbine. That's just not true, if anything they are very well balanced for starter guns. All other arguments made are grossly refuted by the actual game performance stats.

    Tell me again how the TMG-50 is impossible to control and inferior in every way to the god weapon, the Gauss SAW? Can we put the little brother big brother friction to rest for once? All this Gauss SAW worship is really uncalled for, I literally can't figure it out.

    A note on the Lynx, it didn't place high on the overall board, but it's still the highest performing Carbine in the game currently.

    Don't trust my word for it, nose around for yourself:
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  8. NoblesseOblige

    The recoil isn't even the problem. It's the cone of fire. I would accept the recoil, it's harder to get the hang of compensating for...but even then, even if your reflex is on the enemy, after 10 rounds, where t hey would have already killed you, you're missing 70% of them due to the cone of fire.
    Which brings me to thus: TR guns' rof and high cof makes t hem ideal for hipfiring CQC. the faster y ou realize that, the easier it will be to use literally anything the TR has.
    ...Except NC will beat you flat out in CQC and medium range, where VS will do the same at medium and long ranges.
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  9. Cyridius

    A very large part of that is due to the random deviation caused by the Horizontal Recoil. It is basically artificial cone of fire.
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  10. NoblesseOblige

    The Gauss SAW's first shot will never deviate. After 20 meters, you have a 50% chance of missing your target with the T9 compared to the Gauss SAW.
    But I really want to address the first sentence of this quote; You can't balance a weapon around HOW it's used, or how WELL it's used.
    The Trac-5 will outperform the Mercenary at point blank range by a whopping 0.04 seconds.
    Except the mercenary is better in ADS, moving ADS, crouching ADS...
    In-game performance stats mean absolutely nothing when you have to play riskier to eliminate any chance of being screwed over, and reap the rewards of doing so.

    If you'd like proof of what I'm saying, why don't you look at the spreadsheets for the shotguns.
    You know, where they are all functionally identical.
    And see that TR has the most kills and most deaths for them. That's because TR, as a whole, takes a more active role in battle.
    How many times have you shot people from within a spawn shield? How many people, if you didn't, do you know that do?
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  11. DashRendar

    Stop proliferating this myth. The Gauss SAW/Reaper DMR/AC-X11 all have CoF, even standing, even for the first shot and it doesn't matter what upgrades you have or not. These arguments would be a lot shorter if some of you guys actually played the game instead of just reading opinions on internet forums and taking them as fact.
  12. NoblesseOblige

    I could say the same to you.
    The stats say otherwise -- the in-game stats, pulled directly from gamefiles, and not the variable-laden performances that you shout off as facts.
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  13. Villanuk

    TR just dont whine as much as NC and VS, so the Dev's belive we are happy with the current kit we have. Nerfing the mercy was a joke, it was good but no way did it need to the nerf.

    Also as we have a decent population and they belive numbers make up for not having great or outstanding kit plus we are a true and loyal faction. To back that up, VS always had low population, NC had the highest. Now NC got nerfed all the 4th fraction have moved to VS lol, telling a true story of some of these players, they play only if they can have the best kit for their style and worry more about their KD ratio than their fraction.

    If we were given the best kit, all the low life, glory hunting no skilled players would join TR, so on that basis, im glad we have what we have, decent kit and a loyal Army ;)
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  14. DashRendar

    The stats are wrong.

    Check the in game stats they've added from the last patch, they're quite detailed and accurate. The SAW has CoF, just use it in the VR and you'll see. Put a 6x scope on it and you will see the shot curve. One tap goes at persons head, next tap goes over their right shoulder.... etc etc.

    But lets say hypothetically the SAW did have a 0 first shot CoF... do you think that would make it OP? Literally nobody in their right mind fires single shots in any duel style engagement ever, yet everyone holds that falsely understood stat up on the highest pedastal as though it were the greatest thing. The funniest part to me is that it's not even true. Talk about tinfoil hat, this is KONY 2012 all over again.
  15. Alarox

    TR have the fastest aircraft with the second best mobility, and worst in nothing.
    TR have the fastest tank with the highest DPS.
    TR have the highest score/hour in every class but MAX, and highest in tanks.

    And honestly, TR infantry weapons are fine.

    The OP's comparison about the Gauss Saw is comparing two very different weapons in the specialty of one of them. The Gauss Saw excels in long-range combat, is average at medium range, and is the WORST LMG for close range. The Carv is an all-rounder LMG.

    Plus, the OP uses this one weapon comparison to say that TR is underpowered? It's like me comparing the Phoenix to the Striker in terms of AA and then claiming NC is underpowered.


    Message to all factions: stop with the "my faction is UP" syndrome. Different =/= better than you. This is just sad.
  16. NoblesseOblige

    I didn't say it had zero first shot cof.
    I said it had zero deviance. Your first shot will go where you aim it.
    Your first shot hits. Your second shot goes a little wide.
    Our first shot goes a little wide. Our second one goes wider.
    In CQC, nobody fires single shots. But outside of 50m where you can get a nice shot off before they even get close enough to START to become effective?
    Yeah, no.
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  17. Alarox

    ^ This is what some TR actually believe.

    Apparently, slow RoF and high hip-fire CoF is strong at close range, and low ADS CoF and high damage is bad at long range...
  18. Alarox

    ^ This guy gets it.

    Only thing I disagree with is the firepower argument about the mosquito. If I remember correctly, they have a higher RoF and bullet velocity than the other ESFs at the cost of lower damage. Reaver kills 0.2s faster than the Mosquito, essentially 10% faster. However, with higher RoF and velocity it hits far more often, which negates that almost negligible 0.2s difference in TTK.
  19. WalrusJones

    The magazines take 700 certs to kill a fellow ESF in one mag on the rotary.

    In otherwords: You have to reload at least once.
  20. Alarox

    Edit: I can't tell if you're implying an argument or if you're just adding more information.

    Why does that matter? I don't see any real combat scenario where you'd hit with a high enough % of your magazine with a Reaver/Scythe to where you wouldn't need to reload anyway. It's not a disadvantage in an actual fight.
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