Terran Republic underpowered?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xArchAngelx, Apr 20, 2013.

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  1. xGreedFuSioN

    It's Commissioner, not Commissionaire. Just for future reference ;)
  2. DragonV2

    one thing that still annoys me it that the the sole reason the carv-s got nerfed was due to how in combination with the old flinch mechanics it was stronger than the other LMGs because the other factions could not shoot back, now that flinch is all but removed it only fair imo that the nerf gets undone
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  3. Xind

    I switched to the Revolver, but not because the Repeater is bad. I just have a hard on for the animations and saying Revolver Ocelot quotes in combat. I'm here to tell you, the Repeater, is the best default pistol. If you're using it ADS, you're doing it wrong.
  4. xGreedFuSioN

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  5. xGreedFuSioN

    Okay, just for an example at how bad the carv is (really hate it, hate it alot, tmg for life) You pretty much have to 2 shot burst at anything past 25m. That was my habit whilst saving up for the tmg.
  6. CupBoy

    Seriously, your Carv is doing just fine on the battlefield. If you're really doing that bad with it, then you're also doing bad compared to your TR friends. They're getting the same mileage out of it that we get from the SAW and the VS get from the Orion.

    The prowler is doing just fine as well, in fact better than the Magrider and the Vanguard. This is the last thing you need to worry about.

    24 pages and you still believe your own experience is universal.

    Just saying it doesn't make it true, although that seems to be a common belief here on the forums.

    You do realize that that data is based on info from SOE, right?

    You mean everyone who came to pad you on the back.
  7. CupBoy

    I don't think many people are disputing that the TMG-50 might be a better gun. NC also have better weapons than the SAW.
  8. Irrelevant--

    Why the hell does every non TR player keep bringing up "durrr 10 extra bullips per magaclip durrr". It's NOT a supercooliwin advantage.
    -You're in a firefight
    -Kill some other faction bro
    -Have 10/50 (or whatever) bullets left

    Do you a) go off like a true elite warrior and get piles of certs, or b) reload your godamn gun?

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmm sure glad I have 10 extra bullets. That's some serious killing power.
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  9. xGreedFuSioN

    IMHO SAW Is hands down the best LMG in the game, and our TMG is a direct downgrade at any range.

    Also, regarding the post above that, you think maybe the reason we're doing okay with our saw/prowler (also not gonna argue there, magrider>prowler>vanguard, it's fine really, so the is maggy, vanguard just needs a little armor boost, atm they're a big box of xp for me) is because they're the only thing we have to start out with? People make due with what they have, if the vanus default gun was the lasher they'd get kills with it, and on paper it'd look pretty good.
    That said, the lasher still sucks anus.
  10. Bape

    lol 25m what gun doesn't need to burst? Oh god please don't say the SAW please don't. WAIT you're saying I can go full auto at 25m and kill someone with the saw without bursting? DO YOU WANT ME TO TRY IT? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED? OH PLEASE SAY IT.
  11. xGreedFuSioN

    It is an advantage, and a fairly large one, but not as large as some people make it out to be. It's quite simply not enough bullets to kill someone. It's 7 shots to kill in cqc I believe, so unless you're 70% accurate and wanna take a huge risk, you reload. and our reload times in general are just bad.

    Oh, regarding the SAW, I don't think it needs a huge nerf, or the carv a (Huge) buff. Saw should have 60 rounds/mag to be similar to its ACX-11 (That what the 200dmg carbine is called?) brother, which only has 20 rounds compared to 30. also eliminate the T9-CARV and T9-CARV-S's left recoil entirely, so to compensate its down and to the right, like most guns.
    problem solved.
    ofc the SAWs reload time would have to be cut nearly in half for that change to be fair.
  12. xGreedFuSioN

    You can 6-8 shot burst a saw at any range and pick off targets.
  13. CupBoy

    It's fine that you think so, in your humble opinion, but generally it's not the case.

    Yes, people make do with what they have. The same goes for NC and VS. It sounds like you're arguing that you just learn to get the most of it and that it's still actually worse. But even for new, low level characters, the guns perform similarly.

    For every crappy thing about TR you can think of, there's another just as crappy thing for the NC and VS.
  14. Cyridius

    Except it's literally a non-benefit. The only time more ammo is useful is when you're facing down two or more people. The likelihood is, if you're in a firefight with two or more people and that ammo is needed, you're going to lose regardless. The only time this changes is when there's multiple people in the room and only one person manages to see you at a time. Pistols work just as well in this kind of situation - hell, even a Vanu or NC speed reload works fine.

    You have no idea what makes a weapon powerful, do you?
  15. CupBoy

    I haven't claimed so, at least.
  16. Irrelevant--

    So how is it a "fairly large advantage" if 10 bullets are "quite simply not enough" to kill someone?
  17. Cyridius

    Going by some of your posts in this thread, you seem to think you do.

    A weapon's power is primarily in its damage, with Rate of Fire and Bullet Velocity being the next most important things, followed by Cone of Fire and Horizontal Recoil.

    Using those parameters, you find that the LMG balance puts the Gauss SAW at the top of the food chain. It has the highest damage LMG in the game. It has high bullet velocity. It has better horizontal recoil than most LMGs in the game. If we were to compare TTK straight out, it's insignificantly worse than that of the CARV. The trade off for this marginally higher raw DPS is a significantly higher recoil, due to having a higher rate of fire, the CARV's 0.4 vertical recoil per shot pans out much higher than the Gauss SAW's 0.5. This, compounded with horizontal recoil makes the CARV far less accurate. This forces you to burst with it to have any sort of accuracy - the same ailment many NC players claim their weapons suffer from.

    As a result, you generally have a lower damage output using the CARV as opposed to a SAW. At closer ranges, using the CARV in hipfire is just as ineffective as a SAW due to higher rate of fire leading to higher bloom rates(Also worth mentioning that the CARV has a higher cone of fire coming out of sprint as opposed to a SAW).

    Ever since flinch was nerfed(Rightfully so), the NC has had the upper hand in all areas of combat. This is undeniable. The Gauss SAW is simply irreplaceable in combat effectiveness. If people choose not to use the Gauss SAW, it doesn't mean it's not the best weapon.

    I would be fine with the SAW staying the way it is. If we got a weapon that was just like it.
  18. Joram

    Is enough to kill anyone with body shots.
  19. Cyridius

    If you have the accuracy of a hacker.

    Average skill accuracy is about 20%.
  20. Bape

    Funny TR :rolleyes:
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