[BUG] Terrain art flickers horribly, assets still populate

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Steppa, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Steppa

    I have noticed this bug twice now in the past couple of days, both pre and post game update. While the terrain and skybox disappear, shifting over to that bland color you get when you fall through the world after spawning a tank in the WG, it's still there. Shots still collide with it, but you can see things like smoking turrets on the other side of what should be a hill...although with the terrain gone, they are just points floating in space.

    I was in a tank when it happened yesterday and noticed that if I kept the turret pointing in the direction of travel, no flicker. If I twisted left or right though, it would start again. Logging seemed to have fixed it.

    Any ideas?
  2. Kenny007

    I've had this happen at random for quite some time myself. In the past, simply dealing with it for a few minutes would often clear it up. More recently however (unrelated to Tuesday's patch), there is an increased likelihood (though small) that I get booted along with the hiccup.

    It's a pretty rare occurrence; perhaps once every 5-10 hours of play or so, but it is quite obnoxious when it happens. I've had a few other members of my gaming group mention it on occasion; it doesn't appear to be anything on our end or any one action that will cause it to crop up. When it happens to me, I either log or get the screen to draw properly by pointing in that direction you mentioned and just waiting it out.

    Has made for some pretty interesting facility defenses though; fighting what I can't see.