Take away Phoenix infantry OHK for 2x XP Weekend...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by turtlestation, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Jrv

    This complaining is ridiculous.

    REALLY NOW, a guided rocket that takes the user a good 10 seconds to reach a target, and you want to take away it's killing power? It would be utterly useless without the ability to kill infantry in one hit. It's seriously not as easy as you guys are making it out to be, it has virtually no splash damage and requires a DIRECT HIT to kill, which can be incredibly hard to achieve on a moving target. It moves slow and deliberately and can be shot out of the air. Meanwhile the TR have a Reaver-killer the likes of which planetside 2 has never seen-seriously, a couple of those things on AA duty is more effective than 5-8 burster maxes. The lancer is basically an anti-vehicle sniper rifle, and can OHK infantry when charged, which doesn't take as long as it does to guide a phoenix rocket.

    It's not nearly as good as the crow at killing tanks. It's not nearly as good as the hawk at killing air vehicles. Literally it's ONLY niche is long range infantry sniping, and you people are so hopelessly bias that you want to take that away? Might as well make it shoot nerf balls, because that would be a comparable nerf to the completely ridiculous ones you guys are asking for now.
    • Up x 1
  2. gunfox

    Instagibbed by phoenixes outdoors, instagibbed by scatmaxes indoors. The amount of NC gibb is too damn high.
    • Up x 2
  3. CaligoIllioneus

    The rocket has a huge hitbox. I have seen the videos and the infantry you hit doesn't have to be in the center of your screen or anything.

    And if you think this weapon would be useless without making it a crutch for farming infantry from safety then it speaks of serious problems with the Phoenix.
  4. Dark_Horst

    riddle me this: how many of you walking tearwells have actuelly TESTED the phoenix before crying on the forums about it?

    none, that's how many
  5. Jrv

    It most certainly does not. You have to hit RIGHT ON, even SLIGHTLY off target and it's not even CLOSE to a kill. I don't even think it takes down shields unless you get a direct hit. Without infantry killing power, it would be nothing but a slow-firing crow that leaves the user exposed and helpless while firing, which would be stupid. It has no niche other than infantry killing, other rocket launchers do all of that better. It's completely ridiculous to request that a single shot rocket not kill infantry in a direct hit. It would be the only single-shot rocket launcher in the game that didn't OHK infantry, do you realize how asinine it is to request that?
  6. VanuSovereignty

    I love how's there are so many people upset about the idea of this being taken away for only TWO-THREE DAYS. I wonder if SOE said they would disable the pump action for this weekend... how many people would be upset? 3.

    Being instakilled by anything is not fun. If you stood still for a minute and died, that sniper deserved the points. If you were running across a field and got killed by a guy in a spawn room while he wasn't directly looking at you, he probably didn't deserve those points.

    I don't actually care if the phoenix gets nerfed permanently or not, I just want more players and so should you. If you seriously have this mind set of 'lol deal with it' you're not needed in this community. Anything that makes player retention worse is generally bad for the community.

    My outfit and I trialed it on Monday, before the camera fixes and everything. It was so much more fun than the lancer had been all weekend, we were even laughing!
  7. VanuSovereignty

    I don't think you understand the benefit of killing tanks without being directly exposed to them. That's why it does lesser damage, just like the lancer. Do you seriously think it would be balanced if the lancer was pinpoint accurate (it isn't, currently) had a high zoom scope and had decimator damage? No, that would be horribly broken.
  8. Jrv

    It's a camera-guided rocket. THAT'S THE PERK OF USING IT. Both Vanu/TR ESRLs are better at killing vehicles. We get one really slow guided rocket, if it didn't kill infantry, IT WOULD BE USELESS.

    Do you understand, or is your clearly biased mindset too deluded for such basic understanding?


    Are you grasping this concept yet? You're asking that our ESRL be useless.
    • Up x 1
  9. PS2Freak

    yea, dont let me start a rant against a Striker spam.
  10. VanuSovereignty

  11. PS2Freak

  12. Jrv

    Yes, that's the benefit of using it. The only benefit of using it. It can be shot from cover. Thank you for pointing that out. It's MUCH harder to get a kill with a phoenix as opposed to a pump action, hitting a moving target is EXTREMELY difficult. Don't want to die from it? Legitimately all you have to do is keep moving and the phoenix users will ignore you and go for stationary targets. You can't effectively counter a phoenix from long range any more than a sniper, an ESF, a liberator, etc. There are plenty of things in this game that one-hit kill infantry, some of which can fly.

    It's effective at killing stationary infantry and can peck away at tanks from long range. The downside? It's completely useless close-quarters, it cannot be dumbfired, and if you miss your shot, you're at the mercy of your target until your rocket finishes it's flight, because you can't cancel the guidance system until it's finished.
  13. Dark_Horst

    this may shock you, but the ony way to kill infantry with the phoenix is if they stand still for too long too. so the sniper one-shotting someone standing around for a minute desevres his points, but the HA does not if he does the exact same thing?
    the phoenix is slow. it steers like a drunken ox. it can be avoided by a simple sidestep and has about no splash damage at all. hitting the ground directly in front of someone wo't do ****, you have to cram the missile down their throat.
  14. XRIST0

    Some NC players are full of it ..

    You obviously do not give a **** about the balance of this game .

    Useless without OHK on infantry ? get real please .
  15. Jrv

    Look dude, if it doesn't OHK infantry on a direct hit, it would be useless. Do you realize that? They're not going to take it out of the game; it's there, it's in, deal with it. How horrible, every 20 or so seconds, an NC heavy has a chance to get a single kill if the target happens to be standing perfectly still. Move even a little bit, and suddenly it's one of the hardest kills in the game, akin to hitting a moving aircraft with a tank shell. Yup, sounds super unbalanced. You guys act like they fire nukes, they've got NO SPLASH DAMAGE AT ALL.
  16. blueskin

    This isn't true, press E to exit the vehicle and cancel guidance early.

    I'm NC, I play AV engi and my buddy plays heavy phoenix. We hole up 90 degrees off an area through which vehicles are passing and fricking own. When we have stirred up enough hatred, the previous vehicle owners come looking for us as snipers or lights etc. We outsnipe the snipers. I can stand behind a turret that almost completely protects me and OHK them. He can stand behind the hill and OHK them.

    It is not OP when compared to the other ESLs they all have their strength. I fear the lancer more than the striker because as a vehicle, that lock tone is my notice to run. Lancers should be teaming up and one shotting tanks from behind, with no warning. Why I am not seeing this I can only put down to the fact that most players in the game run straight from spawn to the enemy guns over and over and over.

    It is basically impossible to hit infantry that see it coming, a simple sidestep is all it takes. Its all the poor sods who dont see it coming that I feel for.

    I would like to see both TOW missiles change so that they become dumbfire and arc down after a certain distance. that way it takes skill to 'lob' it at targets beyond that distance. Its also bloody weird when a phoenix missile just ceases to exist at 300m.
  17. PS2Freak

    Real Noob weapon is Striker, imo...
  18. Kristan

    And you are sensitive like sissy girl!
    I tell you the facts of Striker reality, not your wet nightmares. And if they're not coming with red wine and lobster, that doesn't means it's not real.
  19. kuper

    Do you realize that anti vehicle weapon should kill guess what... VEHICLES. The problem is lead gameplay designer did wrong decisions. You should ask good anti vehicles abilities, not anti infantry. Try to understand role of the weapon.
    Atm phoenix doing good damage againt vehicles. Better than lancer. Working behind cover. You can hit moving target with easy. You even can hit it from behind when shot in the side. Your tradeoff - low-mid distance. For me it's very good anti vehicle weapon. And your problem is - you expecting instagibbing. You cant instagid vehicle - meh, bad weapon, very bad weapon. But hey look, i can instagib inf with not bad (if compare with lancer) antivehicle weapon, who needs that vehicle. As result - you have no cons. Universal win wapon. As it was with prowler. There is a problem, man.

    Its very funny to see in videos how player choose to kill infantry and fly around vehicles.
  20. Shurrikken

    Vanu smiles upon this NC.