t9 carv s

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Brenold, Jun 20, 2014.

  1. Brenold

    can it really get extended mags on the rail attachment? when i preview it, it says i can get extended mags that will double the magazine size, so 200 bullets per mag?

    in vr testing, no change in mag size happens but i can equip it,.. (the scopes are also funky and offcenter)
  2. Robertooooo

    All attachments are bugged in the VR. But yes, you can have ext mags on the CARV S.
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  3. Mxiter

    Carv-S with extended mag?

    I tried it for the fun to fire non-stop during 20sec but... can't hit anything past 15bullets and generally 100 ammos are enouth to kill anything unless you want to kill an AFK max without rockets/nades/C4.

    Foregrip is much more interesting IMO.
  4. Epic High Five

    Grip is the better choice, exmag is for HOT HOT RAMBO ACTION DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA

    The only non-SMG gun I've found that can take exmags and not lose much accuracy is the SAW S, which stems from the fact that it doesn't have much horizontal shake to begin with. A CARV S with exmags will have more horizontal shake than a SAW S with exmags, in fact, or if not it'll be close.
  5. Mxiter


    What?? 167 damage tiers weapons have generally 0.175/0.175 horizontal recoil (EM6 get it)
    The carv-s is 0.2/0.225. (it used to be 0.225/0.225) with also higher ROF wich make the jitter quite harsh without foregrip.

    In fact the only weapon wich have access to extended mag that have more horizontal recoil Than the Carv-s is the MGC but it doen't really matters on it since its large COF.

    Others weapons are: the flare(577 RPM 0.2 Hrecoil) T16 (652 RPM 0.2 Hrecoil) EM6 (652RPM 0.2 Hrecoil) and Ursa ( 550RPM 0.185 Hrecoil).

    EM6 is the best choice for extended mags in fact since it have better horizontal recoil with examages than a Carv-S with foregrip.
  6. Epic High Five

    SAW S gets it too. The grip, iirc, reduces horizontal shake by 37.5% for the first rank, meaning the grip CARV S would be on par with an exmag SAW S
  7. Mxiter

    i would just meaning that the Carv-S is the weapon that suffer the most when you equip examag instead of foregrip. ;)
  8. Epic High Five

    Yeah that's what I was saying too :p I don't recommend exmags for any non-SMGs or the SAW S for that reason
  9. Gutseen

    Carv S? Why bother when u have T-9 standart
  10. Nakar

    Honestly, it's an excellent question in the end. The selling point of the CARV S is supposed to be that it has many attachment options over the stock CARV, yet it just feels kind of off and underperforms next to the CARV with just a Grip on it. I also find that it's possible to run a Laser on the CARV and still do okay in ADS, but it doesn't really work the same way with the CARV S.

    They've been tweaking it, reducing its recoil and all that, but for some reason it still feels kinda messed up compared with the smooth wobble of the CARV. I kinda sometimes feel the same about the T1S when I use it; by all stats it ought to be easier to handle than the T1, yet I end up outperforming it with the default. Dunno how to put that into identifiable stats though, it just doesn't seem like it should behave that way.
  11. Elkybam

    Wait, I never realized any LMG (or any weapon) with extended mags increased horizontal shake. SOE needs to make drawbacks of attachments a bit more clearer.
  12. Epic High Five

    Exmags doesn't increase horizontal recoil, it only results in a higher horizontal recoil because if you're running exmags you aren't running a grip, which reduces it

    So it's TECHNICALLY higher than it could be, given how the laser isn't a great choice of LMGs
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  13. Nakar

    It doesn't increase it. He's saying a weapon that has a lower horizontal recoil by default will shake less than one with more. And that's... self-evident, really. What he kinda meant was that if you put Exmags on the weapon that shakes less, it has less of an overall penalty than putting Exmags on one that shakes more, as the opportunity cost of a Grip is lower.

    For example, this is one reason the Anchor can run ALS without giving up quite as much as, say, the Polaris. The Polaris has more horizontal recoil in the first place, so running ALS means it's not running a Grip, and it probably wants one. The Anchor can run a Grip, and it'll be better with one, but it also suffers less from running ALS instead than the Polaris does.

    Lower starting recoil is essentially an advantage for a weapon as it increases the options it has for choices. Better hipfire is a similar thing; for example, the Bull already has the best possible hipfire for a LMG, so it can arguably run a Grip instead to improve long-range performance because it doesn't really care as much. Or say the SABR-13 arguably needs a Compensator less than other ARs because it has negative FSRM and is less punished by vertical recoil (a Comp is still good on the SABR, but it doesn't necessarily need one).

    Exmags are, arguably, the biggest opportunity cost choice in the Rail slot. Every other Rail choice either gives you a unique function (Flashlight, BRRT) or decreases a stat that you always would like to be lower (hip COF or horizontal recoil). So it's always a good idea to use one of them wherever possible. Exmags do not change the fire characteristics of the gun, just the size of the magazine. So you have to look at the gun and say "is this worth basically running stock to have double the magazine size?" It's easier to say the answer to that question is yes on the SAW S because it's better to start out with than the CARV S is. It's easier to say yes on the EM1 because it makes the reload so efficient. It's easy to say yes on shotguns because there's no better choice. And it's relatively easy to say yes on the MCG (but the BRRT is competitive for different roles). It's not so easy to say yes on guns like the CARV S, which really want either better hipfire (CARV S's is atrocious, especially with a Compensator) or less horizontal recoil (CARV S is like the 4th worst LMG for horizontal recoil characteristics, so it would help a lot).

    Me, I'd recommend just accepting another DPS level drop and go with the Bull. You lose 40 rounds but pick up a way faster reload, plus you get better hipfire COF, better ADS COF, the same attachment options (save Exmags) including both ammo types, and faster bullet velocity (the fastest of any LMG, in fact). If you're going to drop from the CARV/MSW-R tier you're basically saying "I want more control and I'm willing to trade theoretical DPS to get it." But the CARV S is forcing you to trade away some DPS for very little control. May as well trade away a decent amount of DPS for a ton of control and use the Bull (or NS-15M).
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  14. KnightCole

    CARV-S/x2/Exmag. Bullet hose lol. Just learn to burst fire it.
  15. hansgrosse

    CARV-S is my go-to LMG when I'm TR-side, and extended mag is what occupies its rail slot 100% of the time.

    It's a very good gun even without a foregrip, and it will reliably kill mans at anything up to around 150 meters if you use 5 to 10-round bursts; experience has told me that it does not need a foregrip to be sufficiently lethal at any reasonable range. The extended mag, on the other hand, is very good for the CARV-S due to its long-ish reload time, as it essentially gives you twice as much time to find a safe place to swap magazines, meaning less getting caught with your pants down, and for me this is far more important than the (imo unneccessary) improved handling a foregrip provides.

    As far as I'm concerned, CARV-S is a good gun, and exmags are a good attachment for it.
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  16. Lord_Avatar

    200 bullets in a magazine is total overkill. Slapping on a Foregrip is a no-brainer.
  17. Gary

    Disagree ^^ If you are capable of maintaining a short burst pattern instead of full auto the Magazine is way better. No better feeling then throwing a concussion grenade round a corner and then just opening up with 200 rounds.

    Even if you know the enemy are round the corner you can keep them in hiding for longer whilst your team mates adjust or gather round to push simply by bursting.
  18. Brenold

    awesome responses guys! exactly the feedback i was looking for, and i thought noone replied because i didnt get an "alert" so i searched through my history and found all of this.. (dont lecture me on forum alert mechanics, just some extra sharing on my part)

    VR is so unreliable so ill just test the carv s in-game without attachments to judge... my thinking was along the lines of the last 2 or 3 responses, which is I dont really feel the difference of foregrip on the carv (i run laser instead but hipfire still sucks so i figure my only advantage is having lots of ammo to spray)... so i figured the carv s with lower ROF would be like a more tame carv and with ex-mags i can be like a mini max and just run back among friends when i need to reload

    i appreciate the bull suggestion though. ive really been intrigued on whether i should move to the bull or rhino since i dont really dig the carv (especially when compared to orion or SAW).... with BRRT i sometimes think the mcg is like an improved carv. except with weird non-customizable DS

    I really liked the s version of the t1 and trac5 but thats because i like the t1 and trac 5 to begin with. maybe instead of the carv s i should try something else since i dont really like the carv to begin with...

    anyway thanks again everyone. your guidance and advice will go a long way in the never ending process of loadout tweaking and geeking we all love to do
  19. EaglePhoenix

    I'll need those 200 bullets to hit the back of a truck at least once.

    From 2m distance.
