T1S -.-

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Two_Hands, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Two_Hands

    Whta the hell did you do to the T1s´s sound??? it sounds horrible now. realy cheap! same goes for infiltrator cloak sound.
  2. iminay

    Its completely messed up. Its ear-bleeding bad sound and making this gun completely unusable for me.
  3. Hungus

    If you think that is bad just wait until you hear the new Lasher sound.
  4. Ipecac

    Honestly I think I like it. It sounds Terran without sounding exactly like the Trac-5, and the suppressor no longer makes it sound like an awkward NC/VS hybrid (now it actually sounds like a suppressed Terran rifle).
  5. iminay

    FYI, this is what the op and me are talking about.

    Listen to the horrible audio loop that starts halfway through the clip. With headphones on it literally hurts my ears.

  6. InjectedSenses Sound Designer

    Wow. That is definitely not intended. I am sorry you have to experience that. I will get this to our audio programmer asap as it sounds like a breakdown in our weapon firing tech. Thanks for posting that.
    • Up x 6
  7. Ipecac

    Oh jeez, I didn't notice that at all. Either it's inconsistent or I'm super dumb. Hopefully this will get hotfixed quickly, that's awful.
  8. }{ellKnight

    This did not happen to me. I like how the new gun sounds and it doesn't bug out for me. Very odd.
  9. sicat

    Yeah i gotta agree i loathe the new sound,and i get the same annoying loop thing,i chucked a ticket in last night,hopefully a quick fix cause my ears are starting to bleed :/
  10. iminay

    Thank you, I hope he manages to sneak it into a hotfix, because this makes the weapon completely unusable for me in it's current form with sounds on :(
  11. Ennkay

    I actually like it because it's not the same goddamn sound that every other TR weapon makes. It reminds me of an AK-47, distinct.
  12. CrimsonDaemon

    I would honestly like to see more AKM style weaponry (and like you said, the distinct sound to boot) for the TR. Get a little variety in their diet.
  13. kruldar

    I hate the new rat-a-tat-tat sound. The old sound had balls to it. Now it sounds like I'm shooting with the T1S's nasally little nerdy brother. :(

    Also, I didn't have that sound glitch problem until last night. Not sure why but it's very annoying.
  14. SystematicKillr

    this. when the indoor sound bug is fixed the T1S will sound boss
  15. Maderas

    I have the audio problem with the T1S, but only when firing it indoors. I like the new sound otherwise.
  16. SuicideRezzer

    Did some test...

    Standard speaker (motherboard audio card) : no bug
    G35 (surround mode off) : no bug
    G35 (surround mode on) outside : no bug
    G35 (surround mode on) inside : ear bleeding

    Do you have a G35 as well ?
  17. Hoki

    I don't have that audio bug, I don't use any sound dampening mods either.
  18. SystematicKillr

    huh, I haven't tried it with my normal speakers but I encountered the bug when I was using my turtle beaches with surround sound on them, I will test with my normal speakers and make an update
  19. SystematicKillr

    So here is my update post, switching to my normal 2 speakers with subwoofer the indoor sound bug still persists so it may not be related to surround sound
  20. iminay

    Almost a week now, and it's still not fixed :( I was hoping this would be fixed in last nights hotfix..