So, the Rhino is supposed to be a long range LMG, right? Why does it have an advanced foregrip, but not a compensator (Admittedly, it doesn't really need it, but still...)? And why such a limited selection of sights? It just doesn't seem right... There are other weapons that seem to be missing attachments that would compliment their strengths. It's really confusing.
Basic answer is because you already get a advanced grip. Horizontal recoil is the hardest to compensate for, so T16 wins on that, but the T32 has better first shot multiplier and COF. If the T16 had a compensator too, then it would be rock steady, which would take away from getting the T32. T16 is best at mid-ranges with some leeway to long. T32 is est for med-range with leeway to short. People have different opinions on what meters are exactly "medium" and "long" or even CQB though. The T32 and T16 are our most stable platforms we have. They compete against each other choice wise. There's a few more differences as well but they wanted to make it so determining which would be "best" more obfuscated. I wish the TMG-50 had an advanced grip, but doubt it ever will. IMO, the TMG-50 is the only good long range LMG because it's the only one that does 167 @10m - 143 @ 75m. 143 is the max damage of all the other LMGs, so the TMG lowest damage is the others highest. The customization pre-beta @ E3 was way different and amazing, btw. You kind of have to decide which you prefer stat wise and in VR. Check out the stats below to see what I mean, as well.
Mainly because advanced foregrip + compensator on that lmg would make it the best choice over every other midrange weapon, especially over its bigger brother, the T32, which already suffers from a much smaller ammo pool and magazine size. Also the T16 has another interesting attachment that the T32 lacks: expanded magazine. The ability to fire 200 rounds without reloading is amazing and makes this weapon the best at suppressing fire at less than 100 meters (except for the CARV-S, but 1k certs is too much), especially coupled with the ammo suit upgrade. The only problem is that it's mutually exclusive with the advanced grip, so you have to choose accuracy versus spammy spammy. By the way, speaking of the ammo suit upgrade, the T16 can double the amount of ammo in a magazine to 200 rounds, so the upgrade should give 200 rounds instead of 100, isn't that what its description says ("gives 1/2/3 additional magazine(s) for the primary and secondary weapon", or something along those lines)? It would make for a perfect HA suppression fire loadout. I need to go to the VR training asap. Brb with the results. Back to the main topic, i think the T16 should get a 2x reflex, but other than that it already has 2 potential roles thanks to its attachments, so i'm good with how it is.
Really my problem with the T16 more than anything was that it couldn't take a 2x reflex. The regular reflex doesn't quite cut it, but the 3.4 scope is too much. Ultimately, I spent a few frustrating days trying to make the T16 work before I went back to the MCG.
The advanced foregrip doesn't help this gun enough imo. The horizontal recoil is still very noticeable. Quite unlike the Gauss SAW which can get adv. foregrip with compensator and 2x reflex as well.
Yeah, and its that nice assortment of all those gizmos that really help it to bring out its strengths and soar over all the other LMGs. It might be slow and what not, but fitted out, I cant find another LMG that I would even dream of switching it with. T16 and CARV, both could do good with x2 optics...would really help to make them alot better.
I agree that AT LEAST the 2x Reflex sight should be available to ALL guns. I really don't understand why it isn't. It's not like the guns will suddenly become fully automatic sniper rifles if they were allowed to mount the 2x reflex sights...
Yeah, recoil on TR guns in general is absurdly more noticeable then NC guns. Its why they are such easy street.