Switching seats fps drop

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by TheBlackAngel, Dec 14, 2019.

  1. TheBlackAngel

    I don't know if this bug is Liberator exclusive or it can be reproduced in all vehicles with extra seats.

    -Bug Reproduction: While switching seats from driver to gunner in liberator after some time 15-20min every time I am in the driver position my fps drops from 200 to below 10 fps.

    -Bug Description: Switching to any other seat besides driver or exiting the vehicle will return fps to normal. ( I am guessing this has to do something with driving system not flushing catches properly and is "stacking" ) Aditinaly spawning another Liberator will fix fps drop but unclaiming and claiming (spawning and destroying a flash and then entering the lib) wont fix fps drops. (so it is somehow connected to that exact vehicle?)