Switched to VS, NC everything is a joke

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Poorform, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Xasapis

    I clearly remembering people bragging at the forums for getting auraxium with the Phoenix in the week it took SOE to nerf it.

    22.03.2013 Introduction of the empire specific launchers

    29.03.2013 Adjustment to the Phoenix in regards to damage vs infantry
  2. TheLonelySoul12

    Well, the NC right now it's pretty balanced,

    The vanguard is fine. A big close range brawler that can beat anyone in a close range fight with his shield. But it lacks agility, acceleration, versatility...

    The maxes are just okay. They could use some love, since shotguns are limited to just 10 meters at least. Past that they are usless while the other maxes can still wreck people at any range. I'd like to see other weapons like heavy caliber guns with some more accuracy.

    The reaver. The worst ESF in the game and the easiest to kill. You'll find that everyone that is not NC always say that the reaver is fine. It's not and they know it. But they love to farm reavers too much.

    Infantry weapons are just horrible. They need to hit every single shot, almost cannot use laser sight, high recoil, they MUST use aiming down sights to hit all the shots (and lose movement speed in the process so you're an easier target)...

    The NC right now still needs some love. But SOE is afraid to give them what they need because everyone will come to the forums, cry that they can't farm NC anymore, leave the game/switch factions... and finally chaos will arrive.
  3. KoS-1

    I've never heard this before. They could be Spanish, Euro players. I've heard all kinds of languages used, never one predominately, with the exception of English.

    Not to call you out. This is twice, in two different threads, you have mentioned Hispanics. Both in a relatively negative viewpoint. I take it there are issues.
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  4. Xasapis

    Would you give extra bonuses to an empire that dominate the world population charts and is the most popular empire on most servers?
  5. TheLonelySoul12

    Yeah. Would you like that VS got nerfed to the point where they underperform everywhere just because they have too much population? They can't do that :eek:

    That's a population problem... SOE should do something to let the most overpopulated faction in one server merge to a less populated one... Or something similar...
  6. Meliorist

    You're joking right. Vanguard shield is amazing and in many situations way overpowered. And that is coming from someone who rolls vanguards almost exclusively. What good is 8 seconds invulnerability? Do you even tank?
  7. BadAsElite

    I found nothing to be taken serious here.
    Can I have some of that stuff you are smoking?

    Lol Godsaw still better then a Carv.... "God" some people.
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  8. BadAsElite

    Reading this again might cause me cancer.
  9. BadAsElite

    I would like to ask you a question.
    Do you think the old ZoE was OP and do you miss it?

    Shame it took the devs 6 months to nerf ZoE, a year to nerf the Striker and the Phoenix got nerfed after 48 hours.

    Could not agree more, doubt it's the NC as much though. :cool:
  10. Jaloro

    We can hope.

    As for this thread, its pure forumside. The factions are pretty balanced right now, certainly they are in the best place they have been for as long as I can remember. There are a few outliers but on the whole it feels ok.

    The problem with asymmetric balance is that some peoples brains can't cope with it. They quote all the things their faction is weakest at and ignore all the strengths. They then quote all the strengths of the opposition and ignore their weaknesses.

    Throw in a good dollop of Dunning-Kruger and you get this kind of thread.

    It's the spine of these forums and why they are so often ridiculed.
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  11. BadAsElite

    Shame really, must be due to this Vanu alien crap spewing from there cakeholes.

    The devs will be the ones who do the ajustments as they know who are the weakest in all shapes and forms.

    I can see the Vanguard shield geting a slight nerf which I can deal with as its a nice ability with few downsides.
    And I bet you that NC Max's will get what they want with medium range AI weapons in the next year, aswell as Vanu and TR also geting a "Shotgun" like CQC weapon inwhich no sod will use. (lol)

    And as for ESF's. Well the Reaver will very likely get a buff as it is the worst performing ESF in game currently.
  12. travbrad

    Yep completely worthless: http://i.imgur.com/kP1TVEk.jpg
  13. BITES

    ViXeN doesnt ... and thinks that "its the answer to NCs domination in close quarters"

    This is akin to saying "Dropping a bomb on hiroshima is the perfect solution to Kamikaze pilots" ... its daft and very short sighted, ViXeN just wants her OP toy back in her cot, all while spouting the same "YOUR FACTS CANT TOUCH MY PERSONAL OPINIONS!" bs EVERY time.
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  14. Xasapis

    It's a fine balance and it's both a blessing and a curse to be the most popular empire in the game. Right now NC are perceived to be in such a good spot, that people are flooding their ranks. Personally I wouldn't do something that would facilitate the flood and worsen perhaps the biggest problem the game faces, population imbalance.
  15. Shadowyc

    If I remember right...the NC were previously nerfed to their current condition, and then some, because they were overpopulated when the game released.
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  16. Prudentia

    from a few quick glances at the stats it looks like the TR Outperform the other factions with their AV weapons. first the fractures with a higher performancen an AI weapon and now the pounder with the same
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  17. Syphers

    It's relatively better if you got good aim and a good fps
  18. AusYoshi

    I think it's because NC stands for "no competition". Just for fun, I made an NC character today (usually play TR), and even with all uncerted classes, I managed to easily keep my KDR above 1 - meaning I killed more than I was killed.

    This may be a result of the current trend on Briggs - NC usually has the advantage of population, so it's players haven't learned the skills necessary to actually fight a hard enemy and play ruthlessly, like the TR has been forced to (especially with the recent VSNC alliance issues). So, all the characters that play NC on Briggs are crying UNDERPOWERED! when they finally have to fight us on equal (or unequal, God forbid we actually get higher pop than them) because they simply lack fighting skills. If I as a lowly BR43 TR soldier can do so well on a BR1 NC soldier (against both TR and VS - I played NC in the last alert), then it mustn't be the weapons fault. I've actually noticed the lack of "push" or "flow" that the NC I've played with have had - they mostly sit in one place throwing bullets at the opposition, hoping they'll hit, whereas I got right in the thick of it and killed as many buggers as I could - with no backup (since apparently NC are scared of dying).

    TL : DR - NC skill has been weakened by higher pop, so their soldiers don't know how to fight properly. The weapons are fine if you know how to use them, and actually bother to use them from closer than 200m.
  19. Aegie

    And I report but I suppose that racism is in the eye of the beholder...
  20. Archlyte

    wow OP after a year of swinging three bats you must be hitting homers all day. If they ever even out the factions it will be because of MLG. They give two ***** about the regular game.