[Suggestion] Swap ZOE and AEGIS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ray98, May 27, 2013.

  1. Spookydodger

    Give LA the medic gun, the Medic will get a sniper rifle, and HA will get the ability to fly like a fighter. Fighters will run around on their little stubby thrusters and fire rockets.
  2. Bankrotas

    You can't imagine what kind of horrors NC ZOEed MAX would bring to biolab fights...
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  3. Rk3lly

    hahaha i am on cruise control for cool anyone need a lift. just turned ZOE on.
  4. ArcKnight

    actually the ScatterMax would be even more dangerous if it had both the Aegis and ZOE
  5. Syphers

    Aegis would be awesome with the TR and VS weps
  6. ArcKnight

    well NC MAX's are bred in the biolabs for the express purpose of terminating all hostile threats

    Also make it so that multiple NC MAX units can transform into one giant mega mech of the size of a Tower, with a Vanguard as primary weap on each arm, a Zephyr lib on the back that acts as jet pack, HE lightning feet and the ability to create a Bio dome shield around them which they can shoot out of but it can't be penetrated from the outside
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  8. Xasapis

    Give the max with the biggest alpha strike AI weapons the ability to move in and out of cover more efficiently? Sure, why not. NC are so underpopulated, they need all the help they can get anyway ;)
  9. treeHamster

    I'd love to switch. Whenever I see a Splattermax, I'd rip out my Shield and tank the damage. Then while he reloads I'd put it away and lay into him with my guns, rinse and repeat. The icing on the cake would be that the Splattermax's would be moving too fast for their engy's to keep repairing them so they'd end up being VERY easy targets to take down.
  10. Bill Hicks

    NO! I want bothhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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  11. Ray98

    Yep, LOL.

    I just posted to see peoples reactions. I agree with what most people have said, ZOE would be more effective on a scatmax than a VS max, the abilities do currently work with each factions ideals etc. It's just interesting to see that for the most part, neither NC nor VS really want to swap.
  12. Nogrim313

    no it wouldn't
  13. Bankrotas

    I don't want to swap, because I disaprove of ZOE existing as it is now. It would be more powerful on NC max and it would be more scary than NC max. Shield with no collision is easy to bypass.
  14. gnometheft

  15. treeHamster

    You guys don't realize this but one of the things that make NC MAX's a pain is the fact that they always have an engy shadowing them. When they're all by themselves, they're really not a big deal to take on. One rocket then a nade and a few shotty shells and it's down. When it has an engy shadow, you need a buddy to coordinate a rocket attack or spray it while you reload.

    ZOE makes your MAX move too fast for an engy to hold a repair while it moves (even if it's just strafing). So a ZOE Splattermax would be moving too fast to hold it's engy repair lifeline. This would make it quite easy to kill especially if I could one shot it with a Deci (which I do quite well on MAX's even the ZOE's).

    The Aegis, however, is awesome since it would mean you could tank infantry fire damage without too much worry. I would use it a lot for fighting other MAX's and then in between reloading.
  16. cebceb44

    I've skimmed the thread and I've got some points to offer about this whole switch thing, and after I post, I'm heading to bed.
    Those of you who have points to argue (and there's always those who want to argue I've noticed), I'm afraid we'll need to hold off until tomorrow.

    Now, my opinion?
    I'd be for it.

    Let's take NC, first off.

    We've got the Shield, which can take an absolutely ridiculous amount of damage, which is pretty cool; However, we're NC. We've got shotguns as our primary, which are incredibly short ranged. Being able to close the distance on our target with the weapons we've got would be helpful (this is what ZOE does believe it or not), but most of the use I've gotten out of AEGIS is when facing vehicles, a good 75m or so away. Flak armor has been more of use than shields have.

    Against infantry, it's more of a "slowly move towards the enemy hoping AEGIS lasts until you are actually in range to do damage" or it's an "activate and retreat with 10% of your health left." That last point is somewhat of a lifesaver, but getting your movement speed knocked down like that makes it incredibly easy for anyone else to run up to you and knock off those remaining health bars. This ability of ours has, in my experience, gotten me killed more than it has actually saved me. Maybe I'm just bad at this game, I don't know.

    That said, the AEGIS Shield and the primary weapons we've got are two different gameplay mechanics that don't really go hand in hand unless forced, when taken in comparison with what the ZOE could give us. We'd hopefully benefit more now that we'd be able to keep enemies in shotgun-able range, and with the increased damage, we'd be able to join up fairly in the AA fight with the VS MAX's sky-laser-pistols and the TR's Lockdown-Burster MAXs.

    Now for Vanu.

    They've got the ability to close in on enemies while doing extra damage to ensure that the shots that do hit, do something. However, the closer you get, the more likely it'll do something anyway, right? But I'm asking the question on why it's so important they close that distance in the first place. Their weapons can produce sustained, long range fire, so why the rush? The stock primary weapons Vanu Max get encourage keeping your distance when attacking, and for good reason. (the reason being that all faction maxes aren't exactly the strong metal walls everyone makes them out to be)

    So, out of infantry combat, they've got some other options. That new Lancer or whatever the max's new AV/AA laser pistols are called, those contradict the need to go fast and/or make sure every shot hits. You can keep your distance, hell, have all the distance you want. They're as close to hitscan as this game will have, so long ranges aren't exactly an issue here. Adding to that, If you know how to aim, every shot will hit. There's no time for your enemies to dodge there, so you don't need to strong arm your way through their vehicle's health bar. That's just overkill.

    The Aegis shield, in this situation, would allow you to hold off longer and stronger against the vehicles you're attacking, while allowing you to protect yourself when needing to move out of an enemy's range while keeping them in yours. ZOE just kinda encourages you blindly charging into your death, while your weapons clearly have the ability to function at a distance.

    I'm pretty pessimistic on actually believing that this switch occurs. Switching now would confuse a lot of people, and that isn't exactly good. If it does, then that's neat i guess? I'd be fine, and according to the complaints I've read/heard, so would others. However, there are those who wouldn't want this changed, because they've figured out how to make it work for them. I've yet to hit that point, so perhaps I'm just ranting here.

    that's it
    that's all I've got to say on the matter
  17. Brusilov [TR]

    I think ZOE should be way cooler (faster more, damaging, more damage taken) but be activatable, with a mode change delay and a cool-down after it runs out.

    Think of TR lock-down mode, but instead of being stationary you lose defense and gain movement speed.

    The ability as it is, is pretty damn boring.
  18. Sebastien

    He's right though. All the garbage on the Reddit is down voted, only things that are actually interesting stay at the top.
  19. NightFalls998

    LOL shotgun maxes moving at the same speed as infantry?

    Nc is already OP enough thank you
  20. treeHamster

    Believe it or not, I haven't really done any better against infantry with ZOE. I use it mainly for faster speeds in running across Biolabs to a fight or going out into the fields and fighting vehicles. Where it has actually made a difference is the fighting vehicles since the damage buff only really affects the AV weapons. Those AV pistols, by the way, are absolute garbage. They do less damage by charging them up than spamming them with single shots. If you spam them, you have to shoot a LOT before you'll get anywhere against a vehicle and every shot gives your position away. The Comets end up being worlds better and they're cheaper since you only need to spend 250 to get a second (since the first is free) while the Vortex's cost you 2k to get. The ONLY reason I'd get them is so I don't have to switch to an HA for my Lancer losing my MAX and the resources it cost me to get.

    That said, the speed sounds great but when you're in bigger fights, you're more likely to get take a CRAPLOAD more damage with ZOE turned on because you'll become the Christmas tree every enemy wants to shoot as well as walk in front of your team's line of fire, taking damage from them. I like ZOE the way it is and if anything I'd want to drop the damage buff entirely for more a higher sprinting speed (since right now it's only a hair faster than the normal MAX sprint speed).