
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReconTeemo, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. ReconTeemo

  2. FateJH

    Most of his score seems to come from support activities. Primarily, spotting and detection, as his longest-played class is Infiltrator; but, his Engineer and Combat Medic have more shots listed (e.g., Repair Tool and Medical Applicator use). If you scroll down his Weapons list to where it begins showing his support tools, all of his "bullets fired" come from their lower and highest ranks. He's just been playing with a support-heavy playerstyle, to the neglect of direct engagement.

    Someone else on these forums was attempting a "pacifist run." I don't recall who that was.
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  3. Enguzrad

    I agree, it's weird. On some weapons he has quite a lot of hits, but only a few kills. Statisticaly it's very unlikely.
    But first it's better to exclude any other answers, like a stat tracker error, before anyone can make an accusation.

    Edit: On the second look, he indeed has a big fire count on medic tool and revive grenade, which would give a lot of exp. Also motion spotter has been used a lot, and proximity mine could be used when he was playing infiltrator too.
    Just the hit/kill ratio on weapons is weird, maybe he likes to shoot at harrasers?
  4. Liewec123

    his kills seem very spread out, my guess is he's a dirty logger like Daddy, when he thinks he's in danger he logs off.

    also he seems to almost always use turrets, vehicles and maxes and very rarely infantry (for anything other than putting mines down (he has over 800 mine kills and around 20 with every other infantry weapon))

    i don't think a 14 KDR is unimaginable with such a safemode crazy way of playing, though it must sap the joy right out of the game :p
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