Survey: Restoration/Med kits VS anti-personel mines

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Timeraider, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Timeraider

    Restoration/Med kits VS anti-personel mines
    Restoration kits are great for recovering after taking hits from afar or friendly fire. Healing is always nice but you are missing out on the mines and the healing wont save you msot of the time when either headshot or at close range.
    Anti-personel mines are awesome.. they yust are killers. At the other hand you will need a medic to recover after you lost some health.

    So.. whats everyone using in the utility slot?
  2. Kaibah

    Both. I switch between 'em depending on the situation/environment.
  3. Loki1991

    i use personal mines as because my hp is so low and i use the grenade belt over the nanoweave armor i normally don't survive after my shield gets broken. but im getting real annoyed because now people are walking over my proxy mines half the time and NOT dieing. the only 2 classes that should be able to do that are HA that has his shield active and at least half of the bar full or a max. i have seen medics and engineers and LA run over it and survive just because of that nanoweave upgrade. it's a ******* proxy mine even with max it should be insta kill since they aren't cheap and can only have 2 placed down at a time after spending 600 certs when playing as a infiltrator. it's fine if the engineers one doesn't 1 hit kill since they have so much fire power for a support. place down 4 proxys and have a portable turret and use the same guns that LA get. no point in having something that cost so much and still have to risk my life just to get a kill. i already risk my life putting it down in the right spots now i gotta deal with 50% of people walking over them and not dying? so now i need to camp my proxy mines too just to get kills as a CQC inf?
  4. Rigsta


    @Loki: They might actually have flak armour, which is a big reduction to explosion damage.
  5. Nehemia

    Question about proximity mines though, do they deal any damage at all to armor?
  6. Adamar09

  7. 888GRM

    Mines all the way.
    Med kits are nice and all but mines are just priceless.
    Lately ppl are surviving my mines alot too. So frustating :\
  8. Adamar09

    And the answer the OP, I run Resto kits. Currently have them up to carrying two, along with using the shield capacitor. Assuming you don't get instagibbed in CQC (a long shot, in many cases) it allows a lot more continual fighting.

    Just can't bring myself to drop the certs on proxy mines for INF when they're less than half the cost on ENG.
  9. PeterLawford

    I carry three medpacks, and I find them massively useful. A proximity mine is most likely going to get me one kill (if I'm lucky), but medpacks can keep me in the fight longer, which leads to a lot more kills.
  10. Dr. Euthanasia

    Someone's clearly never tried using them like frag grenades in the midst of an enemy zerg. You know those moments when your spawn's getting camped by like 30 guys and it switches control, so they all gather up at the entrance and wait for you to walk out?

    ...Yeah. You'll be seeing kill and kill bonus text for the next solid minute.
    • Up x 1
  11. Blackhand


    However, I Initially bought the restoration kits when the game first launched, and had no complaints about them, but once I could afford the mines I switched and find that they get me so many kills and save my skin too much to do without.
  12. Synobal

    I unlocked the heal over time restoration kit, but don't carry it. If I'm in an enemy base and I get hit I just hack a terminal change load outs, use the restoration kit, then change back.
  13. kingskorpio80

    same a same here although have you never thought of simply change to combat medic press f for self heal ability then change back to inf? save you some resources to the very least.
  14. Jaxxx

    I stick with the mines, I infiltrate a lot, and I get cornered a lot in the process and gunned down, med kit will do me no good in that situation, if i at least throw a mine down, I usually get the guy who has killed me or some other poor sap who ran across it later on, either way I dont go down without a fight. They are also good for when ou are being chased around buildings, while running, go around the corner drop it while still running and wait for the boom when the guy chasing you steps on it..... go back to hacking terminals and generators.
  15. Synobal

    True enough, I've not actually played the Medic, and the class with the resto kit is light assault and typically if i'm getting tore up and need to hear I want to go light assault for a little bit.
  16. DrankTHEKoolaid

    Mines hands down.