Supressor...or not to Suppressor

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Wren, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Wren

    So, been INF since well early beta, when VS and TR had no other option aside from their terrible starting rifles, so was mainly NC since Bolt Actions are my thing.

    Anyways, the question I have is the Suppressor attachment, not exposing yourself for a slower velocity and lower range and damage at that range, doesn't seem all that worth it to me, as when I pick a spot, it tends to be where I cant be seen, even if my dot shows up on the map.

    So fellow infs, what are your thoughts on suppressors? Mainly for long range sniping.
  2. TheCF

    You only show up if you're within a range of the enemy. 100 or 150 meters I think... so suppressor for long range is utterly pointless unless you're afraid that other snipers around you will stop looking through their scope and come running as soon as you shoot.
  3. VKhaun

    Agreed, waste of certs. You are way out of minimap range with a bolt action or you're doing it wrong.
  4. Clam Chowder

    Unless you're going behind enemy lines and sniping them behind their backs, don't get a suppressor.

    It's great to hide your signature, but useless if you're going to be sniping within your borders.
  5. sharknice

    I used the silencer in the beta for a while and tried my best to make it work. The best strategy I could come up with is hiding in a fairly close flanking position while my teammates assault the facility. If you pick your targets wisely you can get cleanup kills on people running for cover and assists on people you know your teammates can finish off. You can almost never kill anyone by yourself because of the reduced damage. You have to be careful and shoot when no one is looking otherwise they'll see your tracer and come kill you. Since you have to be closer it is harder to get away.
  6. Fogged

    It's useful. But not for long range sniping. It is however useful for sniping inside of a fortress.
  7. yama

    The suppressor is not one of the attachments you get, mount on your gun and forget.
    It's a tool. Use it when appropriate.

    Want to snipe close to or in between the enemy lines? Suppressor.
    Defending a base or far enough out not to get spotted? Bare barrel.
  8. Nyth_

    IMO the suppressor is entirely situational. If you are sniping at a medium to long distance within your own lines, it's a waste. The loss of accuracy is not worth it.
    However if you get into the medium to closer ranges; or you try to hide your presence in the base it becomes a different story.
    Now I'm not 100% sure if the suppressor actually reduces damage, if so it's completely worthless for bolt actions (I don't think that amount of stealth could weigh up against requiring more shots with slow firing weapons); but still worthwhile/considerable for semi autos and automatics

    That is because the suppressor has more functionalities, rather than just not having you show up on the minimap; like reducing sound output and muzzle flash.
    People don't always notice the dot on the minimap, but when they hear shooting relative close they will look for stuff like that. The suppressor doesn't make you silent, but it does reduce the specific bass tones which is what people tend to pay attention to.

    If you're focused on sniping from longer ranges and/or exclusively with a bolt action; I probably wouldn't grab it, or grab it when I have points to spend on random stuff, just to fool around with it.
  9. Calaerin

    Anyone know if its useful to equip a supressor on a pistol or semi-auto scout rifle? Is the damage penalty something to worry about in these cases?
  10. yama

    Look at it this way:
    You don't want to be spotted on the radar map? Might as well have a silencer on the pistol because it would be a shame to have to swap to an unsuppressed pistol in the middle of a fight and be discovered because of it.
  11. cheetum

    I would recommend it for the pistol, since the pistol is typically for CQC anyway. For rifles, I have one loadout with silenced SAS-R and 4x scope (this is the bolt action rifle with the low-zoom scopes, great for medium and close range work) and one loadout with LA-80 12x for long range sniping (no silencer necessary). I dont bother with the semi-autos.
  12. Wren

    Thanks for the feedback all

    Though correct me if I'm wrong, but you have to go back to a weapon terminal to change out attachments, you cant put one on in the field and swap it out yes?
  13. Xocolatl

    Hmm..I need a suppressor, haha.

    I believe so.
  14. KorJax

    Supressor is totally useless for any gun you plan on shooting dudes for 50+m out since it practically halves your damage output beyond that range as well as reduces bullet velocity

    However for close range it hardly suffers any downsides and and such is great in those situations.