Super LAG Genudine 12/27/12

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Blackhand, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Blackhand

    Myself and numerous Outfit mates experiencing extreme lag on Genudine.

    Yeah, I am seeing people lag EVERYWHERE
  3. Blackhand

    Mainly central users...but some West coast.
  4. Kayfes

    Yeah I just gave up trying to play. 6 crashes was enough for me and the last time I tried it was lag city.

    I'm on the west coast and it's bad.
  6. Kayfes

    West coast here.
  7. Cobra Commander

    For a minute I was worried it was just me...that was just...horrible...and hilarious for about 10 minutes as got under a tower landing pad and killed A LOT of of people standing there waiting for a lagstorm to pass. Then the game crashed to desktop.
  8. Ultralord

    Can confirm, Prowlers, lightnings and sunderers began to fly. Followed by a crash.
  9. SteazyStich

    I can confirm... it was pretty brutal. Had a really awesome fight going over Ti Alloys but it got so bad I just logged out... Infantry and vehicles flying every which way, took almost a minute to register any hits. At one point I tried to use an infantry terminal to swap classes... didn't work. About a minute later the menu pops up while I'm standing outside shooting at the ravers and low and behold I was able to swap classes (about 100m from the nearest terminal). Yikes!

    I don't know what the problem was, but that shiz has got to get fixed ASAP. Totally ruined an awesome battle.