Summary of Teams on Briggs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by h1perkarma, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. h1perkarma

    I've played all three factions and currently my home now resides among the Terran Republic. I find that the skill level is either dropping extremely fast or all the decent players are moving to different servers.

    I've also added a song that I think represents each faction accordingly.


    The New Conglomerates- (Player skill rating: 5/10)
    (This was my first faction, only because Higsby was on their side -- Sorry Matt)

    Faction Song: Song quote "Who's gonna save the world tonight
    who's gonna bring it back to life, we're gonna save the world tonight."

    The worst faction on Briggs at the moment, they have random spurts of excellence, but it's rare. They're known for being vultures and getting left overs or scraps. We've had battles go for 2-3 hours against Vanu (Normally trying to take our beloved Crown) when we finally manage to fight them off and stop their spawn points the NC figured they'd have a go, during the whole fight they were attacking us from behind and were held off by 3-4 people, they'd come in and after 15 minutes be gone again.

    It's the same everywhere, but don't get me wrong I have seen a few skilled players from the NC who have taken out myself and parts of my squad, however a player like that is rare.


    The Vanu Sovereignty- (Player skill rating: 8/10)

    Faction Song: Song quote "I've learned to lose, I've learned to win
    I've learned to turn my face to the wind, I will move fast, I will move slow, take me where I have to go."

    The Vanu are the best faction currently on Briggs, we do give them a run for their money, but some of the skill I've seen their players pull off as well as encountering 2-3 outfits who we're trying to outsmart my outfit and doing well in the process.

    They're always first to attack, and they attack in numbers, I've noticed rarely any reavers in the sky however 4-5 scythes at all times.

    They are normally out numbered when it comes to tanks but dominate in the amount of sunderer's they use, spawn points everywhere.

    They also seem to have the most Max's I've ever seen, every fight there's at-least 2 max's just ripping the Terran Republic nublets apart who persist in charging full speed at them.


    The Terran Republic - (Player skill rating: 7/10)

    Faction Song: Song quote "Just remember you're not in this alone, There's always a place in me
    you can call home, when it gets tough, gotta fight some more."

    We don't have the number of skilled players to match the Vanu but we do have a lot of skilled outfits who are pretty much the life line of the TR, as well as a lot of people who take over pub squads to try co-ordinate the nublets.

    We rarely have any good air support in the air, there are 1-2 pilots who I've seen get double digits on other enemy fighter jets however the majority of the time we have scrubs who fly into walls or nose dive tanks.

    We out number most teams in sheer brute force, our tank convoys are nothing to mess with, apart from the fact that out of 50 tanks maybe 20 of them will actually kill an enemy and the majority will get 5-6tks and gun lock themselves.

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  2. Gunnisson

    Sweeping generalisations, I really hate those.
  3. Dragonzord86

    actually on briggs, he's right on all accounts.

    We, the crown defense force known as terrans, are most threatened by vanu, as their numbers far outweigh ours in almost all fights. We hold our own however, against these alien filth.
  4. h1perkarma

    @Gunnisson, I play roughly 7 hours a day, and mix it up between day and night shifts (Stupid work) so I'm reviewing from my point of view, you must be one of those rare NC's.

    @Dragonzord86, I swear I saw you yesterday in-game, <Chest Salutes> Loyalty until death! </Chest Salutes>
  5. gunshooter

    hehe, skill in planetside 2
  6. Dragonzord86

    aye, i play alot. Just under the name of dragonzord though :p

    Victory is our tradition!
  7. Neodrauka

    I have attended such Crown holding festivities as you describe daily now. We hold our own quite well from opposing faction pouring in either side. I find the OP generalisation on the TR faction a tad presumptuous though. I can't speak for the other factions, I know I have gone up against some hard fought (Won and lost) battles. Although to give a review on a faction as a whole without knowing all intended (Myself included), an insulting one at that, isn't exactly called for. We have some tremendous players on the TR side, as do the other factions. We all 3 have our share of Trolls / morons and people like aim bots with a total disregard for teamwork. But we get it DONE Dagnammit.
  8. f0d

    the one thing i have noticed (same with other servers too) is that TR wont leave indar NC wont leave amerish and VS pretty much wont leave esamir - although at least us VS have taken amerish a few times now

    i cant wait for another continent to be introduced to hopefully get everyone out of their home continents
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  9. Dragonzord86

    I'd love to leave indar. I hate that place, but theres nowhere else to fight where its even.
  10. JokeForgrim

    So TL;DR

    NC - 5/10
    VS - 8/10
    TR - 7/10

    What is the point in making it out of 10 if no one sets the standard?

    Here is a rebalanced version of the scale.

    VS - 8/8 Cleary the BEST! and approved by the OP due to wanting to fight for hours over "the crown"
    TR - 7/8 Almost the BEST! but the OP didnt want to seem Biased...
    NC - 5/8 Pretty Close to the BEST! with nerf cannons and pea shooters thats pretty impressive.

    Your Welcome ^_^

    Also which server have you been playing? NC has held Amerish Daily since i've been playing. Guess you only play Indar.
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  11. Neodrauka

    I have noticed this also, although I find on Briggs, action is sorely lacking in my favourite zone Amerish during my playtime, and I hate the snow :p So I usually stick to Indar, and inevitably get funneled to defend the crown and assault surrounding areas.

    As for new continent, you'll be pleased to know after a recent Dev Q and A, they confirmed a new continent to be released soon, can't recall the name, but it IS Volcanic. Also, on the rumour mill, is the addition of an NPC AI race who's colour will be green. I guess to add a PvE aspect to the game. Don't quote me, but I'm sure that's what I heard.
  12. f0d

    its not exactly even on indar - usually its like 60%+ TR
  13. Dragonzord86

    no i know, i agree totally. I wish tr would go elsewhere too, and i've tried to attack other continents, but its just not effective :/
  14. f0d

    i wish we all would go somewhere other than our home continents - all factions are guilty of it and i dont really see much change until they add new continents

    i also wish VS would leave esamir sometime

    btw just checked pops and VS actually have a higher pop than TR on indar atm :confused: :eek: o_O
  15. h1perkarma

    Ffs, thank you. ;) I play Indar, and Esamir, so that's probably why. Amerish is no-go-zone for anyone bar NC.

    But was just playing and we got absolutely ***** by the NC somehow, there was like three outfits that ***** us.

    Apologies if you find it offensive, I didn't mean it that way. Loyalty until death.
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  16. JokeForgrim

    lol im glad you like my maths :D

    Amerish: Makes sense its usually got at least 40% pop recapping one turf at a time around the warpgates lol.

    It was funny tho, I think friday or sat (I was busy all day) and I hopped on drunk later that night. My Platoon told me that TR had taken Amerish during the day, then they all hopped online and Ninja capped it back right away as the TR had all cleared out after the cap.

    Seriously tho, Indar is TR turf and Esamir is VS we know that we just like to have our fun.

    On a side note how awesome is the whole 3 way battle mechanic? You can choose which side to defend or attack. Its is crazy when we get those Briggs only 3 way battles for a tech plant or a biolab on Indar (Best for fighting)

    Just because I feel like rambling...

    Indar is the best for fighting because its usually Night and its hill are Drive-over-able which is so important in this game, plus the layout is really well designed imo.

    Esamir is just so open and there is nowhere to hide due to the vast whiteness also the hills near the warpgates make lock down really hard.

    Amerish is the worst map to fight on by far, (probably why NC inherited it) mainly because you cant go from point A to point B without following the roads/map. The Hills are massive and it just leads to follow the leader. As you said, NC own Amerish so we generally are fighting against hit and run tactics due to higher pop. So we are always circle jerking around objectives (Unless we have more than 1 squad).

    Still Briggs is an Awesome server and I have a lot of fun playing with my outfit and against the other factions. People are generally awesome (Trolls, TKers and Haxors excluded) and good job on the write up, its pretty much accurate. VS fights TR (epic battles) while NC ninja caps what they can... and occasionally has a three way.

    Also my Outfit usually has 2-3 squads up (AND IN ONE CONTINENT!! FFS!!!) and people work together, so expect more ****ing in the future once we cert up ;) lotsa love from your friendly "FREEDOM OR DEATH" corporation.
  17. Orbital_Butt

    That is the music you chose for those empires. When you thought of them, those pieces are what you thought, in your brain that you have, were good representations of the empires. You thought it up and then wrote an entire post around it, and believed in it enough to put it out there for us to have to see.

    A human being thought these things, and then posted them, and thought it was good to post, and they posted it after thinking thoughts that led them to believe it was good. I feel very, very, very weary

    EDIT: you literally chose two of the worst offerings from shm and mt. eden. out of all the sodden, awful garbage those two entities produce you unerringly chose two of the worst like a backwards Bloodhound that leads you to exactly the thing you don't want
  18. Trysaeder

    Yeah, I feel the same way. The NC are slightly dumb, VS has many of the world's best players, and TR move together well.

    edit: oh, it was a summary of Briggs, no wonder.
  19. h1perkarma

    Yeah I love Biolab fights between all 3 factions, for some reason I'm never on during the night it bugs me. Is there a certain time frame for it?

    I love Briggs too, I've seen only one hacker so far. ^-^

    Hopefully I see you on the battlefield. >:D
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  20. Gebeine

    loving the crown fights the moment it starts a flashing ima get there made many quick certs that way also my first race was the VS but i switched to NC as i didn't like there guns and from NC to TR after watching 100 people trying to fit into 2 little as hell doors instead of blowing up the generators and going through the main entrance been really happy with the TR i found my home in those glorious bastard's i call my brothers in arms LOYALTY TO DEATH