Suggestions for the new cloak system

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by UKJK7, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. UKJK7

    It's another great infiltrator update, and I have fallen in love with the infiltrator loadouts, but I havent payed much attention nor have I upgraded any of my cloaks.
    I run one loadout with EM4 Longshot
    and one with NS7-PDW.

    My question now is:
    Does anyone have a favorite cloak or is there a specific cloak that fits one of my load outs? ( Hunter, Nano, and Stalker.)
    Thanks to those who respond, yours truely
  2. Benevon

    Well stalker won't fit either as it disables your primary weapon.

    Personally, I run hunter on both sniper and SMG loadouts with ammo belt or nanoweave respectively. Some will swear by nano armor cloak for SMGing, it just didn't fit me.