[Suggestion] Rework the steering left/right from forward to reverse

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Stigler, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Stigler

    As the steering stands there is a weird spot between forward and reverse that flips the steering to opposite of what you intend when driving some ground vehicles. This is actually a large cause of why many people have problems fighting other tanks in close quarters and maneuvering for the correct facing in the heat of battle. Just take a lightning and bind it to some pedals and or a real joystick (not an xbox controller) and drive it, then go drive a typical vehicle an say a few other fps with vehicles and then say yeah maybee we should change that.

    In fact some people believe that making the steering not flip on you will help greatly vs the magrider as the current ground vehicle control scheme is not very desirable (and I am using foot pedals but have also had it bound to keys.)

    This really is not as much of an issue for the ATV and Sunderer.

    Thanks for your time have a great Holiday.