[SUGGESTION] Prevent Auto-turret Spam

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Krazzulimaii, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Krazzulimaii

    I wasn't able to download the pts client when you guys had the load test (why don't you have a link for it in a more accessible place anyway?), but from the videos, I noticed some things.

    One problem I definitely saw was the ability to line up turrets right beside each other. Now, this might not be a problem depending on their damage output, but if you had a bunch of turrets lined up outside a choke point or cap room, it would prevent any sort of movement, turning things into a cert farm.

    Easy fix: give an allowed proximity, much like you do with deploying sunderers. You can only set down an autoturret that's x meters away from the next autoturret.

    Now, this might not actually turn into a problem, and if it doesn't, good! But if it does, I think this could be an easy solution.
  2. z1967

    I'm thinking a deploy radius should be around 10m or so. Enough so that you can pack quite a few into a base but not so many that every other enemy is a turret. Although I would investigate reducing vertical limits so they aren't totally useless in towers.

    Of course, we have to see how effective they plan to make the turrets. Probably Inquisitor on a stick sort of low power should do fine imo.
  3. Metalsheep

    This is exactly how Spitfire Turrets worked in PS1, they each had a No-Deploy radius that prevented Turrets from being clumped, but yet had a small enough radius that you could have multiple (2-3) turrets cover the same area and create a kill-zone.

    Also: Engineers could not place Spitfires within Enemy Territory without a special Engineering cert line.
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  4. Whiteagle

    Exactly, plus do we even know how many turrets an Engineer will get?
    In the Original you could lay down at least more than a DOZEN, but if each Engi only gets one or even two it would take quite a lot to build a PS1 style killbox, let alone a whole wall...
  5. Problem Officer

    No need to limit deployment zones, just amount per user.
    Turrets should lead their shots yet have limited aiming speed and reaction time.
    Targets that are willing to use cover should have an advantage. The ones who rush should not.
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  6. Mahaut

    I don't have the PTS installed, but do EMPs grenades destroy/disable these new auto-turrets? That could ad an interesting form of counter-play and a small new role for infiltrator, be highly effective against the stacks of turrets we seem to be fearing here, and would be in line with the "destroy all deployable" effect the EMP already has attached to it.
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  7. Rikkit

    no the turrets on the pts wasn't effekted by the emp at all, but they ignore the player, when he is cloaked.
    but as i said before, it dosen't mean that much in the current sate, couse as soon as you uncloak behind them, to stab them, or do something else, they turn in an instant (no limited turning speed)
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  8. HadesR

    Ofc needs to be a " spam " limit .. If for no other reason than for a performance one .. I'm sure SOE know this and won't be stupid enough to let so many be placed in small areas ...
  9. Whiteagle

    That's because the current turrets are just placeholders put in to see what kind of stress the aiming AI turrets will put on the server.
    Notice how they are just regular AI turrets that can aim on their own?
    They aren't the final model at all, just a stand in.
  10. Tuco

    How much stress does 400 players within a 100 meter radius, all shooting simultaneously, put on the server?
  11. Whiteagle

    Well a good deal I would imagine, but with Players the Server doesn't have to run Aiming AI on top of that...
    Hence why they want a lot of people to show up at these Turret Test on the Test Server.
  12. Tuco

    PS1 AMS, PS1 mines, PS1 spitfires, PS1 motion detectors spreads the battle out a great deal. What's a 100 meter radius battle now would become a 2000 meter long front spanning several different bases, regardless of lattice links.
  13. Whiteagle

    No... no they did not...
    Please quit talking about things you have no real clue about.
  14. Tuco

    yes....they did