[Suggestion] Planetside 2 Toys

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Henry Pace, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. PastalavistaBB

    Hmmm. NC "Fla/eshlights". If you know what I mean...;)
  2. CptNukeEm

    My kids (i have 4 of them) would know what to put on their xmas list for sure : ) I might even steal them from them every now and then... ;) They're actually building Lego models of PS2 now, but the real thing would be so much better.
  3. Henry Pace

    Haha i would too if i can get a job and i wont a purple/with white strip jeep and add some bumper stickers to it for VS loyalty.

    That is very understandable, Planetside 2 has came along way and Knowing the play-stationers there going to love the game. Hopefully it the love will last like this community has for many years and so for. I would definitely try selling this stuff as a avatar prop if Playstation has that stuff like the Xbox does, but if not later after the ps2 launch on the ps4 i would try selling the stuff this community on this thread wants :L
  4. Henry Pace

    Congratulations on having awesome Rad Kids your doing something right if there buying acessories like these. Also give them plenty of the legos a kids imagination is our future.
  5. Henry Pace

    Give this man a job in merchandising.
  6. Henry Pace

    Heh, Better yet buy it for your wife if shes cool enough that is :p.
  7. Henry Pace

    But serously Planetside team only has guns and camos to sell but if we want something better than call of duty toilet paper We shall wait but always give them feedback on what they should add if they decide to make a online store or a STORE IN GENERAL.
  8. TheKhopesh

    I'm a gamer shut in.
    (And the majority -a good ~65%ish- of those playing PS2 are either kids, or shut ins like me.)

    What makes you think I even have a girlfriend, much less a wife?
  9. Henry Pace

    I would say its a compliment, if someone said i had a girlfriend that shows that I have High self esteem and I should be lucky to even have one. But im sorry if it did offend you, and I tend to see 65% of those kids talking about male organs but anyways XD.
  10. TheKhopesh

    No offense taken, just callin' it as I see it.
  11. PastalavistaBB

    So that's how someone Auraxiums the Phoenix? (twice:eek:) I'm better off Auraxiuming the Beamer. ;)
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  12. Henry Pace

  13. Henry Pace

    The beamer is very strong if used correctly and the Phoenix is just pathetic. Its like a coding failure happened when making this
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  14. TheKhopesh

    Oh hey, someone who uses the Phoenix!
  15. Henry Pace

    I have never nor want to touch that giant shooting stick, its just overkill (cut out the kill it cant even do that)
  16. TheKhopesh

    It's really fun, but it's a deathtrap to whoever's sitting there motionless just praying the enemy isn't smart enough to start sending out stalker or sniper infils the moment they see those blue missiles.

    If they'd make a few minor changes, it would be a decent weapon.

    -First off, it desperately needs an afterburner that can shoot it up to about 100 m/s (It's top speed literally the slowest RL speed ingame, at a measly 42 m/s. The Deci is second slowest at 60 m/s, and everything else is +100 m/s).
    You have to pilot the missile for so long that it's DPS is actually the lowest DPS of all launchers in PS2.

    Frosty the Pyro was kind enough to do the work for me, so here's his shoulder fired rocket launcher DPS findings:

    "dps for HA launchers is as folows:
    (dps) (RL name) (damage per shot to armor/time between shots)

    333 decimator (2000/6)
    309 dumbfire (1700/5.5)
    273 lancer-3 (3000/11)
    265 lancer-1 (1800/6.8)
    236 Lancer-2 (2250/9.5)
    200 G2G lock (1500/7.5)
    188 G2A lock (1500/8)
    167 annihlator (1500/9)
    158 phoenix @300m (2000/12.7)"

    And if you're point-blank, the missile starts out at 7 m/s (Sprinting speed for infantry is 5 m/s), meaning that close up shots are almost guaranteed to miss.

    -Second, it's range needs to be range based, NOT time based.
    (If you fire a Phoenix rocket, and curve it around back to yourself, you could sustain the rocket indefinitely by turning, but due to it's timer, it detonates after about 8 seconds of flight time).

    Being able to indefinitely circle would be useless, but having the round be range based would allow for more complex flight patterns as you go in for the kill.
    As is, you've got to fly more or less without evasive maneuvers as enemies try to shoot you down (Think how screwed an ESF would be if they had the turning of a galaxy. That's how bad it is for us currently).

    -Lastly, it has a host of bugs and issues (Everything from flying straight through the chest cavities of enemy maxes to flying through vehicles after 200m, which is total BS).
    One of the biggest of which is that it cannot reliably fire through saferoom shields (If someone gets you with the phoenix from the safe room, they deserve a medal. It may look easy, but it's 20 times harder to get a kill with the phoenix from the safe room than it is to dumbfire or even just regularly shoot some poor fool who wandered too close to your saferoom), though all rockets suffer from this issue, the phoenix is by and large the worst offender here.

    It's almost as easy to fire the Phoenix through as it is to throw a concussion grenade through.

    And the Phoenix really should do Decimator damage to non-galaxy aircraft.
    If you're moving so slow, and so close that you get hit by the Phoenix, the shooter didn't earn that shot, but you deserve to take the extra damage for being that slow to react.
    (Even a galaxy can outrun a phoenix shot! If it's traveling at max speed, it can outrun the missile. As well, a galaxy can also out maneuver a phoenix missile, which is just pathetic.)

    ESF's have to practically give you the kill.
    If you don't believe me here, trial it and try to shoot down a random enemy ESF.

    You may get one, though I doubt you will.
    You're FAR more likely to get it with small arms or trying to dumbfire it.
  17. Snoozzzer

    I've wanted an NC hoodie for a while now

    Possibly also that sweet NC helmet Higby has
  18. Henry Pace

    I rather have the pheonix hard to control but a one hit kill.
  19. Henry Pace

    Maybe we can bribe it from him for a couple grand.
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  20. Henry Pace


    That image makes me think about the iplant system, there not helpful because they run out so fast and even when i use them it just wastes my charges and i hardly notices it.

    Also anyone up for a NC,TR,VS Gun prop i would die for a NC bolt driver and a VS Ghost rifle that plays the sound from the game.