[Suggestion] Bulletproof certification for vehicles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PKSpark, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. PKSpark

    Large vehicles being bulletproof by default is unfair for infantry,
    especially during spawn lock.
    I suggest small arms immunity to be a secondary certification slot.
    You'll have to choose either nanite repair system/armor/cloa/front armor
    or an invicibility to small arms damage.

    This will definitely makes the game better...!
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  2. Ronin Oni


    You want main battle tanks to be damaged by carbine fire???????

    This is surely a joke post right?
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  3. Celenor

    It is pretty crazy, but then, look at how thick MAX armor is. If they aren't immune to regular bullets, why should tanks be?

    Edit- this is not an argument in favor of tanks being damaged by bullets, that would be silly. It's an argument for properly armored MAXes (though, yes, MAX DPS would need to be slashed).
  4. Nexus545


    This is going to stir a few heated emotions...

    But it all seriousness tanks don't need paper armour.
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  5. Ronin Oni

    Kinetic armor on a MAX is plenty topugh enough.

    This is NOT PS1, and MAX armor is no thicker than a Harassers which is also vulnerable to small arms.
  6. PKSpark

    It's the future, if i can kill someone in my spandex why not a tank with a rifle!
    It will take a lot of mags, sure, if you shoot the tank's front armor
    In average i noticed around 4-5 peoples in a spawn lock. So 8-10 mags should be the amount to take down a Vanguard.
    Half of this if it hits the back engine (with the "headshot" critical red dot when it proc)
    For the aircraft it should be the cockpit, given the visual (glass) and to balance the mobility advantage of the aircrafts
  7. HadesR

    No but every time they sit within 200m's of a spawn room the drivers head should poke out the cupola :p
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  8. Ronin Oni

    omg you're actually serious.....

    8 mags???

    I could dump 8 mags faster than it takes to fire and reload enough rockets to kill a tank!!!

    THat's not even considering how many infantry there are all of them with small arms!

    Tanks are already troubled by infantry enough as it is, and that's only dealing with HA's and C4 for crying out loud.

    Here's a tip. Next time your spawn is surrounded by tanks, fall back and prepare better for the next advancement. Stop them before they push up that far maybe.
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  9. PKSpark

    And if that tank flee at 200m in the red and you snipe its burning engine... You could brag forever of your achievement
  10. Archiadus

    You just answered your own question, it's the future so surely they've created material that can withstand the impact from bullets.

    Why is this technology not used on infantry you might ask, well that's because it would add too much weight for them to move around properly. Nano-weave armor contains small traces of the material, just enough to block some of the bullets.
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  11. Celenor

    Moving on to that, vehicles are extremely cheap now and killing them doesn't stop the flow because resources are plentiful. Either increase vehicle costs, or make things like mines cheaper and let engineers deploy more so that they CAN prepare the next base.

    Sunderers should immediately at least double in cost, though given the new shield, I would say 500 wouldn't be wrong.
  12. PKSpark

    Sorry 8 mags is definitely not enough
    Still, given how easy it is for a tank to flee the place, especially if the cannon is nose-rested
    (you only see the cannon tip from the spawn) it's not impossible.

    Maybe starting at 8 mags resistance at lvl 1,then adds 4 extra mags per level. Last level cost 1000 certs and makes your vehicle 100% bulletproof!
  13. miraculousmouse

    It's actually not spandex, it's an extremely tough carapace, sort of like a lobster shell but with ballistic resistance properties.
  14. Ronin Oni

    I'm so sick of complaints on the new shield which is, in fact, ACTUALLY WEAKER than Blockade AMS with repairers.

    The new shield is ONLY better for undefedned AMS against a lone wolf suicide bomber. Apparantly that's you. This is not a lone wolf game. DWI.gif

    As far as destroying vehicles, they die as easy as ever. The difference now is if your tank column dies, your tank column can pull another one to keep fighting the enemy tanks, instead of now being camped by armor.

    So no, how about you set up mines, set up AV turrets, get your HA's lined up, and back all that up with some armor of your own!
  15. Ronin Oni


    These are TANKS FFS!

    You obviously don't use one nor understand how much firepower they're already taking just from HA rocket's, turrets, and enemy armor/air.

    This would be the ultimate EFF UUUU to tankers.

    FWIW: I'm mostly a pilot, not a tanker. But your suggestion would KILL the tank game.
  16. KenDelta

    It's the future , why not allow tanks to be immune to rockets ? don't they have "trophy" system that blocks projectiles in cod ? why not have it in ps2.

    It's the future , why don't we have plasma knifes that 1 hit stab out enemies ?

    It's the future , why are we still using outdated models for our tanks and vehicles(namely the Prowler , Vanny and NS vehicles.

    And it's the future , why not let TANKS die to smgs. because you know nanites and the future.
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  17. PKSpark

    That's where it gets interesting, you will have to choose between nanite auto repair system on your tank,
    so you can deal with damage in the open (take dmg then hide somewhere),
    or bulltproof frame to deal with infantry in enclosed areas.
  18. ColonelChingles

    This... is perhaps the... least rational idea I've ever heard on PS2. And I've heard a lot.

    Do you even know why they invented tanks in the first place?

    I'll give you a hint. World War I, 1914-1918. Both sides were heavily dug into the ground. The middle area was heavily mined, covered by all sorts of snipers and machineguns. It was called "no man's land", because no man could survive it.


    So in 1916, the British had the idea to introduce armored vehicles that would resist the weapons that made it impossible for infantry to cross no man's land. They called it... the tank.


    Yes, the principle reason why the bloody thing was invented was to resist infantry small-arms fire. And you... want to take that away.

    I mean it's not even a tank at that point really. Just a car with a gun on top.

    Worst... idea... EVER.

    EDIT: Wait a sec... I thought that name looked familiar... is this just PKFire trolling? :eek:
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  19. Ronin Oni


  20. PKSpark

    No i'm not PKFire, just a former tf2 player who switched to ps2 (i like sniping with hold your breath feature)

    About the bulletproof history, yes, it's true, because it was new and at that time the germans were taken by surprise.
    Then they pulled the anti tank rifle shortly after, the gewehr rifle

    I don't want to totally remove the invicibility, just make it more conditionnal.

    At last resort, makes the tanks resistant to 24 mags at default level (and i'm saying it's already op from the tank pov)
    and give the infantry a cert to replace their slugs/soft point with anti tank special ammunition: slower firing speed.

    But having the tank being immune to small arms and nanite auto repairs, it's not fair.
    They have their cake and eat it.