[Suggestion] Ballistics computer and NC

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by VAHU, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. VAHU

    So, since ballistics computer was introduced I was wondering.

    Why not make the NC default sniper rifle to the Gauss SPR?

  2. TheSunlikeOne

    Or make VS/TR tier 1 BASR default.

    Offtopic: There is new rechambering animation on BASRs (confurmed with NC SRs). It looks very weird, like you are rechambering AK.
  3. VAHU

    That animation is present on the TR BASR as well.

    Also in all honesty it would be much better if people were allowed to choose between starter pack for high alpha damage or high rate of fire on the classes upon start up but I also read somewhere that BASR were a little too unfair for the NC to have by default so I figured I'd take this approach.

    Any thoughts help.
  4. blackboemmel

    Why make the Gauss SPR the NC default sniper rifle?
  5. LaughingDead

    I always figured the VS would have the semi sniper while TR had a scout rifle starter and NC had a bolt action.

    Also why? I mean if we're going to ask why to change the defaults when why not the defaults of other classes? Let's take heavies, gauss saw (while terrible for newbies) is a longer to mid range LMG, onion is obviously close and carv is medium close, why should we normalize all of the default starters when the default starters of other classes remain different and diverse from each other?
  6. VAHU

    I was thinking about the new player experience and how the changes seem to aimed in that direction.
    New players are given grips to remove the horizontal recoil as well as laser sights to improve hip fire, on top of this the starting SASRs get ballistics computer which removes the swaying from ADS. The NC having BASR is left out of this because the change only applies to SASR, thus my suggestion.

    Now that you mention it, the thought standarizing other classes' weaponry had not crossed my mind yet but if it indeed was it would help against this mentality I see running around that there's a faction with "better weaponry" than the other two (I'm sure you know where it leads)
  7. AlterEgo

    Honestly, the entire POINT of empire asymmetry is to have equipment that others don't. In this case, the NC are all about damage and slow-azz weapons. BASRs accomplish this. On the other hand, TR and VS are just about the same when it comes to weaponry. I should like it if the TR started out with a scout rifle and the VS kept their Spectre (just for lolz).
  8. VAHU

    Is there something wrong with the Gauss SPR?
  9. Pikachu

    Or make buff SASR so BASR aren't go-to weapons anymore. PS2 is full of go-to stuff.