Striker owners, your opinion please

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jube, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Jube

    It doesn't matter how you rephrase it, what your asking for is to have a NC Striker. What this thread is about is fixing the Striker NOT giving it to all factions as it is.
  2. SolidSnake

    Well according to you TR users, the way to "fix the Striker" is for the rest of us to use flares/smoke. Let's not address the versatility, damage potential, ease of use, and how it's available only to one faction no. Let's put all the blame on the other factions for not "L2P." You don't want NC or VS with a similar launcher eh? Giving a blatantly OP weapon to the other factions? noooo that'd be crazy, so that only leaves nerfing the launcher as the only course of action. Nerf away then.
  3. Jube

    I think maybe you should re-read my original post on this thread. Nowhere did I suggest any of the things your stating.
    In fact you are completely off topic.
  4. Crayv

    Currently the Striker is a more effective version of the Annihilator. Thing is, it HAS to be. Currently when it comes to ESRL the TR give up a specialized tool for a higher quality version of an existing one.

    Think of them as tools. All factions have a hammer. TR is given a better hammer, VS is given a screwdriver, and NC is given a saw. TR is saying having a better hammer isn't that great and would rather have a different tool. Meanwhile the other two factions are complaining about how much better TR's hammer is compared to theirs.
  5. Jube

    Nice analogy except for one thing....The TR's "Hammers" all work together to make a "Wrecking ball" beats the **** out of a screwdriver any day.
  6. Masterofm

    It's good. The lock on mechanics need work. After that? We will talk.
  7. Jalek

    Have you seen what a barrage of blue can do? Granted, it used to be more common, but anything used en masse should work that way. There're quite a few VS ESRL's around too, I've seen them used in groups to spam down a tank (from the receiving end), but again it's been some time since a few ZOEs are more versatile than a few Lancers.
  8. Riskae

    I love my striker and will be sad when/if it is nerfed.

    the NC max nerf was redacted because NC maxes are supposed to be omgroflstomp in CQC... the striker is supposed to own in large open spaces... VS guns are broken at all ranges... meh...
  9. Hoki

    Fair trade, I like it.

    Cannot wait for the Battlefield 4 simply the wire guided rockets.

    Now I would want this wire guided rocket to be just as fast as the dumbfire rockets. Slow guided rockets are pointless cause they can't hit air.

    1 Hit would need to do just enough damage to put an ESF on fire, and about as much damage as a skep against ground vehicles.
  10. biterwylie

    Could we not just give it the same damage output as the annihilator? Simple!
  11. maximus

    Haven't they already said they where taking the auto easy mode firing system out of the game? You have to keep target in sight, then it will be garbage just like that piece of junk NC rocket launcher.
  12. Goretzu

    Er..... the NC AI MAXs have been hugely blanket nerfed TWICE now.

    The are maybe 50% of their release day raw CQB kill power these days and even worse at range.
  13. SolidSnake

    What was redacted? When did they roll back nerfs on the Scatmaxes? I haven't seen anything of the sort.
  14. Vixxing

    I fail to see the difference between Strikers and aimbots... (one is computerguided missile the other is computerguided bullets)
    Nuff said!
  15. deggy

    The Striker completely wrecks the vehicle game. I can't drive around TR without constantly hiding behind something to avoid locks.

    And no, that's not the way it's supposed to work. Tanks are supposed to remain mobile (look at all the arguments in the C4 threads) and not tie themselves down in one spot. We can't do that around a Striker squad.

    And to all those spouting crap about organization:

    Just because there are 8 people in a given fight with Strikers out, does that mean that all vehicles should be denied the ability to participate in that fight?

    Do 8 people with LMGs deny all infantry the ability to participate? Not even HE tanks can do that.
  16. Jube

    Do you really think that by making the user keep the target in his/her target box until the rocket hits will change anything?
    For the single user yes, but TR players use the Striker in groups of salvo fire. This small change to the lock-on mechanic is of no consequence to this tactic.
  17. Riskae

    the original nerf was almost halved.
  18. Riskae

    yep and all lock ons will need to maintain lock soon. wish granted.
  19. Riku

    They're very situational to get kills with, but kind of universal to deter.
    Yes they're a pain but the real issue is that people refuse to learn how to deal with them.
    Not saying they're 100% fine and nothing to tweak, because I am happy about the coming lock-on changes which address my concerns :)
  20. Goretzu

    We'll have to see, it was like that in PS1, and can be just as effective (or even more effective), if not always quite as easy.

    The devil is in the detail as always.
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