Striker needs tweaking. This is rediculous

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ABATTLEDONKEY, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. Ulrikke

    As a VS / TR player I would say I prefer the Striker over the Glancer. The charge mechanic is beyond tedious and you actually have to have aim the thing :p
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  2. NccWarp9

    I can avoid Phoenix missile by going behind a hill or a large rock, not Striker. If it locks on no matter where you go. I once hid in a hole behind a hill and got blown up. Tell me how thats fair that a guy with use of no skill what so ever as the use of Striker required no skill can kill me?
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  3. datfluttershy

    Does anyone realise the Striker is there for the sole purpose of making the TR feature an easy to use appealing weapon for low to mid skilled players that would also like to get a kill or two every now and then?
    So the Striker fits perfectly into the TR arsenal of easy to use medium to high damage weapons. Since the TR Gameplay is ment to be very stationary the capabilitys of this Rocketlauncher fiddle further towards a campy playstyle, if you want to say it like that.

    If they would now alter the Striker, which they can at any point if they would like to, a lot of people might leave TR because the feel nerfed. Everyone saw what happened to the VS when there Magrider was roflstomp nerfed, they wont repeat that process with the Striker. Just deal with the fact that there has to be almost idiot proof weapons because not anyone has either the ability to become a really good player, or simply doesnt have the time to compete with your unemployed 24/7 ***.

    I for one, enjoy using my Lockon Hawk while i am enjoying some beers infront of my PC. Simply because i dont feel like going WCG every damn day.
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  4. Blinklys

    The Striker is the single most annoying thing in this game, by a large margin. Something needs to be done, either lengthen the lock on timer or reduce the damage output. I can understand that TR and NC have a dislike for the lancer, but this thing. This friggin thing!
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  5. Wezdor

    Fixed it for you. Go look at weapon stats if you don't believe me.
  6. PhilDun

    Weapon stats aren't conclusive. Striker has lower stats because of it's deterrent effect. Players don't fight with vehicles around Striker users.
  7. Canaris

    you do know that's a Napalm launcher right?
  8. Shoot4Life

    And Vortex+ZOE for sure. The only drawback to those things is render distance.
    Phoenix is annoying since it can chase the target. So i think in differents ways we all have somthing that perform for what it has been disigned.

    Why poeple always get blind by the perception they have of someting. Play TR a bit and you'll see about lancer and phoenix
    The same for some crying about fracture spam. Go play TR and enjoy NC MAX and you'll realize the greener grass effect.
  9. Wezdor

    I meant the actual weapon attributes. Such as damage done, reload speed and so on. If he even cared to look at those he'd see that the Striker does far more damage than it should, for a lock on. If they change its mechanics it can keep the damage, but it can't be a lock on in this state.
  10. NietCheese

    I play all three factions and the Striker is easily the best of the launchers. The main reasons: is that it has a very long effective range compared to other weapons, it has very high damage, can be used on both land & air vehicles and can deny air space very effectively.

    Once you deny air space, your ESFs can come in and clean up enemy armor. Air domination is extremely important in this game, whoever dominates the air can much more easily dominate the ground. When I play TR as a tanker I die far less to enemy air because of the Striker, incredibly helpful.

    The Phoenix is a 300 meter joke weapon. Not high damage, largely useless against aircraft and the range means it's pretty useless against armor pushes. It's a trolling weapon, great if you have 10 guys who all want to use it to troll the enemy. But ultimately it's a joke item.
  11. IamDH

    better lol
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  12. Andy79

    How to slowly ruin faction balance in a 3 faction game ? give one faction an anti-air / anti-groundvehicle low skill lockon launcher while the other 2 factions have to buy 2 different weapons and have to pick one depending on situation.

    I'd love to see some statistics on distribution of high ranking pilots, exp and kills vs aircraft across factions.
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  13. Scorpion

    The Striker is good but not nearly as Legendary as so many people seeking its nerf would like you to believe. Lets go over some of them.

    Ability to shoot infantry? No
    Ability to shoot MAXs? No
    Ability to shoot base turrets? No
    Ability to shoot Engineer turrets? No
    Ability to destroy a weapons / vehicle console? No

    Note: Lancer / Phoenix has no problem with any of the above.

    Drawback 1: Has a minimal lock on range of around 50 meters. Which means if you are in 50 meters, no lock on can be established thus the Striker is useless. Can also move into the 50 meter deadzone to stop a lock on completion.

    Drawback 2: Can be countered by Smoke and Flares. Smoke can be certed down to a 15 second cool down time, with the smoke lasting 3-5 seconds, which gives a 10 second window to acquire the lock and fire. This can be compounded further if vehicles are close to each and rotate their smoke screens.

    Drawback 3: This weapon is very susceptible to snipers as the user exposes himself to lock on and is also susceptible to vehicle fire. The Lancer shares the same fate but not the Phoenix.

    Drawback 4: When there is multiple vehicles in the area, establishing a lock on to the desired target can become impossible due to the constant auto switching of targets.

    Note: 4 Drawbacks and the Phoenix is exempt from all 4 ( unless position poorly for a sniper ) and Lancer is only truely effected by Drawback 3.

    Do the lock on go through terrain? No, but they can curve like any other lock on missile. The special feature of the Striker is from how it launches. If the target is on the ground partially in cover, it will launch the salvo upwards then come down. Against fliers it launches ahead of their direction of travel then travels as a normal lock on does. The target of a lock on can ( in certain circumstances ) use terrain to eat the shots rather then taking the impact.

    Note: Some times, as all lock can suffer, that an ESF does a simple upward climb and the missile dont follow and lose their target.

    *** As to the Phoenix cant curve it shots very well statement: Buy a new mouse. I can fire from behind cover and make that missile kiss my a $ $ . Fire from behind a building up and over, back down low and hook around a tree to a infantry hugging it on the opposite side of my facing. The only thing the Striker has on it is the ability to punish Air, other then air, the Phoenix is supperior in every way.

    *** As to the Striker does alot of damage? 15 shots to kill a lightning, which is all the ammo a heavy carries unless he buys all 3 ranks in Ammo to drive the ammo count from 15 to 30 but by using that suit feature he loses out on having extra life.

    Final Note: It sucks carrying a striker and spawning from a Sunderer or going around a corner and finding a enemy vehicle ( in close proximity ) and your AV weapon is useless.
  14. Cab00se187

    When is air within 50m?? Only bad pilots are

    Striker lock-on is 2 secs. Leaving you only 8 secs window, not enough

    All launcher users are susceptible to snipers and vehicle fire, moot point

    Same as every lock on weapon, moot point
  15. firewolf

    That's what he is saying. The lancer and Nix if used correctly don't have to deal with drawback 3 much. And of the three ESRls only the striker has to deal with drawback 4. So not moot points something the other two don't have to deal with.
  16. Cab00se187

    Who care about ESRL's. Lock ons are still lock ons and the striker is the best launcher in the game
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  17. firewolf

    Ask any TR after they were released. We hated how SOE gave us a lock on. NC got a TV guided, VS Got a charge insta hit, And the TR got a lock on.

    Oh boy something that does the job of something I already have.

    If they were wire guided we would be happy. If you had to keep eyes on the target after lock to have the missiles hit we would be happy.

    Its just people complaining about something we didn't even want to begin with. But we got it so might as well use it.

    Change the striker mechanics or make a new rocket with the mechanics I just mentions and you will see a big drop in striker users just over the fact that its more useful and a hell of a lot more fun then point-lock on-click-walk away.
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    Which is the ONLY reason why the striker has worse XP performance than other launchers. I keep trying to tell people this but they LOVE their stats. i would like to see stats relating ESRL and their performance against vehicles alone.

    50m is NOTHING. the phoenix has a hard time hitting things at 50m simply because you cant see what your looking at under 50m lol. Run the other direction for 5 seconds and youll open up your gap enough. How many times has the 50m min distance been an issue? how many times has the 300m max distance of the phoenix missile been the determining factor in an engagement? how many times does air get within 50m? get C-4 for your HA and your min distance is effectively a "c-4 engagement distance". 99% of the engagements i see with vehicles extend beyond 50m.

    so with 1000 certs into flares/smoke, it is possible that a team can make an attempt to counter strikers via alternating smoke (which also eliminates visibility and makes engaging difficult), with multi-person communication in vehicles that cost a about 750 resources?? meanwhile all the TR have to do is grab a stiker and look at the armor? Im sorry, but your description of the strikers drawback is actually a description of its greatest asset: the requirement to dump a TON of certs into a vehicle JUST for the CHANCE to survive an engagement with the TR. If your alone, then you get one of 2 things: as air, you have enough time to pop flares and leave immediately, with no time to actually make an attack, and as armor you dont have enough time to do anything but expose your rear end to a salvo of strikers after your smoke blows away. the ONLY means of survival is alternating smoke, which is a ridiculous requirement to counter a brainless weapon like the striker.

    Im sorry but this is simply wrong. As a striker user, you can consistently move around while acquiring lock, and firing. your NOT an immobile object. your just as difficult to hit as a lancer user or any other infantry. The nix users have the ability to fire from cover some of the time, but in truth, when ACTUALLY used (not just in theory), nix users are constantly exposed. Thanks to extremely limited range, and poor maneuverability, it is difficult to fire into the air, and come back down on the top of armor, or make small turns around corners. Yes it can be done, but most of the time, you either need elevation, or a somewhat decent LOS with limited cover, meaning that a sniper could hit you from many different directions. Almost noone fires the nix from inside a building. Firing out of spawn rooms excluded of course. that actually happens a good bit once camping is achieved.

    Poppy ****. This used to be an issue way back in the day of early release, but the devs addressed this issue and its fairly easy to maintain a single target, even in a group. Not to mention that the lock-on time for the striker is so low, that its hard to imagine to many situations in which this is an actual issue. if it is, you probably better just grab a burster lol.

    Striker missiles will pretty much ALWAYS hit their target unless a hard counter is used. I have gotten a lock, and hugged an ESF INSIDE of a canyon, BEHIND a mountain and still got killed. Whether the missiles go through the terrain, or around it is regardless. Terrain is not a plausible means of finding cover. I have not been able to utilize terrain as cover, no matter how quick I get to using it, since they fixed the missile pathing and im a very good pilot, both in terms of control, as well as awareness.

    Buy a new mouse, just to have the ability to do what the striker does all by it self, only you still have limited range and have to make all of the movements yourself...........yes..........balance.

    Buff the striker, and rid it of the horrible lock-on feature. problem solved?

    Keep in mind. the biggest problem witht he striker is its lock-on capability. ITs not the damage, or anything else. its the fact that every kid, as well as every player, in the TR get this weapon, and spam it, because this weapon doesnt allow you to do anything other than absolute spamming.
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    Can you please expand on that. I keep seeing this image and I have no idea what it is.
  20. Canaris