streaming live

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bobaflay, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. Bobaflay

  2. MrMurdok

    Are you really streaming now, or is it just a test to see if the thread would actually open?
    • Up x 1
  3. Bobaflay

    i am streaming
  4. MrMurdok

    Are you sure? I find it hard to trust you after you last stream thread.
  5. Bobaflay

    Stream just got over. You missed it. It was a fun stream
  6. Solo59486

    What happened to your last thread? Didn't you create the last thread to post when your streaming or something? You need to quit spamming this forum whenever your streaming, you don't see anyone else doing that when they stream... (Unless its something major)
  7. Bobaflay

    That was just to so where i stream. this shows whe ni am steaming