Strafing, Jumping, Jetpacking...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NBA JAM, Jan 2, 2013.

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  1. NBA JAM

    ...And shooting. I feel like I'm playing Counterstrike with a huge nerf to crouching. What's the point? In this game for w/e reason crouching seems to make the hit box on your head become twice as big when you're supposed to become a smaller target. You also get no accuracy bonus over iron sighting while standing/strafing. So again, why crouch when you can just move side to side?

    This was a huge issue in PS1 as players would just dance all day side to side to avoid being shot at due to hit detection... Its the same ******* thing now in PS2.

    Many of you will argue "well being on the move makes sense because your target is stationary and you're moving around, thus being harder to hit". That's ******* ********. In what GOOD fps, in what world, is strafing, bunny hopping, and jetpacking in the air make you better than the guy who's bunkered down in a corner expecting you? There is 0 reason to crouch in this game which ruins infantry combat further.

    There are no front lines in the current meta for a reason. Everyone can just move forward while full going full auto and win (except NC). That just takes the fun out of the game. Half the fun of FPS games in when you have to poke around a corner, get a few shots off while being bombarded in a **** show. The whole time you are CROUCHED. Not surging forward like Rambo, Terminator, or any Bruce Willis action movie.

    Bunny hopping MUST go. Bring stamina back for jumping. Retaining ANY accuracy while flying in the air as a LA MUST go. The hit detection is buggy as hell trying to hit them in the air (yes, even while crouched) and your accuracy isnt that bad shooting down at the other guy's head. STRAFING BEING MORE ACCURATE OR JUST AS ACCURATE AS CROUCHING MUST GO. Too bad, deal with it. Its a dumb mechanic and in every other decent FPS game, the crouched guy in a better position wins over you running in the open. Right now, they're on equal terms which should never be the case. There are no such things as "firing lanes" in this game and they need to be there.

    Don't even get me started on snipers. Perfect accuracy while shooting 800m away while standing? Are you insane?

    TLDR: Crouching has no use seeing as how they buffed iron sight accuracy last patch. Even then it still didn't have much use. GG
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  2. Zer0range

    So, your suggestion is to buff crouching. I disagree.
  3. NBA JAM

    So you think you should be more accurate on the move or while standing? You're a complete moron and the reason why this game is going to die out this month. Congratulations.

    Yes, crouching needs to beat strafing. Why? Because right now there is no situation that exists where you're crouched down, anticipating the enemies movements and are waiting for them. They just turn the corner, iron sight, kill you. Meanwhile you attempt to shoot them while crouched and half your shots don't register.

    You clearly did not play PS1 where this was a nightmare. So we should reward teams that run around in zergs even more and charge blindly. ******* genius, kid.
  4. Xind

    Vanu don't want crouching buffed because they don't see any difference in accuracy. (Or rather the difference is less so than the other factions)

    I would agree. I'm tired of hoppers (that aren't Light Assault) and I'd like to see a greater advantage given to crouching in preparation for a charge.

    Although, strafing makes a great deal of sense to me. I mean if you saw pee coming you'd move, right?
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  5. FateJH

    Rather, I think LA should be the only class that for which acrobatics and shooting fine while not on the ground (since they're the only class that can jetpack) should be an effective tactic. If they ever load out Infiltrators into ninja, I wouldn't mind they also be extended that benefit.

    You should be able to gun while run, but not gun while jumping while maintaining accuracy control, whether by hipfire or aiming down the sights. That's the theory why crouching is supposed to make it easier to draw a bead, anyway.

    Edit: I'm not certain what to do beyond that point. LA, which would suddenly be more versatile killers compared to others, would complain if we debuff their weapons or their health to compensate to their sudden perceived increase in mobility.
  6. Jestunhi

  7. NBA JAM

    Thank you, I retain hope for this community yet.

    The thing with strafing is, ya, you're supposed to move. What you're NOT supposed to do is retain perfect accuracy. Strafing is a last ditch effort to get out of the way of the enemy bullets and get to cover while shooting a bit. I'ts not supposed to be the "be all, end all" of planetside. With no difference in iron sight accuracy between strafing and crouching, strafing is the meta.

    Again, if there's no point to crouching and holding down a position, you don't get front lines. Just a bunch of people running around spraying. But I guess this game is CoD. So much for Higby's dream about making this an E-Sport. LOL!
  8. Protential

    I agree with the majority of your post... I want crouching to increase my accuracy. I will however point out that crouching was situational in counter-strike. The Pro's do not instantly crouch, or go around crouching....Walking was more important, and circle strafing while stopping momentarly to take accurate shots each time your crossair shrinks back down was the BEST way to fight.

    With that being said, we can not walk in this game, and full auto is the best strategy here from 0m to 200m...You should have to strafe/stop shoot/ strafe/stop crouch etc. etc. to really be effective.

    Funny this is the thread people should be saying **** CoD newbs in. And not to the Original poster.

    It amazes me how all Ps2 players seem to tilt towards and easy mode game play, yet they scream and cry CoD newb 90% of the time. In CoD you can run around hipfiring with little to no disadvantage shooting at a full sprint...

    This is an issue there, and its an issue here. Crouching in this game is pointless, except to camp behind something. There is no walk option, infiltrators cloaks are visable, AND MAKE NOISE SO YOU KNOW TO LOOK FOR THEM...Seriously I could go on and on about e-z mode in this game, and the players will tell me **** and play CoD...
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  9. ViXeN

    Strafing, Crouching and Bunnyhopping all have their own place in this game. You just have to understand which situations are best for each. Crouching in certain spots can make you harder to see and reduce the size of the target for your opponent. And if the person is somewhat new or they are one of those "headshot freaks" it can throw their aim off for just a split second as they adjust, giving you time to kill them.
  10. NBA JAM

    Thank you again. Another play that gets it.

    Yes, I agree with being able to STOP and crouch/strafe shoot. However right now there's not enough punishment on maintaining movement while shooting. Therefore strafing is the meta and there's NO REASON to stop. When you're iron sighted you can just maintain your accuracy with a 3 shot burst and kill anyone anywhere. Its cheesy, its cheap, and I hate it every time I use it.

    Yes, the players in this game appear to be god awful. They want the easy mode gaming but cry that the game sucks or things are OP. Meanwhile they can't even comprehend that its the basics/fundamentals of the game that make this game broken.
  11. Glowcat

    As ViXeN said, crouching already has its uses and personally I try to get the crouching aim bonus whenever possible. CQC might not see much crouching but why would it? There even already exists some sizable accuracy and even movement penalties for jumping around so I'm not really sure what you want besides possibly make crouching even better - which it doesn't need at this stage imo.

    You're trying to ruin a very balanced thing.
  12. Protential

    I hope with all the post you made about being a competitive gamer, you do not agree that crouching should be pointless...Or just to reduce target size, 90% of the time your head is the only target, and crouching is not going to help that.

    Fact. When not moving, you should have better aim...I do not agree with the OP that strafing needs to be removed, but it should be harder to strafe and fire then it is to stand still and fire, and crouching should trump both.

    You would still be able to strafe around the newb who crouches in one spot...The best replication of a military fire fight thats not taking place with both individuals behind cover, is both individuals are strafing side to side, or in a small circle, you however have to STOP for a brief second to fire an accurate shot, you can not continue moving around and expect to effectively control recoil.

    Most military/professional shooters have techniques where the gun, or their arm is resting on their leg etc. To keep recoil at a minimum and pretty much make your body a Tri-Pod for increase accuracy under sustained fire.

    The current system is like Halo...This game is just a giant TDM with no skill involved. And your post discredits and hope I had for you being a "skilled professional gamer" or wtf ever you claim.
  13. NBA JAM

    For the most part, you're right. There are places in this game where crouching is good. But the fact of the matter is that there is so little difference between crouching and strafing/standing while iron sighted. Couple that with the hit detection in the game and you get a recipe for disaster.

    Hiding behind some cover helps as now you're a really small target to hit so chances are you'll take out your target. But again, with the lack of cover for infantry in this game its hard to get this going. The meta is still encouraging players to strafe a lot more than bunkering down and holding a position.
  14. Protential

    Crouching, your first shot, or first burst of shots should be extremely accurate. As in your crossair shrinks down to this ( )

    Why? Because thats realistic. If you can't fire a gun from a crouched position and hit a target the size of a penny from 100 yards with little to no practice either, your sights are off, or you are holding your weapon sideways.

    If you can run through an obstical course, and still maintain firing at the same accuracy, you are the terminator.

    Crouching should allow to focus on the head, fulll speed running the first two shots should be able to focus on the head, then you sacrifice that by needing to aim at a larget target to compensate for variation of where the bullets are going and not beign so accurate.
  15. Protential

    hiding behind cover standing up is just as effective as crouching behind anything in this game...

    The ONLY reason to crouch is if the cover is only waist high. Otherwise crouching is pointless.
  16. Jestunhi

    Fortunately, in this game no weapon allows you to hit a penny at 100 yards while running (unless you expend a lot of ammunition and ignore all the misses).
  17. {joer

    Bunnyhopping should go, the rest is fine.
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  18. NBA JAM

    No, you don't know what you're talking about. CQC includes ranges between 10 and 90m (give or take). I'm not talking about point blank combat where everyone is just full auto-ing. That's derp enough as is right now. Lets take a scenario in a biolab. You crouch behind a corner facing a hallway (usually the big long one by the generator to the SCU). You're half behind cover but your head is still perfectly visible. You're crouched and ready for the oncoming enemy. You take a shot but have to adjust so much because he's just strafing around shooting you. YOU DIE because your hits dont register or miss him and he wins because your head is a nice shiney target and somehow he gets good accuracy even though he's being SHOT AT AND IS MOVING.

    Maybe its just me, maybe I'm the mental one, but I think there's a problem here.
  19. NBA JAM

    I'm playing PS2, what game are you playing? Compensator, forward grip, you can hit pennies 200 yards away... While strafing. Some guns are better/worse at this than others.

    Maybe you should try it out sometime.
  20. Protential

    When running, your crossair should bounce around a little bit between footsteps...Thus you can still shoot, and possibly be semi-accurate. But you have to stop, or move a lot slower in order to really be able to open fire on something.
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