[Suggestion] Stopping solo ninja cappers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Windreaper, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Windreaper

    Just took my sundy to defend two separate sectors under attack by...single person ninja capping outfits trying to cut off our main push. You know, the type who just flip the cap and try to run when someone comes defend. This is pretty much abusing the capture mechanic, imo, as people rarely bother to defend the less important sectors as there is zero reward for doing so (plus the resource production is a joke, one major sector is worth ten small ones).

    You should need at least a few people (I would suggest four so you would need more than a single lib) actually standing on the cap point to make the bar move. That would force you to commit at least a sundy and a few people if you want to do some back line harass. Plus it would provide for more entertaining fights. Chasing single infiltrators or LAs isn't particularly entertaining.
  2. Tasogie

    No it isnt, its called working behind the lines. Upsetting people such as yourself, an forcing you to take time out to deal with them, which means your not at the front dealing with things.

    aka "military tactics"
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  3. Vargs

    Call it tactics all you want, but it's boring for everybody involved and this is a video game that's meant to be entertaining. Sitting around alone backcapping an enemy base doing nothing for several minutes is not fun. Dealing with people who are solo backcapping is tedious and unproductive.
  4. Windreaper

    Nope, it's broken because there's an incentive to capture the point (+250-500 XP for no effort) but only potential 100XP for the defender providing you catch the guy. Plus the resulting whack-a-mole mechanic does not promote interesting gameplay (ie, fighting people over sectors).

    EDIT: I think having some kind of extra "this sector is being captured" icon accompanied by better quick deploy options would help. Plus the defence bonus could be larger for the smaller sectors, encouraging people to fight there.

    EDIT2: Or...fuse the smaller sectors to the larger bases and make it actually worthwhile to hold them (for example by further limiting where you can spawn aircraft and heavy tanks).
  5. Tasogie

    Actually you are wrong. I do it alot, an even yesterday I was taking outposts, someone would come along, I would snipe him as he drives up on his ATV, then he would try an hunt me. SO I drop a few mines on the points an leave.
    few min alter I get some kill spam, an smile. Job well done.Then I move along, an go for a random outpost so they never know which one I'll show up at. You should be defending them if you dont want to lose them.

    working as intended
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  6. xen3000

    Main issue here is the poor base designs and lack of adequate remote or automated base defenses. Outside of incentives to actually defend (IMO the current bonus is adequate if not enticing) there needs to be a longer time to take the remote locations. By a longer time, I mean it should take more prep to actually start the capping, not a longer cap time. Locked doors/shields that require hacking or generators destroyed, automated turrets/sensors that require disabling. Just more things on the base to do to lengthen the time it takes to get to the cap point.

    A single soldier, or a small group, should be able to take one of the outposts, but it should take more work then it currently does. Nothing as complicated as the big facilities, but there needs to be more then sit on cap point and camp spawn room. Disable a generator before capping is possible, hack a door to access the cap room, take out some auto turrets before approaching the building, shoot a hole in the wall, etc... There are ways to make it take a bit more time and be more interesting then it currently is.
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  7. Eugenitor

    People are actually complaining about a method of capping bases that doesn't involve infinite zerg?

    If it takes 1 person to cap it, why don't you have 1 person to defend it?

    I think I'm going to jump in my Flash and play ninja infil for a while.
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  8. Windreaper

    Trying to make it really simple for you:

    A) You cannot easily redeploy to the sector unless you are already located nearby.

    B) There is zero incentive to defend the bases, so the CoD kids won't do it.

    C) Forcing someone to commit 4+ people plus a Sunderer is hardly a zerg and a lot better than troll cappers zipping around in Flashes or ESFs.
  9. m44v

    I enjoy a lot sniping these lone capers that think that the base was actually empty. I really don't see the problem.
  10. mareign

    Because the incentives aren't even remotely the same. If the attacker succeeds he gets several hundred xp for the cap and w/e amount for the kills he got taking it. The defender gets 100xp for the kill and nothing more. It's actually worth more to the defender to let it flip and then take it back. Pretty poor mechanics.
  11. Tasogie

    wait, you are saying it takes you 4 players an a Sunderer to kill little old me, a single infil?... I am flattered that I am so powerful in your eyes :D
    but to be honest, this is is a non issue, an I thikn it has more to do with people dont like the idea of missing out on something. So they dont want others to be able to do it because it means they are forcing you to take time out an go take back the outpost.
    it's called war, you are not meant to jsut zerg everything. Solo behind the lines players are a great idea an should be highly encouraged.

    Me personally I love to hack all the guns an terminals inside a base them leave, an just keep doing it. Drives people insane :p
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  12. Kuriby

    LOL... this thread truly shows... people QQ about ANYTHING...

    @OP, ...... hahahahaha
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  13. Windreaper

    Uh, so you cannot complain about broken game mechanics? You win this round trolls, I'll stick to reviving scrubs for megacerts :). Would enjoy some squad vs squad action once in a while, though.
  14. PieBringer

    You not only just made your opinion obvious, but also stated a reason it should stay how it is. "zero incentive" is objective to who it is deciding to defend. Do you want to actually defend your empire's territory, or do you just want upgrades and shiny new guns?

    And less lemmings getting in the way when trying to defend a mostly derelict base is a good thing. Why would I want a bunch of cannon-fodder to distract an enemy that I have the upper hand against? Hell, why would YOU want a bunch of cannon-fodder to run in and probably steal a kill by getting a single lucky shot after you brought the enemy down to 1%? Or, even worse, they run in while you're trying to get the kill, and throw a nade, suicides them and you, and the enemy somehow avoids taking damage from the explosion.
  15. Windreaper

    The problem is that 1v1 is no challenge, would prefer at least a 1v4 to make the drive worth my while.
  16. Scrangos

    There is a limiting factor, you can only cap things connected to your territory. That makes it so only a few territories can be capped at once, the bigger your frontline the more places you have to guard.

    That said, if theres only a few people you can fly over, then grab the vehicle again when your done. Also if theres a deploy territory nearby you can go there then redeploy.
  17. PieBringer

    You seemingly ignored my comment on incentive.
  18. Vargs

    You wanna be the one guy defending these bases? Enjoy your 3 certs an hour I guess. Maybe every now and then you'll get to experience the excitement of killing one dude.
  19. Artuskan

    Wait a second! This is constantly happening and is a problem? Or it rarely happens? Get your stories straight.
  20. CrabCombo

    The problem is that the optimal way to gain certs is by following the zerg or jumping into meatgrinder battles; where hundreds of players are respawning right next to eachother in one big slaughter-fest. The frequency of which you kill and die in these is almost absurd, to where doing anything in small groups yields significantly less rewards. They should change it so you gain ALOT of points for solo/small group capping and defending, to actually encourage people to go places where it is not heavily populated. It's no mystery why like 90% of the action on every server is concentrated at 10% of the world.
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