Stop standing in the doorways.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Efrizial, May 27, 2013.

  1. Efrizial

    When you are in a biolab or any building with doorways, DO NOT STAND IN FRONT OF THE DOORWAYS.
    If you stand in the doorway your allies that are smart enough to take some distance can't shoot the enemy trying to pass through the doorway, and much more people can shoot at a doorway if they are at a distance from it than next to it, which is what you want when you defend a choke-point.
    If you have a shotgun or some close-range weapon then stand to the side of the doorway to shoot people that pass through, or at least crouch so people can shoot above you.
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  2. XOLiD

    It's gotten to the point that if someone runs in front of a doorway when I'm shooting out of it with my extended mag chaingun I don't even bother to stop shooting at the enemy. If they die it's their fault.I don't know what goes through the minds of people that run in front of people shooting, other than friendly bullets.
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  3. Kumaro

    indeed amd it gets quite frustrating when i have worked hard to lure that tank to show it's back to me and then i die in a firey explosion because my ally decide to walk in front of me. <.<