Stop Making New Continents

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shadownium, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. Shadownium

    The game devs should stop making new continents. We don't need more. They just need to make the existing continents better. For example, back in the days all AMP stations were the same and pretty boring. Tanks get in and camp the spawn easily. The changes they made to the AMP station was very good imo since you have multiple spawn rooms that you can control by capping the control points. Also, the current Biolab structure is completely ********. It is basically a cert generator for the defending side, since all Biolab's domes are only accessible via teleporter rooms or the aircraft landing pad, both of which can be easily defended. And the interior space of the dome is being wasted. The same thing can be said for tech plants. Why is it that a huge building only has two internal floors? They should add more features and objectives, with the forcefield bridge control being an excellent example. When you have a relatively simple facility design and only the control points as objectives, mindless zerging becomes a nightmare. The new continent, Koltyr, is useless for us. The game doesn't become better, we will simply have more facilities to capture. Plus, will new players join simply because there is one more continent to fight on? No. Then there will simply be fewer players on each continent. And one of the features that Planetside 2 boasts is the massive amount of players fighting each other. If there are fewer players in each battle, then Planetside 2 becomes closer to the Battlefield series, and new players won't join. To shorten my point down, they should increase quality instead of increasing quantity.
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  2. FateJH

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  3. Fry_Poncho

    I think that Koltyr is an amazing enhancement to the game. I wish i had that when I started. I was clueless, absolutely. I thought that the more expensive the gun is, the better. I was stupid.
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  4. TheRunDown

    This game needs at leased 6 to 9 Conts (Not including Koltyr)
    3 Home worlds, 1 for each empire, and 1 Permanent Warpgate on each continent.
    3 to 6 other full size continents with 3 other in and out connecting warpgates.
    3 Battle Continents splitting the home worlds from the other links, so we aren't defending the home world 24/7.
    And a Sanctuary Planet for each empire with working Warpgrates that allow vehicles to redeploy, so we can organise Empire Raids. Like back in the old days!
  5. f0d

    lul wot?
    we need more continents if anything

    especially cyssor
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  6. BuzzStar

    NO!! We have continent locking for a reason. It wouldn't matter if you had 5 or 10 continents, locking continents moves server pop to at most 2-3 continets keeping the good fights going. Your argument is more or less about base designs which has been something the devs have been working on. I for one would love to see a change of scenery beside America, hossin, Indar, Ect. I agree base designs should keep coming but the day they say no more continets is when I say good bye.
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  7. Vaphell

    I disagree with OP. We need more continents because having 4 self-contained maps means that most of the time fights happen in the same spots every day, more or less halfway between gates, in bases prone to cause pileups. When continents become a sub-maps in a huge mega-map, then all the hexes, including those near the warpgates start seeing more action.

    Imo the devs are too detail oriented. It takes them months to micromanage everything by hand in 50 bases.
    They should churn continents instead. It's the only realistic option for having a steady influx of map content before the heat death of the universe, given the really thin devteam nowadays.
    Create an interesting terrain template, flatten the **** out of let's say 25 spots with more spacing between them for tankzorz (50 tiny bases is way too much), drop the prefab walls and a dozen buildings (no more smurf villages consisting of 4 buildings tops), drop bunch of trees and rock doodads for flavor, neeext!. And it's not like they cannot correct and improve stuff later.
    Unique bases are good, but there is a huge opportunity cost of putting much effort to make every single base unique.

    And for the love of god, stop building bases in holes in the ground that can be camped from high ground, surrounded by lockon breakers everywhere. And while you are at it, look into backporting map size from h1z1.
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  8. Liewec123

    more continents means more player spread, meaning less/smaller fights.
    not good, its already difficult to find a decent fight at any time outside of the 7pm-12pm bracket.
    imagine spreading the playerbase out further?

    the only addition i'd like would be perhaps an urban map, maybe with several cities rather than small outposts.
  9. Foxirus

    Naturally the number of locked continents would be increased.
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  10. andy_m

    Other than Koltyr, which is a great idea and much needed, I didn't realise more continents were being worked on.

    Personally, I am happy with the ones we have. I guess that if we get more continents, it will just mean more locked continents because the player pop will hardly reach the levels required to bring the others into play.

    Unless we have more server merges of course :)

    Yeah, just saw this before I posted, and I agree...
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  11. FateJH

    Well, continent locking is still going to be a thing, so there's that.

    Additionally, the intent for more continents means the construction of a super lattice between the continents thus that pushes towards an enemy Warpgate aren't pointless without some percentage of the continent owned before it locks. At the gate, the two sides have to push through a fixed connection. Both sides push each other's bases on either side of the gate system and the fighting may continue on the next continent. On top of that, a locked continent doesn't mean it becomes useless (Terminals no longer work, spawns down, etc.). The resources of that continent are necessary to begin the push onto the next continent - moving equipment and personnel through the Warpgate - because the given side pushing doesn't have any local facilities to speak of on that other continent anymore.
    Ancient screenshot is ancient. Say, for example, the TR on Searhus just captured the last base before the Cyssor Warpgate from the NC. The NC now have to push through that Warpgate from Cyssor to capture that "last base" on Searhus while the TR push through the Waprgate to try and capture the "first base" owned by the NC on Searhus.

    This would necessitate a complete reconstruction of how Alerts work and how Alert rewards (that aren't the experience modifier) are doled out. Personally, I had thought the Mission System was going to be a dynamic replacement for Alerts; but, I am not so certain about that anymore.
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  12. Pikachu

    I dont think there will be any more continents. At best battlws islands will come next year along with the next server merge. The pc version outside europe will be dead by tyen.
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  13. Liewec123

    i figured that, but wouldn't that mean more alerts across different maps? still spreading the population thin.
    unless one alert would lock 2 maps, which i can't see ever happening.

    perhaps back to back alerts would work.

    you had some good points, but the biggest thing i noticed was that from your screenshot only 32 allies were on that continent, so around 90 players total? perhaps it could be a limitation of PS1, but if not then that is what i'm on about, 90 players on a massive map is really really low.
  14. FateJH

    Check the image again. "Internal beta." "2002." Planetside Classic wasn't even released until May 2003.

    I even pointed it out in my comment.
    Don't draw complaints based on pointless things.
  15. DrPapaPenguin

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  16. FateJH

    I have to correct one of my own posts.
    The underlined part is the correction and bold text emphasizes why the point needs to be clarified.

  17. Pootisman

    Do you really think they will make new continents?
    • It took them 2 years to release Hossin in a beta state and its still not finished.
    • Even some bases on Esamir and Indar look like cheap placeholder bases.
    • Xander, the level designer got fired and they havent hired a replacement for him AFAIK. BTW, who is working on Koltyr? Does PS2 still have dedicated level designers?
    To be honest, the whole game looks like its a beta. We still have no meta, no resouce system, no mission system and the faction diversity is very small.
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  18. Pikachu

    No idea but someone is working on it since there was an update released today for Koltyr. Filled usual game breaking bugs that causes the game to crash when spending more than 3 seconds in VR and at other random times.
  19. BuzzStar

    So if you have such a grim outlook on the game, why do you even play. Plus your saying it like it was an absolute fact, I'm sorry but nobody here knows for certain what will happen, only speculate. If ps2 picks up a lot of players on Xbox, ps4 then I imagine they will add more content for a growing game.
  20. KnightCole

    LOL, they really should just let us play on all the conts whenever we want. remove cont locking, we have 4 conts now yet we can play on fewer then what we had when we only had 2 or 3 .....its sad and ******** really.

    SO instead of 20 little fights, its just like 3 big zergs on 2 different conts. I accidently logged into Briggs and they had 1 cont open.......I was like lolwtf!?

    Cont locking really needs to die in a fire.