Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Acceleratio, May 21, 2013.

  1. Acceleratio

    I dont like to complain... so far I have enjoyed your game alot guys and im happily spending my money so you can continue adding awesome stuff and pay your very own bills. But this LAG wich is happening for more than 5 days allready is outright KILLING the game - at least for me.
    I see quite a few threads about this issue, none of them has an official answer, yet you have time to comment on fanmade videos and the like?
    - Where is a statement in the news that you at least know about this
    - Where is the hotfix adressing this problem?

    PLEASE give us an official answer! Tell us you care: And find a fix for this. Dont do a DICE on us...
  2. Hosp

    There's no 1 thing causing it and there are numerous things they are no doubt optimizing as they go along. With a post GU09 update being a quality patch, I would just get to submitting bug reports about what you notice where and under what conditions to see if it gives them clues about where to focus their efforts.
  3. Acceleratio

    Still an official answer that they are aware and care wouldnt hurt! Its the lack of communication that makes me mad. I can live with the lag if i know its getting worked on.