[Suggestion] Stop Forcing us to play on least liked continent!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by plat0nic, Mar 10, 2019.

  1. strikearrow

    As an example I suppose "MLG" is ok, but nobody plays PS2 at MLG level - it's simply not possible because of clientside hit detection/latency issues. PS2 is a casual game.
  2. TR5L4Y3R

    it´s a matter of what they dislike about hossin because no one realy says what they dislike about it ..
    if it´s because there isn´t much space for vehiclecombat than i guess there isn´t much one can change about that as hossin is supposed to be a jungletype enviroment ..

    personaly i hate amerish because its lane kindabuild is a PITA to traverse for me with vehicles but hossin far less
    hossin also is as far as i see it a smaller continent ... or is that just me?
  3. strikearrow

    I dislike Hossin, but it lags much worse than the others and it's very anti-vehicle.
  4. TR5L4Y3R

    it being antivehicle/limiting it is kinda the point though ..
  5. DeadlyOmen

    Hossin is the best continent.

    Dust 24/7 was never cool.
  6. strikearrow

    And another weekend of Hossin (w/o another cont.) on both Emerald and Connery.... another weekend I'll not be playing Ps2.