Still no fix for Rendering distance issues?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Rhapsody, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Rhapsody

    At least for us trying to play PS2 in multi-monitor setups.

    The game itself looks great, plays great, has no slow-down, or graphical glitches and the like when run in Nvidia Surround.

    But one thing still happens. When put into a wide-screen format (such as my current 5250x150, The rendering distance of objects, and object detail goes to crap. Utter crap.

    Vehicles beyond around 100m dont have turrets/secondary-weapons, turrets between 30-100m de-rez 90% of the way and your left looking at jagged blocks. Infantry de-rez at 1/2 the distance they should be visible at, same with vehicles (which means i get killed by people i 'literally' can NOT see). Buildings, and building components (such as railings, stairs and boxes scattered around in bases, Will de-rez.

    Pretty much anything related to the Rendering Distance 'bubble' around a character is quite literally cut in 1/2 whenever we try to play PS2 in Wide-screen.

    Is this something that is EVER going to be fixed?

    Or do i just need to throw in the towel and go back to playing on a single monitor and squinting to get a decent 'view' of the game?
  2. Rhapsody


    Late noticed, but suppose to be 5250x1050 Resolution i run the game at.
  3. PotatoZepplin

    I also am having this issue, most of it is ok with me except for the getting killed by stuff i cant see or hitting invisible railings. I know that scoping in helps to see farther (FOV change?) but I have not found any fixes, hoping to bump.